Annexes to COM(2011)226 - Amendment of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 on budgetary discipline and sound financial management as regards the multiannual financial framework, to address additional financing needs of the ITER project

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

agreement are converted into 2004 prices.



(EUR million - constant 2004 prices)
COMMITMENT APPROPRIATIONS2007200820092010201120122013Total 2007-2013
1.Sustainable Growth
50 86553 26255 87956 43555 69357 70858 696388 538
1aCompetitiveness for Growth and Employment
8 4049 59512 01812 58011 30612 67713 07379 653
1bCohesion for Growth and Employment
42 46143 66743 86143 85544 38745 03145 623308 885
2.Preservation and Management of Natural Resources
51 96254 68551 02353 23852 13651 90151 284366 229
of which: market related expenditure and direct payments43 12042 69742 27941 86441 45341 04740 645293 105
3.Citizenship, freedom, security and justice
1 1991 2581 3751 5031 6451 7971 98810 765
3aFreedom, Security and Justice
6006907859101 0501 2001 3906 625
5995685905935955975984 140
4.EU as a global player
6 1996 4696 7397 0097 3397 6798 02949 463
5.Administration  (1)
6 6336 8186 8166 9997 0447 2747 61049 194
TOTAL COMMITMENT APPROPRIATIONS117 277122 683122 022125 184123 857126 359127 607864 989
as a percentage of GNI1,08 %1,09 %1,06 %1,06 %1,03 %1,03 %1,01 %1,049 %
TOTAL PAYMENT APPROPRIATIONS115 142119 805109 091119 245116 394120 649120 418820 744
as a percentage of GNI1,06 %1,06 %0,95 %1,01 %0,97 %0,98 %0,96 %1,00 %
Margin available0,18 %0,18 %0,29 %0,22 %0,26 %0,25 %0,27 %0,23 %
Own Resources Ceiling as a percentage of GNI1,24 %1,24 %1,24 %1,23 %1,23 %1,23 %1,23 %1,23 %

(1) The expenditure on pensions included under the ceiling for this heading is calculated net of the staff contributions to the relevant scheme, within the limit of EUR 500 million at 2004 prices for the period 2007-2013.