Annexes to COM(2007)420 - Annual Report on the Operation of the Third Phase of the Tempus Programme in 2006

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

agreements for the period July 2006 - June 2007 were concluded with Jordan, Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The NTO of Tajikistan was temporarily closed down.


Five selection procedures were concluded during 2006. This comprises the selection rounds for Joint European Projects (deadline of 15 December 2005), Structural and Complementary Measures (deadlines of 15 October 2005 and 15 February 2006) and Individual Mobility Grants (deadlines of 15 February and 15 October 2006). The number of applications per selection round has remained consistently high, which means that the programme continues to attract the interest of the academic community. In particular, the number of applications for Structural and Complementary Measures is increasing and their content is more strongly focusing on horizontal issues which are of importance for the reform and modernisation of higher education in the partner countries. The detailed results of the selection procedures concluded in 2006 are available on the programme's website.

- Joint European Projects (JEPs) selected in 2006: 103 for a total amount of € 43.1 million. JEPs involve higher education institutions in the EU Member States and the 26 partner countries.

- Structural and Complementary Measures (SCMs) selected in 2006: 95 for a total amount of € 11.7 million. SCMs target higher education systems and focus on strategic issues.

- Individual Mobility Grants (IMGs) selected in 2006: 156 for a total amount of € 0.66 million. IMGs provide academic and administrative staff from higher education institutions with the opportunity to benefit from limited mobility periods abroad.

The selected Joint European Projects fall in the areas of curriculum development (70%), university management (15%) and institution-building (15%). Curriculum development projects cover a wide range of areas such as applied sciences, technology, business administration and social sciences. Institution building and university management projects support reforms related to quality assurance, teaching quality or the financial management of universities in the partner countries. In a majority of countries, the selected Structural and Complementary Measures are clearly linked to the action lines of the Bologna process. The selected projects under this programme component typically concern issues such as the design of quality assurance systems or the introduction of credit transfer mechanisms. Projects also focus on the modernisation of university operations and services, including the updating of training programmes, the use of information and communication technologies and the strengthening of international relations. The selected Individual Mobility Grants concern mainly retraining and study periods (79%) followed by preparatory activities for Joint European Projects (13%) and participation in specific conferences and seminars (8%). Globally speaking, it can be observed that the submitted projects are increasingly in line with the national priorities established by the partner countries. Almost all selected projects adhere to national priorities.

At a general level, during 2006, commitments and payments under Tempus proceeded in line with the established planning. Certain grant agreements could not be dispatched according to the foreseen timetable due to the late adoption of financing decisions or due to delays in the signature of financing agreements by partner countries.

Other financial commitments in 2006 included:

- Grants to National Tempus Offices: 5 amounting to € 0.31 million.

- Grant to the European Training Foundation's Tempus Department that provides technical assistance to DG EAC: € 0.87 million.

- Conferences and seminars: € 0.63 million.

Work on the elimination of the Tempus litigation files has progressed consistently throughout 2006. So far, 164 litigation files could be closed from EAC's point of view (corresponding to 69% of all cases). The closed files include 81 cases, where the litigious amounts were written off in compliance with the Financial Regulation, 61 cases where the beneficiary reimbursed the requested amounts directly to the Commission and for 22 cases, debit notes were sent to the beneficiaries. A total amount of € 1.1 million was recovered in 2006 either through direct reimbursement or through the offsetting procedure.


The implementation of the Tempus programme in 2006 was guided by a number of strategic objectives which have all been satisfactorily achieved. The continuous dialogue with national authorities and their close involvement in the definition of priorities and the selection of projects ensures that funded activities are relevant to the country’s needs and in line with national reform objectives. This ensures ownership by national governments and increases the impact of the programme’s interventions. National Tempus Offices in the partner countries have been further reinforced and play an important role in liaising with national authorities and other stakeholders. Feedback from national authorities and the results of the field monitoring have confirmed that Tempus continues to be a highly relevant programme for assisting partner countries in reforming and modernising their higher education systems.



Tempus 2006 - Amounts committed per region in € |

CARDS | Tacis | MEDA |

JEP | 13.043.103 | 16.959.989 | 3.164.222 |

IMG | 71.300 | 114.760 | 114.940 |

SCM | 2.848.398 | 5.919.744 | 1.140.609 |

NTO | 0 | 262.093 | 49.898 |

ETF | 255.000 | 328.000 | 287.000 |

Other | 190.500 | 273.977 | 171.611 |

Total | 16.408.301 | 23.858.563 | 4.928.280 |

Tempus 2006 – Projects selected per region/Amounts awarded in € |

CARDS | Amount awarded to selected projects |

JEP (deadline of 15 December 2005) | 32 | 13.043.103 |

SCM (deadline of 15 October 2005) | 5 | 650.001 |

SCM (deadline of 15 February 2006) | 18 | 2.198.397 |

IMG (deadline of 15 February 2006) | 16 | 71.300 |

IMG (deadline of 15 October 2006) | 22 | 106.320 |

Total | 93 | 16.069.121 |

Tempus 2006 – Projects selected per region/Amounts awarded in € |

Tacis | Amount awarded to selected projects |

JEP (deadline of 15 December 2005) | 42 | 17.256.709 |

SCM (deadline of 15 October 2005) | 24 | 3.112.606 |

SCM (deadline of 15 February 2006) | 34 | 3.927.775 |

IMG (deadline of 15 February 2006) | 35 | 128.250 |

IMG (deadline of 15 October 2006) | 32 | 138.810 |

Total | 167 | 24.564.150 |

Tempus 2006 – Projects selected per region/Amounts awarded in € |

MEDA | Amount awarded to selected projects |

JEP (deadline of 15 December 2005) | 29 | 12.831.132 |

SCM (deadline of 15 October 2005) | 8 | 990.609 |

SCM (deadline of 15 February 2006) | 6 | 829.906 |

IMG (deadline of 15 February 2006) | 30 | 114.940 |

IMG (deadline of 15 October 2006) | 21 | 99.640 |

Total | 94 | 14.866.227 |

- JEP: Joint European Project; SCM: Structural and Complementary Measure; IMG: Individual Mobility Grant; NTO: National Tempus Office; ETF: European Training Foundation.