Annexes to COM(2007)575 - An Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU

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dossier COM(2007)575 - An Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU.
document COM(2007)575 EN
date October 10, 2007
Agreement of UNCLOS[17] on marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction and work towards successful conclusion of international negotiations on Marine Protected Areas on the high seas.

- The Commission will:

- promote cooperation under the Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policies, and the Northern Dimension to cover maritime policy issues and management of shared seas;

- propose a strategy for the external projection of the Union's Maritime Policy through a structured dialogue with major partners.

4.5. Raising the Visibility of Maritime Europe

S takeholders have clearly expressed the view that the process of developing an EU Maritime Policy has been useful in raising public awareness of the value of the maritime economy and heritage, and is creating a sense of common purpose and identity between stakeholders.

An Integrated Maritime Policy should seek to raise the visibility of Maritime Europe, and improve the image of maritime activities and the seafaring professions.

It should also promote Europe's maritime heritage, supporting maritime communities, including port-cities and traditional fisheries communities, their artefacts and traditional skills, and promoting links between them that enhance their knowledge and visibility.

- The Commission will:

- launch a European Atlas of the Seas as an educational tool and as a means of highlighting our common maritime heritage;

- propose the celebration of an annual European Maritime Day as from 2008, raising the visibility of maritime affairs and promoting links between maritime heritage organisations, museums and aquaria.


The European Council of June 2007 has welcomed the wide debate that has taken place in Europe on the future Maritime Policy. Heads of State and Governments invited the Commission to come forward with a European Action Plan to be presented in October. Taking into account the principle of subsidiarity, this Action Plan aims at exploring the full potential of sea-based economic activity in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Through this Communication and the attached Action Plan the Commission responds to this request by the European Council, taking account of the opinions expressed by the other European Institutions, Member States' governments, Parliaments and a large number of stakeholders[18].

The Commission invites the European Council, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, as well the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, national and regional authorities and other stakeholders to respond proactively to this policy.

[1] See Report on the Consultation process - COM(2007) 574. See also: Green Paper on A Future Maritime Policy for the Union: a European Vision of the Oceans and Seas - COM(2006) 275.

[2] Recommendation 2002/413/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2002 concerning the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe.

[3] See Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Framework for Community Action in the field of Marine Environmental Policy (Marine Strategy Directive) - COM(2005) 505.

[4] Building i nter alia on the GMES initiative.

[5] Such as the Waterborne Platform and LeaderShip 2015.

[6] According to OGP 40% of the oil and 60% of the gas currently consumed in Europe are drilled offshore.

[7] See Commission Staff Working Document entitled "Energy policy and maritime policy: ensuring a better fit".

[8] Communication from the Commission to the European Council and the European Parliament: an Energy Policy for Europe - COM(2007) 1.

[9] See Staff Working Document annexed to this Communication.

[10] Communication on Reassessing the regulatory social framework for more and better seafaring jobs in the EU - COM (2007) 591.

[11] COM(2005) 504 and COM(2005) 505.

[12] Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.

[13] Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: A policy to reduce unwanted by-catches and eliminate discards in European fisheries - COM(2007) 136.

[14] Communication and proposal for Regulation due 17 October.

[15] Communication and proposal for Regulation due 17 October.

[16] See Section 3.2.3.

[17] United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

[18] See for details Conclusions from the Consultation on a European Maritime Policy - COM(2007) 574, 10.10.2007.