Annexes to COM(2013)247 - Amendment of Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2013)247 - Amendment of Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts. |
document | COM(2013)247 |
date | April 16, 2014 |
Section 1
Environmental protection expenditure accounts present data, in a way that is compatible with the data reported under ESA, on the expenditure for environmental protection, i.e. the economic resources devoted by resident units to environmental protection. Such accounts allow for the compiling of national expenditure for environmental protection which is defined as the sum of uses of environmental protection services by resident units, gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) for environmental protection activities, and transfers for environmental protection which are not a counterpart of previous items, less financing by the rest of the world.
The environmental protection expenditure accounts should make use of the already existing information from the national accounts (production and generation of income accounts; GFCF by NACE, supply and use tables; data based on the classification of functions of government), structural business statistics, business register and other sources.
This Annex defines the data to be collected, compiled, transmitted and evaluated for the purposes of environmental protection expenditure accounts by the Member States.
Section 2
Environmental protection expenditure accounts have the same system boundaries as ESA and show environmental protection expenditure for principal, secondary and ancillary activities. The following sectors are covered:
— | general government (including non-profit institutions serving households) and corporations as institutional sectors producing environmental protection services. Specialist producers produce environmental protection services as their principal activity, |
— | households, general government and corporations as consumers of environmental protection services, |
— | the rest of the world as beneficiary, or origin, of transfers for environmental protection. |
Section 3
Member States shall produce environmental protection expenditure accounts according to the following characteristics which are defined in accordance with ESA:
— | output of environmental protection services. Market output, non-market output and output of ancillary activities are distinguished, |
— | intermediate consumption of environmental protection services by specialist producers, |
— | imports and exports of environmental protection services, |
— | valued added tax (VAT) and other taxes less subsidies on products on environmental protection services, |
— | gross fixed capital formation and acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets for the production of environmental protection services, |
— | final consumption of environmental protection services, |
— | environmental protection transfers (received/paid). |
All data shall be reported in million national currency.
Section 4
1. | Statistics shall be compiled and transmitted on a yearly basis. |
2. | Statistics shall be transmitted within 24 months of the end of the reference year. |
3. | In order to meet user needs for complete and timely datasets, the Commission (Eurostat) shall produce, as soon as sufficient country data becomes available, estimates for the EU-28 totals for the main aggregates of this module. The Commission (Eurostat) shall, wherever possible, produce and publish estimates for data that have not been transmitted by Member States within the deadline specified in point 2. |
4. | The first reference year is 2015. |
5. | In the first transmission of data, Member States shall include annual data from 2014 to the first reference year. |
6. | In each subsequent data transmission to the Commission, Member States shall provide annual data for the years n – 2, n – 1 and n, where n is the reference year. Member States may provide any available data for the years preceding 2014. |
Section 5
1. | For the characteristics referred to in Section 3, data shall be reported in a breakdown by:
2. | The CEPA classes referred to in point 1 are as follows:
Section 6
For the implementation of the provisions of this Annex, the maximum duration of the transitional period is 2 years from the first transmission deadline.
Section 1
Statistics on environmental goods and services record and present data on national economy production activities that generate environmental products in a way that is compatible with the data reported under ESA.
The environmental goods and services sector accounts should make use of the already existing information from the national accounts, structural business statistics, business register and other sources.
This Annex defines the data to be collected, compiled, transmitted and evaluated for environmental goods and services accounts, by the Member States.
Section 2
The environmental goods and services sector has the same system boundaries as ESA and consists of all environmental goods and services that are created within the production boundary. ESA defines production as the activity carried out under the control and responsibility of an institutional unit that uses inputs of labour, capital and goods and services to produce goods and services.
Environmental goods and services fall within the following categories: environmental specific services, environmental sole purpose products (connected products), adapted goods and environmental technologies.
Section 3
Member States shall produce statistics on the environmental goods and services sector according to the following characteristics:
— | market output, of which:
— | value added of market activities, |
— | employment of market activities. |
All data shall be reported in million national currency, except for the characteristic “employment” for which the reporting unit shall be “full time equivalent”.
Section 4
1. | Statistics shall be compiled and transmitted on a yearly basis. |
2. | Statistics shall be transmitted within 24 months of the end of the reference year. |
3. | In order to meet user needs for complete and timely datasets, the Commission (Eurostat) shall produce, as soon as sufficient country data becomes available, estimates for the EU-28 totals for the main aggregates of this module. The Commission (Eurostat) shall, wherever possible, produce and publish estimates for data that have not been transmitted by Member States within the deadline specified in point 2. |
4. | The first reference year is 2015. |
5. | In the first transmission of data, Member States shall include annual data from 2014 to the first reference year. |
6. | In each subsequent data transmission to the Commission, Member States shall provide annual data for the years n – 2, n – 1 and n, where n is the reference year. Member States may provide any available data for the years preceding 2014. |
Section 5
1. | For the characteristics referred to in Section 3, data shall be reported cross-classified by:
2. | The CEPA classes referred to in point 1 are as set out in Annex IV. The CReMA classes referred to in point 1 are as follows:
Section 6
For the implementation of the provisions of this Annex, the maximum duration of the transitional period is 2 years from the first transmission deadline.
Section 1
Physical energy flow accounts present data on the physical flows of energy expressed in terajoules in a way that is fully compatible with the ESA. Physical energy flow accounts record energy data in relation to the economic activities of resident units of national economies in a breakdown by economic activity. They present the supply and use of natural energy inputs, energy products and energy residuals. Economic activities comprise production, consumption, and accumulation.
This Annex defines the data to be collected, compiled, transmitted and evaluated for physical energy flow accounts by the Member States.
Section 2
Physical energy flow accounts have the same system boundaries as ESA and are also based on the residence principle.
In accordance with ESA, a unit is said to be a resident unit of a country when it has a centre of economic interest in the economic territory of that country, that is, when it engages for an extended period (1 year or more) in economic activities in that territory.
Physical energy flow accounts record physical energy flows arising from the activities of all resident units, regardless of where these flows actually occur geographically.
Physical energy flow accounts record the physical flows of energy from the environment to the economy, within the economy, and from the economy back to the environment.
Section 3
Member States shall produce physical energy flow accounts according to the following characteristics:
— | the physical energy flows grouped into three generic categories:
— | the origin of the physical energy flows, grouped into five categories: production, consumption, accumulation, rest of the world and environment, |
— | the destination of the physical flows, grouped into the same five categories as the origin of the physical energy flows. |
All data shall be reported in terajoules.
Section 4
1. | Statistics shall be compiled and transmitted on a yearly basis. |
2. | Statistics shall be transmitted within 21 months of the end of the reference year. |
3. | In order to meet user needs for complete and timely datasets, the Commission (Eurostat) shall produce, as soon as sufficient country data becomes available, estimates for the EU-28 totals for the main aggregates of this module. The Commission (Eurostat) shall, wherever possible, produce and publish estimates for data that have not been transmitted by Member States within the deadline specified in point 2. |
4. | The first reference year is 2015. |
5. | In the first transmission of data, Member States shall include annual data from 2014 to the first reference year. |
6. | In each subsequent data transmission to the Commission, Member States shall provide annual data for the years n – 2, n – 1 and n, where n is the reference year. Member States may provide any available data for the years preceding 2014. |
Section 5
1. | For the characteristics referred to in Section 3, the following data shall be reported in physical units:
2. | The supply and use tables of energy flows (including emission-relevant flows) have a common layout in terms of rows and columns. |
3. | The columns denote the origins (supply) or destinations (use) of the physical flows. The columns are grouped into five categories:
4. | The rows describe the type of physical flows classified in the first indent of Section 3. |
5. | The classification of natural energy inputs, energy products, and energy residuals is as follows:
6. | The “bridge” from the residence principle indicator to the territory-based indicator is presented for the entire national economy (no breakdown by industries) and is obtained as follows: total energy use by resident units:
Section 6
For the implementation of the provisions of this Annex, the maximum duration of the transitional period is 2 years from the first transmission deadline.’
(1) Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008 concerning structural business statistics (OJ L 97, 9.4.2008, p. 13).