Annexes to SWD(2012)83 - Mid-term evaluation of the Health Programme 2008-2013

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dossier SWD(2012)83 - Mid-term evaluation of the Health Programme 2008-2013.
document SWD(2012)83
date March 29, 2012
Annex IV, points 1 and 10.2)

Communication on Pre-commercial Procurement: Driving innovation to ensure sustainable high quality public services in Europe COM(2007) 799 final of 14.12.2007


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- enhancing the use, quality, interoperability of and access to ICT including e-health, and strengthening research, technological development and innovation;

- promoting social inclusion and combating poverty, including through investing in health and social infrastructure;

- promoting measures to fight against discrimination of older people both in accessing the labour market and in the work place (e.g. innovative, accessible and age-friendly forms of work organisation, longer healthier working lives);

- fostering investments to modernise national and regional health systems, and giving priority to a shift from institutional care to community-based care, while enhancing independent living.

• consider including the Partnership priorities and objectives among their strategic priorities in order to make use of structural funds;

• engage in the activities of the Partnership through the procurement of more innovative and efficient solutions.

4. Launching actions on the ground

It is critical that health authorities, patient groups, businesses, entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals, older people and other stakeholders play a strong role in the implementation of the Plan.

Participation in the Partnership provides an opportunity for all stakeholders involved at EU, national, regional and local levels to benefit from political support, share risks, lower costs by increased economies of scale and sharing of solutions, as well as save time and effort and increase credibility by joint collection and dissemination of evidence.

The Commission proposes two distinct modalities to deliver the Plan31:

- the design and launch of "invitations for commitment"

- the identification and assessment of candidate "reference sites".

"Invitations for commitment" will focus on implementing specific actions of the Plan, while "reference sites" will provide an inspiration through examples of existing and successful integrated solutions to active and healthy ageing.

4.1. Launch of "invitations for commitment"

The Plan called on the Commission to launch "invitations for commitment", open to all stakeholders, concerning the specific actions identified in the Strategic Implementation Plan32.

A Partnership online presence will report on the Partnership progress and outcomes, provide information on innovation in active and healthy ageing, and provide a repository for validated evidence (Cf. and Twitter @EIP_AHA) See Strategic Implementation Plan


A commitment is a measurable and concrete engagement in support of an action or a group of actions in order to deliver on the objectives and deliverables identified in the Plan. It will be submitted following the "invitations for commitment" requiring fulfilment of the Partnership criteria (i.e. engagement, inclusiveness and partnership, critical mass, delivery, advocacy).

The "invitations for commitment" will be launched upon the adoption of this Communication and will remain open for at least two months, re-opening on a periodic basis.

The participants in the specific actions will form Action Groups - one for each specific action -, and through an Action Plan will commit to running a number of activities contributing towards the headline target. Interested stakeholders whose commitments do not meet the criteria will be invited to the "marketplace" (see 3.1.3.) in order to fulfil the requirements.

4.2. Reference sites

The Commission suggests that regions, cities, integrated hospitals/care organisations that aim at providing a comprehensive, innovation-based approach to active and healthy ageing and can give evidence and concrete illustrations of their impact on the ground, merit specific attention as a form of "reference sites". They could contribute significantly to understanding the synergies between different actions and the added value of a holistic approach. These should have the potential to demonstrate breakthrough solutions within a short time frame, be assessed by peers as frontrunners through an independent, widely accepted and commonly agreed assessment methodology, and be further tested and rolled out on a larger scale.

The reference sites should build a coalition involving various actors active so far in the Partnership (professionals, patients, carers and families, technology providers, healthcare managers and providers, academic experts, and public authorities), and be willing to:

- implement a substantial part of the actions of the Plan in an integrated way, and commit to substantial investments (financial and human) by participants in their coalition,

- perform an assessment of the outcomes and impacts according to a shared approach, exchange practices, share information, make outcomes and impact data publicly available (open data),

- cooperate with others across Europe,

- present a list of results/outcomes to be delivered in the 2013-2015 timeframe.

As results emerge from Action groups and reference sites, they will provide feedback to help adjust and improve framework conditions as well as accelerate the uptake of innovation. This could entail, inter alia, recommendations to scale-up certain activities, to coordinate demonstrations and pilots in certain areas, to replicate results in other sites, to fast-track particular standards or to aggregate demand and coordinate public procurement in selected areas.


To take forward implementation of the actions, the Commission will:

launch "invitations for commitment" for the specific actions as defined in the Plan at the end of February 2012;

launch an "invitation for expressions of intent" for candidate reference sites by the end of February 2012;

organise the selection of the candidate Partnership reference sites by 2013, in cooperation with stakeholders.


Monitoring and assessment of progress

The Commission, with support of the Joint Research Centre, will develop a monitoring and assessment framework. This framework should facilitate the establishment of causal links and measurement of impacts between individual actions run by stakeholders and the Partnership's main objectives33, and connect the specific actions of the Plan with the Partnership key objectives.

The monitoring and assessment framework will be based on a multi-dimensional approach, with various levels, and with multiple indicators and targets/specific objectives. It will involve stakeholders implementing actions to report their progress towards defined deliverables and the headline target (+2 HLYs) of the Partnership on an annual basis. These will also serve as an input to the regular reporting of the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council.

To monitor and measure progress, the Commission will:

• build, with support of the Joint Research Centre, a monitoring and assessment framework, drawing on the various actions undertaken by stakeholders in line with the priority action areas identified in the Plan, taking account of their timeline and nature;

• propose a first version of this monitoring and assessment framework by early 2013;

• report on the progress of the Plan's implementation, to the European Parliament and the Council on an annual basis, starting from early 2013.

6. Governance for effective implementation

Throughout the first year of the Partnership, many lessons on governance and processes have been learnt, including on the Partnership's relations with existing initiatives and instruments; and notably that the Steering Group should be effective and efficient while ensuring representativeness, with feedback mechanisms to the wider groups of stakeholders; and that as

'A triple win for Europe': better health and quality of life of EU citizens, more sustainable care systems, and greater competitiveness and growth opportunities for EU companies.




clear monitoring arrangements are needed for the next phase of this Partnership.


These have led to adjustments in the governance

Conference of Partners

The implementation of the Plan will be driven by a range of different partners: those committing to the actions, the reference sites, standard-setting bodies, relevant initiatives, Commission and Member State authorities through, for example, their funding programmes, regulatory and public procurement competences.



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Member States


Steering Group

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Action Groups

European Parliament

Within the specific actions of the Plan, the Commission will bring together Action Groups (see 4.1) that assemble partners committed to run priority actions realising common objectives, and will provide an opportunity to drive the Plan's different priorities through stronger political leadership and advocacy. Action Groups will establish their working methods and governance, with the Commission services facilitating the process.

The Commission will organise a Conference of Partners - gathering committed and involved Partnership stakeholders - on an annual basis as from end 2012 to discuss and decide on the issues related to the Plan's implementation, future actions and governance.

The current Steering Group has fulfilled its initial mandate in preparing the Plan. However a coordinating group is still needed to ensure a strategic overview of the progress and synergies across the various Action Groups. Given the current pilot stage of the Partnership, the Commission proposes that the Steering Group continues (interim) until the first Conference of Partners in order to ensure rapid progress during the start-up phase of the Actions Groups.

The Commission will ensure the overall monitoring and regular formal reporting to, and interaction with, the European Parliament and Council, and will pursue close, reinforced working level cooperation with their relevant formations and representatives. The Commission services will continue working closely with the national governments, regions and a wide range of stakeholders in order to implement the innovative vision of the Partnership and deliver the actions identified in the Plan.

Commission Staff Working Paper "The pilot European Innovation Partnership on Active and healthy Ageing: first experiences on governance and process", SEC(2011) 1028 final of 1.9.2011


To ensure delivery of actions as set in the Plan, the Commission will:

• put in place a simple and flexible governance model (Action Groups, interim Steering Group, Conference of Partners) to operationally and strategically guide the two modalities for the Plan implementation from first quarter of 2012;

• provide a progress report on the EIP by 2013.

7. Conclusion

European institutions, Member States and all stakeholders need to respond together and within their respective roles, to the challenges that ageing population represents. The Commission has in this Communication set out its response by proposing governance arrangements for effective implementation, suggested a monitoring and assessment framework to ensure timely delivery of objectives and headline target, proposed the improvement and development of framework conditions and singled out the added-value of EU interventions.

Through the implementation of the Plan, the Commission expects to see a major acceleration of innovation for healthy and active ageing and progress towards achieving the Partnership headline target and objectives. This requires new forms of cooperation among the many actors concerned - those already involved in the preparation of the Plan and those ready to engage in its implementation.

Valuable experiences have been gained in the development of this Partnership and its implementation. The Commission will continue to include these lessons in its proposals for the development and design of future EIPs addressing other societal challenges, as set out in the Innovation Union strategy. The Commission will organise a review of all the EIPs during 2013 to take stock of progress.