Annexes to SWD(2014)106 - Action Plan on HIV/AIDS in the EU and neighbouring countries: 2014-2016

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

agreements and/or actions plans between the EU/Commission and neighbouring countries


Composite Policy Index

Existence of one national HIV/AIDS plan, including surveillance monitoring and evaluation
Better use of existing policy dialogue mechanisms to promote effective political leadership particularly in countries with concentrated epidemics

Better public awareness on HIV/AIDS


support for the


of cost-effective, and

evidence based

measures to combat


HIV is

mainstreamed in EU policies
Regular HIV/AIDS Think Tank and Civil Society Forum meetings including linkage to relevant other EU civil society foraCommission

Member States and

neighbouring countries

Civil Society

International organisations
Ongoing -2016Number of meetings

Dissemination and implementation of results from meetings

Actions agreed and implemented
Know-how transfer Effective

cooperation between all key players

Joint actions carried out
Address HIV/AIDS and Human Rights: Tackle stigma, discrimination, and legal barriers in relation to HIV status, ensuring equal access and quality ofMember States and

neighbouring countries Civil Society

Ongoing-2016Level of

discrimination in relation to HIV status, i.e. as monitored by the stigma index

Monitoring of national policies and legislation in place (related to
Integrated antidiscrimination policies applied in EU and

neighbouring states,

Prohibition of discrimination in relation to HIV status in national legislation
prevention,HIV-specificBetter quality of life
testing anddiscrimination ofof people living with
treatmentPeople living withHIV/AIDS
HIV and key
populations)Promotion of a
public health
Number of actionsapproach (as an
and measuresalternative to
taken to protectcriminalization) in
fundamental rightsmanaging
including expectedbehaviours that put
results of initiativespeople at risk of HIV
supported atacquisition
international level
Better awareness of
legal aspects of
among Member
States and
integrated anti-
policies with a
particular focus on
legislative solutions
and their correct
HIV/AIDSDevelopment,Member StatesOngoingNational EuropeanScaling up of
policies andbudgetingand-2016and internationaldevelopment and
strategiesimplementation,neighbouringAIDS spending byeffective
monitoring andcountriescategories andimplementation of
evaluation ofECDCfinancing sourcesinnovative HIV/AIDS
targeted ,policies at regional,
regional, nationalCivil SocietyNumber ofnational and sub-
and supranationalexplicitnational level
HIV/AIDS and co-InternationalHIV/AIDS policiesleading to a
infection policiesorganisationsin place, scale andreduction of HIV
quality oftransmission
Sustainability of
funding for HIV
and co-infection
Civil societySupport of civilNationalOngoingNGOs andLarger number of
society throughauthorities in the-2016vulnerable groupseffective NGOs in
funding and legalEU andactively involved inEU Member States
support at EU andneighbouringplanning, policyand neighbouring
national levels incountriesformulation,countries
the EU andbudgeting,
neighbouringCommissionmonitoringHigher degree of
countries&evaluation of HIVNGO participation in
Otheractivities at EU,decision making
Involve andstakeholdersnational and
consult civilsubnational levels
society including
people living withNumber of NGOs
HIV/AIDS andwhich have access
other vulnerableto specific funding
groups ininstruments (as a
development andresult of their


implementation ofparticipation in
HIV policiescompetitive calls for funding)
sustainablePercentage of
fundingNGOs with
opportunities forprojected income
NGOs in relevantfor the next 2/3/5
EU instrumentsyears
The privateIntensifyBusiness &OngoingNumber ofSuccessful
sectorcooperation with the private sectorIndustry-2016partnerships programmespartnership projects
and invite allNationalbetweenSolidarity with
relevantauthoritiesstakeholderspeople living with
stakeholders toHIV
develop andCommissionNumber of ARV
implementprice rebateAffordable and
initiativesCivil Societyagreementsaccessible HIV
HIV/AIDSmeasures including
including in thecondoms
workplaceAffordable and fair
Work withARV prices
industry toEarly treatment and
improve accesscare, better
and availability oftreatment coverage,
HIV/AIDSimproved health
treatment acrossstatus of people
the EU andliving with HIV
countriesDevelopment of new business models to facilitate

development and access to testing and treatment for HIV and co-infections


2. Prevention
Targeted andIdentifyNational /OngoingPercentage ofMost at risk and
combinationprevention needsRegional-2016most at risk groupsgeneral populations,
preventionand integratedauthoritiesreached with HIV-and particularly
andstrategies basedpreventionyoung people better
treatmenton currentCivil Societyprogrammesinformed about HIV
evidence and bestprevention
practice targetedCommissionNumber of healthmeasures
to sub-nationalfacilities that
realitiesECDCprovide HIV testingReduction of new
and counsellingHIV infections
integrated2016Access to
prevention andcomprehensive and
treatment toFunding level ofintegrated
most at riskintegratedprevention, and
groupsprevention andearly testing
(including sextreatmentservices and
workers andstrategies for HIV-commodities for
prisoners) asAIDS and co-most at risk
central focus ofinfections includingpopulations
national HIV-proportion ofincluding sex
AIDS and STIfunding targetingworkers and
strategiesOngoingmost at risk groupsprisoners
-2016done in
Improvecollaboration with
exchange of bestcivil society
information and
education on HIVNumber of national
and HIVpolicy documents
prevention andand guidelines in
treatmentwhich treatment as
prevention is
HIVApply evidenceECDC,OngoingPrecise,Improved
transmissionbased knowledge-2016geographicallyunderstanding of
and riskfrom behaviouralEMCDDAdistinctbehavioural
behaviourresearch in orderdisaggregatedparameters
to developAcademiadata and resultingcontributing to the
measures leadingCivil Society
to reduced riskNumber ofAdaptation of
behaviourCommissiondevelopedpolicies and
guidelines andprevention
Support the2014-measures leadingmeasures
enhancing of2016to reduced risk
treatmentbehaviour andReduction of new
literacyincreasedHIV cases in most at
treatment uptakerisk populations
and adherence.
Percentage of
health care
facilities providing
basic-level HIV
testing and
HIV/AIDS clinical


EducationBetterMember StatesOngoing-Number ofReduced incidence
awareness on2016awareness raisingof HIV and sexually
sexual andInternationalactions carried outtransmitted
reproductiveOrganisationsinfections in
healthparticular among
Civil Societyyoung people
CommissionLess stigma and
discrimination of
groups at risk of HIV
and sexually
3. Priority regions and settings
EasternReach universalNationalOngoingDomestic andMore people under
Europeanaccess toauthorities-2016internationaltreatment, decline of
Membervoluntary testing,HIV/AIDSAIDS related deaths
States,treatment andCivil societyspending
Enlargement,care(including harmReduction of HIV
ENPRegional (Health)reductionand co-infections
countries andIntroduction andNetworks (i.e.measures) byinfection rate among
the Russianimplementation ofNortherncategories,injecting drug users
Federationeffective harmDimensionfinancing source,
reductionPartnership inand allocation toBetter health status
measures forPublic Health andpriority groups.of IDUs and
prevention of HIVSocial Wellbeing)prisoners and their
and co-infectionsNumber of basicpartners
Commissionactivities and
Prevention andprogrammes inDecreased HIV and
integrated HIV,place, scale andco-infections
and co-infectionsquality ofincidence in prisons
including insynergies
prisons and otherdeveloped and
particular settings,critical enablers
using innovativefunded
strategies to
reach targetCoverage of
particularly MSM,prevention and
IDUs and Sextreatment services
Workersin prisons
Provision of
integrated HIV and
Enlargement,PromoteCommissionOngoingHIV/AIDS and co-Improved national
ENPCooperation on-2016infections as anHIV/AIDS and co-
countries andHIV/AIDS and co-Member Statesagenda point ininfections plans for
the Russianinfectionsandregular healthprevention,
Federationbetween theneighbouringpolicy dialoguestreatment, care and
EU, andcountrieswith relevantsupport
countries throughWHOENP countries,Effective
established policyand the Russianimplementation of
ECDCAlignment of
Invitation andactions with


involvement ofinternational
countries in HIVworking on HIV-
related meetingsAIDS to generate
at EU levelsynergies and
maximize impact
Monitoring and2014-
reporting2016Number of
progress inEnlargement and
implementationENP annual
of HIV-relatedprogress reports
actions agreedaddressing
in bilateralHIV/AIDS and co-
and/or Action
Plans between
the EU and
Strengthen theECDC, WHO-OngoingIncreasedBetter surveillance,
surveillance byEuro, EMCDDA,-2016interaction withmonitoring and
stepping upand involvement ofevaluation
cooperationSurveillanceEnlargement and
between theinstitutions inENP countries inImproved integrated
ECDC, WHO-NeighbouringECDC HIV/AIDSHIV policies and
Euro, EMCDDAcountries andand co-infectionprogrammes in the
and surveillanceRussianprogrammesEU and
authorities inFederationneighbouring
Enlargement andcountries
ENP countriesCommission
and Russian
FederationENP partners
Member States
Civil society
ExchangeHealthOngoingNumber ofBetter trained clinical
programmesProfessional-2016exchangeand social staff and
between MemberassociationsprogrammesNGOs
States and
neighbouringMember States
countries for
training of medicalNeighbouring
and social andcountries
NGO staff
Civil Society


4. Priority groups
Men havingIntensify theCivil SocietyOngoing-HIV incidence andAdaptation in risk
sexpromotion of safer2016prevalencebehaviour
with mensex behaviour among MSMMember Statesamong MSMReduction in HIV
Information onNeighbouringChangestransmission among
HIV preventioncountries(increase/decreasMSM
integrated ine) in rates of
sexual andCommissionunsafe sexLess stigma and
reproductivepractices amongstdiscrimination
health educationECDCMSM
and health careBetter knowledge on
servicessexual and reproductive health
IntensifyMemberOngoingRate of lateDecrease of late
implementation ofStates-2016diagnoses amongdiagnoses, timely
voluntaryMSMstart of treatment
counselling andNeighbouring
testing programscountriesHIV testing ratesReduction in HIV
(VCT) amongamong MSMtransmission among
and other most atProfessionalRate of unknown
risk groups atAssociationsHIV status
healthcare, andand community
community basedbasedPercentage of
facilities, ensuringorganisationsMSM who
effective link toreceived an HIV
treatment andCommissiontest in the last 12
careCivil Societymonths and who know their results
innovative testingPercentage of
strategiesMSM reached
including outreachwith HIV
and peer supportprogrammes
to ensure access
to voluntary
counselling and
testing to most at
risk groups
Injecting drugImplementation ofMember StatesOngoingCoverage of harmDecreased HIV
users (IDUs)risk and harm-2016reductionincidence among
reductionNeighbouringprogrammes,people who inject
measures to IDUscountriesincluding syringedrugs
and their partnersexchange and
for prevention andCivil Societyclean needlesBetter access for
treatment of HIV,IDUs to harm
co-infections andCommissionCoverage of drugreduction measures,
drug dependencysubstitution, HIVincluding clean
in the communityECDCand co-infectionssyringes and needles
and prisonstreatment programmes

Percentage of IDUs reached with HIV
Availability of specific, effective prevention programmes for IDUs and their


Migrants andTargetedMigrants andOngoingNumber ofBetter information of
mobilepreventionethnic minorities-2016programmes andmigrants on risk
populations7measures andorganisationspoliciesprevention, HIV/AIDS
access todeveloped andand treatment, care
services andNationalimplementedand support
treatment forauthorities
migrants, andCoverage ofImproved access and
mobileCommissionpreventioninformation on rights
populationsservices andand possibilities for
Civil societytreatment formigrants and mobile
Sustain and2014-migrants,population
promote testing2016including
and treatmentundocumented
migrants, and
Abolish HIVNationalOngoingNumber ofNon-discrimination of
associated travelauthorities-2016countries/regionsmigrants and mobile
and residencewith restrictionspopulations with
restrictionsregard to HIV status
5. Improving the knowledge
ResearchPromote researchCommissionOngoing-Projects andMoving towards a
for the2016programmescure and
development ofMember Statesfundeddevelopment of new
new, or betteror better diagnostic
prevention,Industryand preventive tools
diagnostic andand treatment
solutions for HIV,institutions
co-infections and
co-morbidityPublic health
Civil Society
In depth analysisECDC2014-Studies, reports,More adequate,
of trends and2016recommendationsevidence based
dynamics inEMCDDAprevention
sexual and drugNumber of actionsprogrammes, in
use related riskAcademiafunded under EUparticular for risk
Ensure adequate
allocation ofMember States
funding for social
and behaviouralCivil society

7 By "migrants" we understand third-country nationals. By "mobile populations" we understand EU citizens exercising their right to free movement. It also include ethnic minorities defined as, national minorities, in line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights prohibiting discrimination on any ground, such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, etc.


research, socio-
Health careImproveHealthOngoing-Broad applicationTimely diagnosis and
capacities andprofessionals2016of internationalmore effective
knowledge ofassociations andtesting andtreatment solutions
medical staff andcommunitytreatment
community basedbasedguidelines
organisations withorganisations
regards to
HIV/AIDS and co-Member States
testing, treatment
and care includingAcademia
dissemination ofIndustry
clinical best
SurveillanceEnhanced andECDCOngoing-ComprehensivePowerful
integrated2016overview ofepidemiology
surveillance of allEMCDDAHIV/AIDS and co-resulting in
relevant aspectsinfections in thecomprehensive and
on HIV/AIDS andWHOEuropean regionevidence based
CO- infections
(includingCommissiondata to identify
strengthened bio-epidemiology
behaviouralMember Statesincluding those
surveillance)and neighbouringlinked to
Civil society
6. Monitoring and
Commitments ofRegularECDCOngoingProgress reportsRealisation of
Dublin, Vilniusmonitoring(Every 2commitments
and Bremenon scale andWHOyears)
declarationsqualityImproved quality of
ofCommissionlife of people living
implementatioand affected by HIV
Reduced incidence
Civil Society
States and
ImplementationOn-goingECDCOngoing-Progress reportsMore effective
of this actionmonitoring on2016policies, less new
planscale andCommissionHIV infections, better
quality ofmedical, social and
implementatioThink Tanklegal conditions for
npeople affected by
Society Forum