Annexes to COM(2012)628 - Amendment of Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment

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(1)The following Annex is inserted:




1.A description of the project, including in particular:

(a)a description of the physical characteristics of the whole project and, where relevant, of demolition works;

(b)a description of the location of the project, with particular regard to the environmental sensitivity of geographical areas likely to be affected.

2.A description of the aspects of the environment likely to be significantly affected by the project.

3.A description of any likely significant effects, to the extent of the information available on such effects, of the project on the environment resulting from:

(a)the expected residues and emissions and the production of waste, where relevant;

(b)the use of natural resources, in particular soil, land, water and biodiversity.

4.The criteria of Annex III shall be taken into account, where relevant, when compiling the information in accordance with points 1 to 3.’;

(2)Annexes III and IV are replaced by the following:




1. Characteristics of projects

The characteristics of projects must be considered, with particular regard to:

(a)the size and design of the whole project;

(b)cumulation with other existing and/or approved projects;

(c)the use of natural resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity;

(d)the production of waste;

(e)pollution and nuisances;

(f)the risk of major accidents and/or disasters which are relevant to the project concerned, including those caused by climate change, in accordance with scientific knowledge;

(g)the risks to human health (for example due to water contamination or air pollution).

2. Location of projects

The environmental sensitivity of geographical areas likely to be affected by projects must be considered, with particular regard to:

(a)the existing and approved land use;

(b)the relative abundance, availability, quality and regenerative capacity of natural resources (including soil, land, water and biodiversity) in the area and its underground;

(c)the absorption capacity of the natural environment, paying particular attention to the following areas:

(i)wetlands, riparian areas, river mouths;

(ii)coastal zones and the marine environment;

(iii)mountain and forest areas;

(iv)nature reserves and parks;

(v)areas classified or protected under national legislation; Natura 2000 areas designated by Member States pursuant to Directive 92/43/EEC and Directive 2009/147/EC;

(vi)areas in which there has already been a failure to meet the environmental quality standards, laid down in Union legislation and relevant to the project, or in which it is considered that there is such a failure;

(vii)densely populated areas;

(viii)landscapes and sites of historical, cultural or archaeological significance.

3. Type and characteristics of the potential impact

The likely significant effects of projects on the environment must be considered in relation to criteria set out in points 1 and 2 of this Annex, with regard to the impact of the project on the factors specified in Article 3(1), taking into account:

(a)the magnitude and spatial extent of the impact (for example geographical area and size of the population likely to be affected);

(b)the nature of the impact;

(c)the transboundary nature of the impact;

(d)the intensity and complexity of the impact;

(e)the probability of the impact;

(f)the expected onset, duration, frequency and reversibility of the impact;

(g)the cumulation of the impact with the impact of other existing and/or approved projects;

(h)the possibility of effectively reducing the impact.




1.Description of the project, including in particular:

(a)a description of the location of the project;

(b)a description of the physical characteristics of the whole project, including, where relevant, requisite demolition works, and the land-use requirements during the construction and operational phases;

(c)a description of the main characteristics of the operational phase of the project (in particular any production process), for instance, energy demand and energy used, nature and quantity of the materials and natural resources (including water, land, soil and biodiversity) used;

(d)an estimate, by type and quantity, of expected residues and emissions (such as water, air, soil and subsoil pollution, noise, vibration, light, heat, radiation) and quantities and types of waste produced during the construction and operation phases.

2.A description of the reasonable alternatives (for example in terms of project design, technology, location, size and scale) studied by the developer, which are relevant to the proposed project and its specific characteristics, and an indication of the main reasons for selecting the chosen option, including a comparison of the environmental effects.

3.A description of the relevant aspects of the current state of the environment (baseline scenario) and an outline of the likely evolution thereof without implementation of the project as far as natural changes from the baseline scenario can be assessed with reasonable effort on the basis of the availability of environmental information and scientific knowledge.

4.A description of the factors specified in Article 3(1) likely to be significantly affected by the project: population, human health, biodiversity (for example fauna and flora), land (for example land take), soil (for example organic matter, erosion, compaction, sealing), water (for example hydromorphological changes, quantity and quality), air, climate (for example greenhouse gas emissions, impacts relevant to adaptation), material assets, cultural heritage, including architectural and archaeological aspects, and landscape.

5.A description of the likely significant effects of the project on the environment resulting from, inter alia:

(a)the construction and existence of the project, including, where relevant, demolition works;

(b)the use of natural resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable availability of these resources;

(c)the emission of pollutants, noise, vibration, light, heat and radiation, the creation of nuisances, and the disposal and recovery of waste;

(d)the risks to human health, cultural heritage or the environment (for example due to accidents or disasters);

(e)the cumulation of effects with other existing and/or approved projects, taking into account any existing environmental problems relating to areas of particular environmental importance likely to be affected or the use of natural resources;

(f)the impact of the project on climate (for example the nature and magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions) and the vulnerability of the project to climate change;

(g)the technologies and the substances used.

The description of the likely significant effects on the factors specified in Article 3(1) should cover the direct effects and any indirect, secondary, cumulative, transboundary, short-term, medium-term and long-term, permanent and temporary, positive and negative effects of the project. This description should take into account the environmental protection objectives established at Union or Member State level which are relevant to the project.

6.A description of the forecasting methods or evidence, used to identify and assess the significant effects on the environment, including details of difficulties (for example technical deficiencies or lack of knowledge) encountered compiling the required information and the main uncertainties involved.

7.A description of the measures envisaged to avoid, prevent, reduce or, if possible, offset any identified significant adverse effects on the environment and, where appropriate, of any proposed monitoring arrangements (for example the preparation of a post-project analysis). That description should explain the extent, to which significant adverse effects on the environment are avoided, prevented, reduced or offset, and should cover both the construction and operational phases.

8.A description of the expected significant adverse effects of the project on the environment deriving from the vulnerability of the project to risks of major accidents and/or disasters which are relevant to the project concerned. Relevant information available and obtained through risk assessments pursuant to Union legislation such as Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) or Council Directive 2009/71/Euratom (2) or relevant assessments carried out pursuant to national legislation may be used for this purpose provided that the requirements of this Directive are met. Where appropriate, this description should include measures envisaged to prevent or mitigate the significant adverse effects of such events on the environment and details of the preparedness for and proposed response to such emergencies.

9.A non-technical summary of the information provided under points 1 to 8.

10.A reference list detailing the sources used for the descriptions and assessments included in the report.

(1) Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 4 July 2012 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, amending and subsequently repealing Council Directive 96/82/EC (OJ L 197, 24.7.2012, p. 1)."

(2) Council Directive 2009/71/Euratom of 25 June 2009 establishing a Community framework for the nuclear safety of nuclear installations (OJ L 172, 2.7.2009, p. 18).’."