Thematic areas of the EU PA GL | Proposed indicators and variables/units | Data availability |
International PA recommendations and guidelines
(EU PA GL 1-2)
| 1. | National recommendation on physical activity for health
| (5) |
2. | Adults reaching the minimum WHO recommendation on physical activity for health or equivalent national recommendations
Percentage of adults reaching a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or an equivalent combination
| (5) |
3. | Children and adolescents reaching the minimum WHO recommendation on physical activity for health or equivalent national recommendations
Percentage of children and adolescents reaching at least 60 minutes of mode-rate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily or on at least five days/week
| (5) |
Cross-sectoral approach
(EU PA GL 3-5)
| 4. | National coordination mechanism on HEPA promotion
Yes/no; if yes, further details
| (5) |
5. | Funding allocated specifically to HEPA promotion
By sector (health, sport, transport etc.):
— | by gross domestic product at PPP per capita, in Euros. |
| (2) |
(EU PA GL 6-13)
| 6. | National sport for all policy and/or action plan
Yes/no; if yes, further details
| (5) |
7. | Health-oriented sport clubs (Sport Clubs for Health Programme)
Implementation of the guidelines developed by HEPA Europe/TAFISA project: yes/no; if yes, description
| (3) |
8. | Framework to support opportunities to increase access to recreational or exercise facilities for low socio-economic groups
Existence of a framework: yes/foreseen within the next two years/no; and, if yes, description
| (4) |
9. | Target groups addressed by the national HEPA policy
By target group (groups in particular need of physical activity (e.g. low socio-economic groups, people with low levels of PA, elderly, ethnic minorities etc.))
| (5) |
(EU PA GL 14-20)
| 10. | Monitoring and surveillance of physical activity and sedentary behaviour
Physical activity and sedentary behaviour included in the national health monitoring system: yes/no; if yes, further details
| (4) |
11. | Counselling on physical activity performed by health professionals
Counselling on physical activity: yes/no; if yes: reimbursed as part of primary health care services: yes/no
| (4) |
12. | Training on physical activity in curriculum for health professionals
— | number of hours for nurses, doctors, |
— | clear assessment and accreditation structures to reflect the learning outcomes of the subject. |
| (3) |
(EU PA GL 21-24)
| 13. | Physical education in primary and secondary schools
— | number of hours per school level, |
— | national or sub-national regulation. |
| (4) |
14. | Schemes for school-related physical activity promotion
Existence of a national or sub-national scheme: yes/no; if yes, further details
| (3) |
15. | HEPA in training of physical education teachers
HEPA being a module in training of PE teachers at bachelor's and/or master's degree level: yes/no; mandatory/optional
| (3) |
16. | Schemes promoting active travel to school
National or sub-national (where relevant) schemes to promote active travel to school (e.g. walking buses, cycling): yes/no, if yes: description
| (4) |
‘Environment, urban planning, public safety’
(EU PA GL 25-32)
| 17. | Level of cycling/walking
Main mode of transport used for your daily activities (car, motorbike, public transport, walking, cycling, other)
| (5) |
18. | European Guidelines for improving Infrastructures for Leisure-Time Physical Activity
European Guidelines for improving Infrastructures for Leisure-Time Physical Activity being applied systematically to plan, build and manage infrastructures:
Yes/not yet but foreseen within the next two years/no
| (3)/ (4) |
‘Working environment’
(EU PA GL 33-34)
| 19. | Schemes to promote active travel to work
Existence of a national or sub-national (where relevant) incentive scheme for companies or employees to promote active travel to work (e.g. walking, cycling): yes/no, if yes: description
| (4) |
20. | Schemes to promote physical activity at the work place
Existence of a national or sub-national (where relevant) incentive scheme for companies to promote physical activity at the work place (e.g. gyms, showers, walking stairs etc.): yes/no
| (4) |
‘Senior citizens’
(EU PA GL 35-37)
| 21. | Schemes for community interventions to promote PA in elderly people
Existence of a scheme for community interventions to promote PA in elderly people: yes/no; if yes: description
| (4) |
(EU PA GL 38)
| 22. | National HEPA policies that include a plan for evaluation
x out of y national HEPA policies (sport, health, transport, environment, by sector) include a clear intention or plan for evaluation
| (5) |
‘Public awareness’
(EU PA GL 39)
| 23. | Existence of a national awareness raising campaign on physical activity
Yes/no, if yes: description
| (4) |