Annexes to COM(2011)884 - For the period 2014-2020 the programme "Europe for Citizens" - Main contents
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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.
dossier | COM(2011)884 - For the period 2014-2020 the programme "Europe for Citizens". |
document | COM(2011)884 |
date | April 14, 2014 |
Complementary information on access to the Programme
STRAND 1: European remembrance
This strand will support activities that encourage reflection on European cultural diversity and on common values in the broadest sense, taking into account gender equality. Funds may be made available for initiatives to reflect on the causes of totalitarian regimes in Europe's modern history (especially but not exclusively Nazism which led to the Holocaust, Fascism, Stalinism and totalitarian communist regimes) and to commemorate the victims of their crimes. The strand will also encompass activities concerning other defining moments and reference points in recent European history. In particular, it will give preference to actions which encourage tolerance, mutual understanding, intercultural dialogue and reconciliation as a means of moving beyond the past and building the future, in particular with a view to reaching the younger generation.
As an indication, approximately 20 % of the total budget of the Programme will be devoted to this strand.
STRAND 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation
This strand will accommodate activities that cover civic participation in the broadest sense, and will focus in particular on structuring methods to ensure that funded activities have a lasting effect.
It will give preference to initiatives and projects with a link to the Union political agenda.
The strand may also cover projects and initiatives that develop opportunities for mutual understanding, intercultural dialogue, solidarity, societal engagement and volunteering at Union level.
Much remains to be done to increase the democratic participation of young people and the participation of women in political and economic decision-making. Their voices should be better heard and acted upon by those responsible for taking the policy decisions that have an impact on people's lives.
As an indication, approximately 60 % of the total budget of the Programme will be devoted to this strand.
This action will be defined for the Programme overall and will be applicable to both strands 1 and 2.
It will support initiatives that boost the transferability of results, provide better return on investment and increase learning from experience. The raison d'être of this action is the further ‘valorisation’ and use of the results of the initiatives launched in order to ensure their lasting effect.
It will include ‘capacity building’ — the development of support measures to exchange best practices, to pool experiences between stakeholders at local and regional levels including public authorities, and to develop new skills, for example through training. The latter could include peer-to-peer exchange, training for trainers, as well as, for example, the development of ICT tools providing information on the organisations or projects funded by the Programme.
As an indication, approximately 10 % of the total budget of the Programme will be devoted to this action.
The Programme will develop the principle of multi-annual partnerships based on agreed objectives, building on the analysis of the results achieved, in order to ensure mutual benefits for both civil society and the Union.
In general, preference will be given to grants for projects irrespective of their size but with a high impact, in particular those which are directly linked to Union policies with a view to encouraging participation in the shaping of the Union political agenda. As far as possible geographical balance will be taken into account.
The management of the Programme and the majority of actions may be centrally managed by an executive agency.
All actions will be implemented on a transnational basis or should have a European dimension. Actions will encourage the mobility of citizens and the exchange of ideas within the Union.
The elements of networking and focussing on the multiplier effects, including the use of state of the art ICT and social media, in particular with a view to reaching the younger generation, will be important and will be reflected both in the types of activities and the range of organisations involved. Interaction and synergy among the various types of stakeholders involved in the Programme will be strongly encouraged.
The Programme budget may also cover expenditure associated with the preparation, follow-up, monitoring, auditing and evaluation activities directly required for the management of the Programme and the realisation of its objectives, in particular studies, meetings, information and publication activities, expenditure associated with the IT networks for the exchange of information and any other administrative or technical support expenditure on which the Commission may decide for the management of the Programme.
The overall administrative expenditure of the Programme will be proportionate to the tasks provided for in the Programme.
The Commission may undertake information, publication and dissemination activities as appropriate, thereby ensuring broad knowledge and a high impact of the activities supported by the Programme.
The budget allocated may also cover institutional communication on the political priorities of the Union.
Approximately 10 % of the total budget of the Programme will be allocated to the Programme management.
The specific objectives in Article 2 describe the results which the Programme seeks to achieve. Progress will be measured by using performance-related indicators, such as the following:
Specific objective 1: to raise awareness of remembrance, the common history and values of the Union and the Union's aim, namely to promote peace, the values of the Union and the well-being of its peoples, by stimulating debate, reflection and the development of networks.
Performance-related indicators:
— | the number of participants who are directly involved; |
— | the number of persons indirectly reached by the Programme; |
— | the number of projects; |
— | the quality of the project applications and the degree to which the results of selected projects can be further used/transferred; |
— | the percentage of first time applicants. |
Specific objective 2: to encourage the democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level, by developing citizens' understanding of the Union policy making-process and promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering at Union level.
Performance-related indicators:
— | the number of participants who are directly involved; |
— | the number of persons indirectly reached by the Programme; |
— | the number of participating organisations; |
— | the perception of the Union and its institutions by the beneficiaries; |
— | the quality of project applications; |
— | the percentage of first time applicants; |
— | the number of transnational partnerships including different types of stakeholders; |
— | the number of networks of twinned towns; |
— | the number and quality of policy initiatives following-up on activities supported by the Programme at the local or European level; |
— | the geographical coverage of the activities:
For projects selected in accordance with this Regulation, a sampling audit system will be established.
The beneficiary of a grant shall make available to the Commission all supporting documents relating to expenditure for a period of five years from the date of the final payment of the grant. The beneficiary of a grant shall ensure that where applicable, supporting documents in the possession of partners or members are made available to the Commission.