Annexes to COM(2013)478 - Final evaluation of Regulation (EC) No 614/2007 concerning the Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE+)

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agreements to address liquidity problems and improve cost efficiency.[11]

The Commission has improved its feedback to NGOs on co-financing decisions, and some improvements have been made on payment timing, although this has been limited by the time needed for the Commission financial procedures.

The Commission has strengthened the focus of yearly priorities in the last call for LIFE+, and introduced an element of external assessment to reinforce objectivity in the evaluation process. The possibility for multi-annual support was proposed for the successor instrument as a means of providing more stable support which could allow longer-term planning by the beneficiary NGOs. Enhanced involvement of network members in grant implementation will also be promoted.


As noted above, many recommendations from the evaluations were incompatible with the existing LIFE+ Regulation, but have been taken into account when designing the future instrument.

In its Communication of 12 December 2011, submitted to the European Parliament and the Council, the Commission proposed to allocate €3.2 billion over 2014 - 2020 to a new Programme for the Environment and Climate Action – LIFE. The proposed new Programme will build on the success of the existing LIFE+ Programme but will be reformed to have a greater impact, be simpler and allow more flexibility with an increased budget.

The main changes proposed are:

· The creation of a Climate Action sub-programme (€800 million over the period) with three priorities: mitigation, adaptation, governance and awareness;

· A better definition of the Environment sub-programme structure (€2.4 billion over the period): Biodiversity; Environment; and Governance;

· The introduction of Integrated projects (IP) as demonstration projects to achieve environmental objectives, in particular, through the mobilisation of other available EU and/or national funds. In particular, this will guarantee a strengthened complementarity and coordination with actions supported by the ESI Funds in the areas of nature, water, waste, air quality, climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation.

The sub-programme for Environment will support efforts in the following areas:

· "Environment and Resource Efficiency" which will focus on more innovative solutions for better implementation of environment policy and integrating environmental objectives in other sectors;

· "Biodiversity" which will develop and implement best practices to halt biodiversity loss and restore ecosystem services, while keeping its primary focus on supporting Natura2000 sites, especially via Integrated projects consistent with Member States Prioritised Action Frameworks;

· "Environmental Governance and Information" which will promote knowledge sharing, dissemination of best practices, and better compliance, in addition to awareness raising campaigns.

The sub-programme for Climate Action covers the following areas:

· "Climate Change Mitigation" which will focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions;

· "Climate Change Adaptation" which will focus on increasing resilience to climate change;

· "Climate Governance and Information" which will focus on increasing awareness communication, cooperation and dissemination on climate mitigation and adaptation actions.

Grants to finance projects will remain the Programme's main type of intervention. Operating grants for NGOs and other bodies are also proposed, and there will be scope for contributions to innovative financial instruments.

According to the Commission's proposal, LIFE 2014-2020 will adopt lighter and more flexible procedures.


Although the evaluations have indicated scope for some improvements in the LIFE+ Programme, on balance it is seen as effective and well managed. Where possible, the identified weaknesses have been addressed in the final phases of the present programming period. Where the LIFE+ Regulation itself embodied the weaknesses, the recommendations have been taken into account in the design of the proposed LIFE 2014-2020 Programme.

The Commission believes that the EU budget should continue to assist the Member States and the EU as a whole in developing and implementing the EU policies, both through a specific instrument for environment and also by mainstreaming environment in the more budgetarily significant financial instruments.

In view of the uneven and inadequate implementation of EU environment and climate policy, there is a continued need for a specific instrument for environment and climate intervention. The Commission proposal for new LIFE Programme aims to continue to build and develop the programme currently regulated by the successful LIFE+ Regulation.

[1]               OJ L 149, 09.06.2007.


[3]      EN.pdf?reference=IP/11/1526&format=PDF&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en


[5]               See: EPEC (2008) available at; SEC (2008) 2633 FINAL COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT on the implementation of the programme for financial support to European non-governmental organisations primarily active in the field of environment protection; COWI (2009) Ex-Post Evaluation of Projects and Activities Financed under the LIFE Programme; EC Court of Auditors (2009) Special Report 11/2009 on "The sustainability and the Commission's management of the LIFE-Nature Projects"; Arcadis (2010) Mid-term evaluation of the Implementation of the LIFE+ Regulation; and SEC (2011) 1541 Final COMMISSION STAFF WORKING PAPER IMPACT ASSESSMENT accompanying the document on the Proposal for a Regulation on the establishment of a Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE).

[6]               OJ L 242, 10.09.2002

[7]      _assesment_part1_v4.pdf

[8]               SEC (2010) 1120 COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL, Mid-term review of the LIFE+ Regulation, p.5

[9]               MTR, p.9

[10]             SEC (2010) 1120 COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL, Mid-term review of the LIFE+ Regulation, p.10

[11]             SEC (2010) 1120 COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL, Mid-term review of the LIFE+ Regulation, p.8