Annexes to COM(2011)844 - Financing instrument for the promotion of democracy and human rights worldwide

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Specific objectives and priorities of the EIDHR

The Union's strategic orientation in delivering on the purpose of the EIDHR is based on five objectives described in this Annex.

1.Objective 1 — Support to human rights and human rights defenders in situations where they are most at risk

Actions under this objective will provide effective support to human rights defenders (HRDs) that are most at risk and to situations where fundamental freedoms are most endangered. The EIDHR will inter alia contribute to meeting HRDs' urgent needs; it will also provide medium and long-term support that will enable HRDs and civil society to carry out their work. The actions will take into account the current worrying trend of the shrinking space for civil society.

2.Objective 2 — Support to other priorities of the Union in the field of human rights

Actions under this objective will focus on providing support to activities where the Union has an added value or specific thematic commitment (e.g. current and future Union guidelines in the field of human rights adopted by the Council or resolutions adopted by the European Parliament), in line with Article 2. Actions will be consistent with the priorities set out in the EU Strategic Framework and Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy.

Actions under this objective will, inter alia, support human dignity (in particular the fight against the death penalty and against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment); economic, social and cultural rights; the fight against impunity; the fight against discrimination in all its forms; women's rights and gender equality. Attention will also be given to emerging issues in the field of human rights.

3.Objective 3 — Support to democracy

Actions under this objective will support peaceful pro-democracy actors in third countries with a view to enhancing participatory and representative democracy, transparency and accountability. Actions will focus on the consolidation of political participation and representation, as well as pro-democracy advocacy.

All aspects of democratisation will be addressed, including the rule of law and the promotion and protection of civil and political rights such as freedom of expression online and offline, freedom of assembly and association. This includes active participation in the evolving methodological debate in the area of democracy support.

Where applicable, actions will take into account the recommendations of EU EOMs.

4.Objective 4 — EU EOMs

Actions under this objective will focus on election observation which contributes to increasing transparency and trust in the electoral process as part of the wider promotion of, and support to, democratic processes as described in objective 3.

Full-scale EU EOMs are widely recognised as flagship projects of the Union's external action and remain the principal form of action under this objective.

They are best placed to provide both an informed assessment of electoral processes and recommendations for their further improvement in the context of Union cooperation and political dialogue with third countries. In particular, the approach encompassing all stages of the electoral cycle, including follow-up activities, will be further developed with complementary actions between bilateral programming and EIDHR projects.

5.Objective 5 — Support to targeted key actors and processes, including international and regional human rights instruments and mechanisms.

The general aim is to strengthen international and regional frameworks for the promotion and protection of human rights, justice, the rule of law and democracy in accordance with Union policy priorities.

Actions under this objective will include activities to support local civil society's contribution to EU human rights dialogues (in line with the relevant EU guidelines) and the development and implementation of international and regional human rights and international criminal justice instruments and mechanisms, including the International Criminal Court. The promotion and monitoring of those mechanisms by civil society will be given special attention.

Declaration by the European Commission on the strategic dialogue with the European Parliament (1)

On the basis of Article 14 TEU, the European Commission will conduct a strategic dialogue with the European Parliament prior to the programming of the Regulation (EU) No 235/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a financing instrument for democracy and human rights worldwide and after initial consultation of its relevant beneficiaries, where appropriate. The European Commission will present to the European Parliament the relevant available documents on programming with indicative allocations foreseen per country/region, and, within a country/region, priorities, possible results and indicative allocations foreseen per priority for geographic programmes, as well as the choice of assistance modalities (2). The European Commission will present to the European Parliament the relevant available documents on programming with thematic priorities, possible results, choice of assistance modalities (2), and financial allocations for such priorities foreseen in thematic programmes. The European Commission will take into account the position expressed by the European Parliament on the matter.

The European Commission will conduct a strategic dialogue with the European Parliament in preparing the mid-term review and before any substantial revision of the programming documents during the period of validity of this Regulation.

The European Commission, if invited by the European Parliament, will explain where the European Parliament's observations have been taken into consideration in the programming documents and any other follow-up given to the strategic dialogue.

(1) The European Commission will be represented at the responsible Commissioner level

(2) Where applicable.

Joint Declaration of the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on Election Observation Missions

The European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission underline the important contribution of European Union Election Observation Missions (EU EOMs) to Union external relations policy supporting democracy in partner countries. EU EOMs contribute to increase transparency and confidence in electoral processes, and provide an informed assessment of elections as well as recommendations for their further improvement, in the context of Union cooperation and political dialogue with partner countries. In this regard, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission agree that up to 25 % of the budget over the period 2014-2020 of the Regulation EU No 235/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 establishing a financial instrument for democracy and human rights worldwide should be devoted to the funding of EU EOMs, depending on annual election priorities.