Annexes to COM(2010)133 - Social and economic integration of the Roma in Europe

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dossier COM(2010)133 - Social and economic integration of the Roma in Europe.
document COM(2010)133 EN
date April  7, 2010

[6] European Social Fund (ESF) and European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF)

[7] SEC(2008)2172.

[8] SEC(2010)….

[9] OSCE Decision no. 3/30, Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area (MC.DEC/3/03).

[10] In particular: Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers 2006/10 (access to health care); 2005/4 (housing conditions); 2004/14 (movement and encampment of Travellers); 2001/17 (economic and employment situation); 2000/4 (education of Roma/Gypsy children); 1983/1 (stateless nomads and nomads of undetermined nationality); 1975/13 (social situation of nomads);.


[12] The Informal Contact Group (ICG) is co-organised by the Presidency of the Council and the Council of Europe. It comprises representatives of the EU institutions, international organisations and multilateral initiatives (UN organisations, World Bank, OSCE, Decade for Roma inclusion 2005-2015), Member States (represented by the former, current and future Presidency), as well as civil society. The ICG is a forum for mutual information about ongoing activities within the remit of the participating organisations.

[13] The Commission uses the key message ‘Roma in Europe: Support inclusion for everyone’s benefit’ for specific print and audiovisual materials.

[14] Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 notably Article 16

[15] Exploratory Opinion, The Integration of Ethnic Minorities/Roma, SOC(263), EESC 1207/2008, paragraph 5.3.

[16] Communication ‘Solidarity in Health: Reducing Health Inequalities in the EU’, COM(2009)567.

[17] Art. 9 of the General Regulation of the EU Structural Funds.

[18] Council Document 10394/09, annex: in particular Common Basic Principle no. 2.

[19] Council Document 10394/09, annex: in particular Common Basic Principle no. 4.