Annexes to COM(2012)789 - Content in the Digital Single Market

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dossier COM(2012)789 - Content in the Digital Single Market.
document COM(2012)789 EN
date December 18, 2012
agreements between users (e.g. typically research institutions) and rights holders (e.g. publishers of scientific journals) to establish the modalities for technical access to the relevant data sets.

Ø This work strand should identify the scale of demand for TDM access at EU level for text mining of scientific publications and underlying data for research purposes, and appropriate means of meeting this demand. It should explore the potential and possible limits of standard licensing models, as well as assess the appropriateness and feasibility of technology platforms to facilitate TDM access.

In addition to these areas, during 2012 the issue of private copying levies has been the subject of an industry mediation process, fostered by the Commission and led by former Commissioner António Vitorino. Mr. Vitorino is expected to deliver a report on this issue at the beginning of next year, including a number of recommendations. On this basis the Commission will draw conclusions as to appropriate follow-up actions for the specific recommendations, including the further involvement of stakeholders to contribute to the finding of future-proof and internal market friendly solutions.

3. Review of the copyright framework

In parallel the Commission will complete its on-going review of the EU copyright framework, based on market studies and impact assessment and legal drafting work, with a view to a decision in 2014 whether to table the resulting legislative reform proposals. The following elements will be addressed: territoriality in the Internal Market; harmonisation, limitations and exceptions to copyright in the digital age; fragmentation of the EU copyright market; and how to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of enforcement while underpinning its legitimacy in the wider context of copyright reform.

4. Conclusion

Over the next two years the Commission will continue to work for a modern copyright framework that remains fit for purpose and seeks to foster innovative market practices in order to guarantee effective recognition and remuneration of rights holders; to provide sustainable incentives for creativity, cultural diversity and innovation; to increase the choice of and open up access to legal offers by end users; to allow new business models to emerge; and to more effectively contribute to combating illegal offers and piracy.

The Commission is confident that the stakeholder dialogue can work as an incubator for innovative win–win solutions for all stakeholders. Such solutions are vital for driving forward the Digital Single Market and EU cultural policy and complement work on-going in the implementation of the Digital Agenda, the modernisation of copyright in the single market, or the successful implementation of the MEDIA and Culture programmes.

[1] COM (2010) 245 final/2

[2] COM(2011) 287 final