Annexes to COM(2011)835 - Enhanced intra-EU solidarity in the field of asylum An EU agenda for better responsibility-sharing and more mutual trust

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Statistics on asylum

Between 1998 (the earliest date for available EU-level data) and 2010, the total number of asylum applications in the 27 EU Member States changed as follows. In the first half of 2011, the number of asylum applications increased by 14 % compared to the first half of 2010 (note that data from Greece and Luxembourg is not yet fully available).

Source: Eurostat.

Asylum applications in the first half of 2011 compared to the first half of 2010

|| H1 2010 || Full year 2010 || H1 2011* || Change H1 2010-2011* || 2011M01 || 2011M02 || 2011M03 || 2011M04 || 2011M05 || 2011M06

BE || 11 445 || 26 550 || 14 790 || +29 % || 2 335 || 2 365 || 2 825 || 2 525 || 2 420 || 2 320

BG || 500 || 1 030 || 465 || -7 % || 115 || 90 || 70 || 65 || 60 || 65

CZ || 465 || 785 || 370 || -20 % || 65 || 55 || 70 || 60 || 75 || 45

DK || 2 310 || 5 105 || 1 830 || -21 % || 365 || 290 || 325 || 290 || 290 || 270

DE || 18 455 || 48 595 || 22 890 || +24 % || 4 245 || 3 735 || 4 075 || 3 365 || 3 875 || 3 595

EE || 20 || 35 || 35 || +75 % || 5 || 5 || 5 || 5 || 10 || 5

IE || 1 025 || 1 940 || 685 || -33 % || 135 || 125 || 125 || 85 || 100 || 115

EL || 4 705 || 10 275 || 3 800* || +3 %* || 605 || 920 || 1 005 || 455 || 815 || :

ES || 1 210 || 2 745 || 1 950 || +61 % || 240 || 335 || 365 || 430 || 365 || 215

FR || 25 925 || 52 725 || 28 835 || +11 % || 4 400 || 4 640 || 5 295 || 5 125 || 5 010 || 4 365

IT || 5 370 || 10 060 || 10 865 || +102 % || 590 || 1 625 || 1 775 || 1 460 || 3 305 || 2 110

CY || 1 235 || 2 870 || 895 || -28 % || 185 || 145 || 125 || 125 || 165 || 150

LV || 25 || 60 || 110 || +340 % || 5 || 20 || 5 || 15 || 40 || 25

LT || 195 || 505 || 185 || -5 % || 35 || 35 || 35 || 20 || 30 || 30

LU || 295 || 780 || 770* || +208 %* || 115 || 145 || 230 || 145 || 135 || :

HU || 1 405 || 2 095 || 775 || -45 % || 115 || 90 || 135 || 165 || 110 || 160

MT || 60 || 170 || 1 650 || +2 650 % || 10 || 15 || 30 || 1 130 || 365 || 100

NL || 7 280 || 15 110 || 7 105 || -2 % || 1 255 || 1 090 || 1 155 || 1 095 || 1 295 || 1 215

AT || 5 065 || 11 060 || 5 830 || +15 % || 885 || 910 || 970 || 980 || 1 000 || 1 085

PL || 2 920 || 6 535 || 2 865 || -2 % || 365 || 450 || 520 || 430 || 550 || 550

PT || 80 || 160 || 95 || +19 % || 10 || 20 || 15 || 15 || 20 || 15

RO || 475 || 880 || 560 || +18 % || 50 || 85 || 125 || 95 || 95 || 110

SI || 90 || 250 || 205 || +128 % || 35 || 35 || 30 || 15 || 35 || 55

SK || 295 || 540 || 205 || -31 % || 35 || 45 || 30 || 20 || 35 || 40

FI || 2 025 || 3 665 || 1 315 || -35 % || 240 || 210 || 240 || 195 || 210 || 220

SE || 14 110 || 31 940 || 12 620 || -11 % || 1 970 || 1 965 || 2 310 || 2 040 || 2 375 || 1 960

UK || 11 875 || 23 740 || 12 690 || +7 % || 2 140 || 1 995 || 2 230 || 2 020 || 2 070 || 2 235

* Except EL and LU. For these two Member States, the absolute values for the first half of 2011 and the comparison are calculated for first five months. Data extracted on 3 October 2011, source: Eurostat.

Asylum applications (A) and new beneficiaries of protection (B) for the full year 2010

Full year 2010: Applications and new beneficiaries per 1 000 000 population

Full year 2010: Applications and new beneficiaries per 1 000 km2 of surface

Full year 2010: Applications and new beneficiaries per 1 000 units of GDP

Population: as of 1 January 2010. Surface: latest data available (2010 or earlier for some Member States). GDP: Purchasing Power Standard (an artificial unit of currency which eliminates the effect of price level differences across Member States[7]) for the full year 2010. Data extracted on 3 October 2011, source: Eurostat.

Comparison of first half 2011/2010: applications per 1 000 000 population

Comparison of first half 2011/2010: applications per 1 000 km2 of surface

Comparison of first half 2011/2010: applications per 1 000 units of GDP

Population: as of 1 January 2010. Surface: latest data available (2010 or earlier for some Member States). GDP: Purchasing Power Standard for the full year 2010. Data for EL and LU was not available for June 2011 and was extrapolated based on the available 5 months. Data extracted on 3 October 2011, source: Eurostat.

Refugees resettled by Member States from third countries between 2006 and 2010

Source: UNHCR for 2006–2007, Eurostat (extracted 8 December 2009) for 2008 except UK: UNHCR, Eurostat (extracted 1 August 2011) for 2009 and 2010.

[1]               This Communication does not address areas of solidarity linked to policies to curb irregular migration, even though there is a link between other migration management policies and a well-functioning asylum system.

[2]               Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Asylum and Migration Fund, COM(2011) 751.

[3]               Application no. 30696/09, 21.1.2011.

[4]               Directive 2011/51/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2011 amending Council Directive 2003/109/EC [concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents] to extend its scope to beneficiaries of international protection.

[5]           COM(2011) 290.

[6]               COM(2011) 743.

[7]               See