Annexes to COM(2008)804 - "Towards an accessible information society"

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dossier COM(2008)804 - "Towards an accessible information society".
document COM(2008)804 EN
date December  1, 2008
agreement on the guidelines, expected in the near future, Mandate 376 will be able to complete its harmonisation work at European level. In the meantime, Member States should undertake actions to ensure the Riga target for accessible public websites is achieved and prepare for the rapid incorporation of new web-accessibility specifications into national rules in a common and coherent way by:

- Publishing during 2009-2010 updated technical guidance and, where appropriate, translating relevant W3C specifications;

- Identifying during 2009 the public websites and intranets[23] concerned and achieving their accessibility by 2010.

The Commission will continue its work to improve the accessibility of its own websites, updating its internal guidance to reflect the new specifications.

Non-public service providers, in particular owners of websites providing services of general interest[24], and providers of commercial websites that are essential for participation in the economy and society are also encouraged to improve web accessibility (2008 onwards).

Member States should achieve 100% accessibility of public websites by 2010 and prepare for rapid transition to updated web accessibility specifications in a common and coherent way.

Websites owners providing services of general interest and other relevant website owners should improve the accessibility of their websites.

The European Standardisation Organisations, in cooperation with stakeholders, should rapidly develop EU standards for web accessibility building on WCAG 2.0.

The Commission is improving the accessibility of Commission websites, updating internal guidance to reflect the new specifications.

The Commission will monitor and support these developments, encouraging Member States to take rapid action on the key aspects of implementation and facilitating the collection and exchange of practical experience, primarily through the ePractice platform[25]. Depending on progress and when the standards are in place, the Commission will consider the need for common EU guidance, including legislative action[26].

The Commission will monitor and publish progress and consider the need for common EU guidance, including legislative action (2009 onwards).

7. Improve the understanding of and promote web accessibility

There is a strong need for increased visibility, understanding and awareness of the needs and solutions for web accessibility. Member States should take a leading role in achieving this by:

- Widely promoting accessibility of websites by providing clear information and guidance on website accessibility, including assistive technologies[27], and encouraging the use of accessibility statements[28];

- Supporting training schemes, knowledge sharing and good practice exchange;

- Purchasing accessible tools and websites in their public procurement;

- Assigning a national contact point for web accessibility, e.g. via a website, in 2009;

- monitoring and reporting progress on compliance, user satisfaction and implementation costs for web accessibility on both public and other websites to the proposed high-level group and general public.

Member States should lead in improving the awareness and understanding of web accessibility in a coherent, efficient and effective manner and report progress to the high-level group.


Common and coherent action is required on many fronts to achieve e-accessibility. In particular, immediate and rapid progress on web accessibility is essential. All stakeholders have decisive roles to play to achieve the common goal of a truly inclusive information society.

The Commission invites the Council, the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions, and the Economic and Social Committee to express their views on the actions to be taken to make the information society accessible to all.

Annex – Summary of actions


Actions | Date | Responsible |

Establish an ad hoc high-level group to provide guidance on priorities and a more coherent approach to e-accessibility. Stakeholders are called upon to commit to this cooperation. | Early 2009 | EC, stakeholders |

Ensure e-accessibility remains a policy priority in the follow-up to i2010 and disability action plan. | 2009- | EC |

Monitor web-accessibility and e-accessibility progress and implementation, support cooperation and exchange of good practices via studies and a CIP thematic network. | 2009- | EC, industry and stakeholders |

Ensure e-accessibility is a strong research and innovation priority. | 2009 - | EC |

Stimulate e-accessibility innovation and deployment via the Structural Funds, FP7, the AAL programme and national programmes. | 2009 - | MS, other stakeholders |

Provide a disability toolkit applicable to ICTs for use in Structural Funds and other programmes. | 2009 | EC |

Under Mandate 376, rapidly develop EU standards for e-accessibility, in cooperation with relevant stakeholders. | 2009- | ESOs |

Ensure appropriate e-accessibility provisions are integrated in revisions of EU legislation. | 2008- | EC |

Make full use of opportunities in current legislation to strengthen e-accessibility. | 2008- | MS, EC industry and stakeholders |


Achieve 100% accessibility of public websites and prepare for rapid transition to updated web accessibility specifications in a common and coherent way. | 2009-2010 | MS |

Rapidly develop EU standards for web accessibility building on WCAG 2.0. | 2009- | ESOs (and stakeholders) |

Improve the accessibility of Commission websites, updating internal guidance to reflect the new specifications. | 2009- | EC |

Websites owners providing services of general interest and other relevant website owners to improve the accessibility of their websites. | 2009- | Other stakeholders |

Monitor and publish progress and consider the need for common EU guidance, including legislative action. | 2009- | EC |

Lead in improving the awareness and understanding of web accessibility in a coherent, efficient and effective manner and report progress to the high-level group. | 2008- | MS |

[1] COM(2008)412.

[2] The Demographic Change — Impacts of New Technologies and Information Society.

[3] See details in accompanying Staff Working Paper.

[4] i2010 Communication COM(2005) 229, Communication on e-accessibility COM(2005) 425, and Communication on e-Inclusion COM(2007) 694.

[5] COM(2008) 426.

[6] For details, see the MeAC study (Measuring progress of e-accessibility in Europe).

[7] See report on the public consultation.


[9] MeAC and study on accessibility of ICT products and services for disabled and elderly people.

[10] Council Regulation (EC) 1083/2006

[11] The aim of Mandate 376 is to enable the use of public procurement and practice for ICT´s to remove barriers to participation in the Information Society by disabled and older people. The Mandate was given by the European Commission to the ESOs to come up with a solution for common requirements (for example for text sizes, screen contrast, keypad sizes etc) and conformance assessment.

[12] See MeAC and study on accessibility of ICT products and services for disabled and elderly people.

[13] In the public consultation 90% of user organisations considered binding legislation a high priority, versus 33% of industry and public authorities.

[14] Directives 2000/78/EC, 2002/21/EC, 1999/5/EC, 2004/18/EC, 2001/29/CE, 2007/65/EC.

[15] For example, Directive 1999/5/EC on terminal equipment is under review: in this context, the Commission will make sure to maintain the possibility to activate the relevant Article 3(3)(f).

[16] Directive 2007/65/EC.

[17] MeAC study.

[18] See related Staff Working Paper.

[19] COM(2001) 529.

[20] 2002/C 86/02 and 2003/C 39/03.

[21] C5-0074/2002-2002/2032(COS).

[22] Staff Working Paper.

[23] In accordance with the Employment Equality Directive 2000/78/EC.

[24] As referred to in COM(2007) 725.


[26] See Impact Assessment of COM 2007 (694)

[27] Pieces of ICT equipment that support functional capabilities of people with disabilities.

[28] Providing supporting information such as accessibility policy of the website, compliance with relevant specifications, support for persons with disabilities, complaint mechanisms.