Annexes to COM(2013)253 - Energy Technologies and Innovation

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dossier COM(2013)253 - Energy Technologies and Innovation.
document COM(2013)253 EN
date May  2, 2013
Agreements concluded by the Commission with third partner countries, should be implemented in a coordinated and mutually reinforcing way. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which provides an international framework for climate and energy technologies, is also an important partner. With its Technology Mechanism, the global market for technology transfer to emerging and developing countries is expected to grow

Countries like the US, Japan and China are initiating and implementing ambitious low-carbon programmes, which represent significant research and innovation cooperation opportunities for the European research sector and market opportunities for industry, for instance on smart grids, fuel cell and hydrogen, renewable energy or nuclear safety and nuclear fusion. Multilateral cooperation between the EU, US and Japan on critical raw materials for energy must continue. The potential of solar energy should be further exploited in cooperation with the Mediterranean Partner Countries.


The EU energy technology and innovation strategy is an integral part of the EU energy policy. As such, it must complement the existing regulatory measures, ensure that the EU is at the forefront of innovation in international energy markets, as well as address the challenges posed by the current economic situation. It must contribute to strengthening our energy cost-competitiveness and reliability of supply. In this communication, the Commission has set out its strategy to ensure that the EU continues to have a world-class technology and innovation sector to tackle the challenges for 2020 and beyond.

To support this approach, the Commission:

· will:

· ensure the development, together with the SET Plan stakeholders, of an Integrated Roadmap around the priorities identified in the EU Energy technology and innovation strategy by the end of 2013.

· define, together with the Member States, an Action Plan of joint and individual investments in support of the Integrated Roadmap by mid 2014.

· strengthen together with the Member States the reporting system for the monitoring of the Integrated Roadmap and the Action Plan based on the Strategic Energy Technologies Information System (SETIS) of the SET Plan.

· invite, together with the Member States in the context of the Steering Group, the European Industrial Initiatives and associated European Technology Platforms to adjust their mandate, structure and participation to update their Technology Roadmaps and to contribute to the Integrated Roadmap.

· establish a coordination structure, under the Steering Group of the SET Plan, to promote investments in research and innovation on energy efficiency

· calls on the European Parliament and the Council to:

– reaffirm their support to the SET Plan as part of Europe's Energy and Climate Change policies and its reinforcement to energy technology and innovation development as set out in this Communication

– endorse the proposed key principles and developments needed for energy technology and innovation across the EU;

– support the alignment of EU, national, regional and private resources to this integrated research and innovation approach;

· invites Member States and regions to support the implementation of the Integrated Roadmap and the Action Plan through:

– enhanced coordination of their energy research and innovation programmes as well as through the use of EU Structural and Investment funds and of EU ETS auctioning revenues;

– increased collaboration through joint actions and clusters on projects with a European added value;;

– further integration of national institutional funding and research capacities through the European Energy Research Alliance.

– put in place support for faster market roll-out of sustainable energy technologies.

[1]               as stated in the Communication on SET Plan in 2007 (COM (2007) 723) and in the Communication on Investing in low carbon technologies in 2009 (COM (2009) 519)

[2]               The SET Plan Steering Group, composed of EU Member States, is mandated to conceive joint actions and make resource available for the implementation of the SET Plan. The EIIs are based on the European Technology Platforms, and propose Technology Roadmaps to align the efforts of the EU, Member States and industry to achieve common goals. The EERA groups the leading EU energy research establishments and is mandated to implement joint programmes through the sharing of national capacities in Europe. The Smart Cities and Communities European Innovation Partnership started as the energy efficiency component of the SET Plan and now integrates at the level of cities and communities real scale applications of energy, transport and ICT innovative solutions. The Commission’s Strategic Energy Technologies Information System (SETIS) is led and coordinated by EC Joint Research Centre (JRC)

[3]               SEC(2011) 1609 - Commission staff working document "Materials Roadmap Enabling Low Carbon Energy Technologies"

[4]               (COM (2009) 519) has estimated that €8 billion per year are needed to effectively move forward the SET-Plan actions

[5]               For nuclear sector the spending regards Euratom

[6]               Staff Working Paper, Technology Assessment Figure 3.2

[7]               1 €/kW for turnkey 100 kW systems by 2030 (expressed in 2011 prices, excluding VAT)

[8]               JRC calculations based on a 23% capacity factor, which is the 2011 average figure for Europe

[9]               The market replication ELENA Facility was launched by the Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) in December 2009 to support investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Run by the EIB, KfW, CEB and EBRD, the ELENA Facility is funded through the European Commission’s IEE Programme.

[10]             JRC/SETIS SET Plan Review is available at:

[11]             Public consultation full report is available at:

[12]             “Ex-ante evaluation of a successor of the ‘Intelligent Energy- Europe II’ (2007-2013)”, available at:

[13]             Available at:

[14]             In the proposal for 2014-2020 Regional Policy, Member States or regions are required to develop such strategies

[15]             developed jointly by Japan, China, India, South-Korea, Russia, the US and the EU.

[16]             COM(2013) 17 final

[17]             COM(2012) 4701 final

[18]             COM(2012) 497 final

[19]             COM(2011) 539 final