Annexes to COM(2012)548 - Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 273/2004 on drug precursors

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

dossier COM(2012)548 - Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 273/2004 on drug precursors.
document COM(2012)548 EN
date November 20, 2013



SubstanceCN designation

(if different)
CN code (1)CAS No (2)
Acetic anhydride2915 24 00108-24-7
The salts of the substances listed in this category, whenever the existence of such salts is possible.


SubstanceCN designation

(if different)
CN code (1)CAS No (2)
Phenylacetic acid2916 34 00103-82-2
Anthranilic acid2922 43 00118-92-3
Piperidine2933 32 00110-89-4
Potassium permanganate2841 61 007722-64-7
The salts of the substances listed in this category, whenever the existence of such salts is possible.

(1) OJ L 290, 28.10.2002, p. 1.

(2) The CAS No is the ‘chemical abstracts service registry number’, which is a unique numeric identifier specific to each substance and its structure. The CAS No is specific to each isomer and to each salt of each isomer. It must be understood that the CAS Nos for the salts of the substances listed above will be different to those given.