Annexes to COM(1975)418 -

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

dossier COM(1975)418 - .
document COM(1975)418 EN
date July 25, 1975
agreement within the framework of COST and on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement;

c) stressed the need for the Community to keep in close touch with all stages of this Project, with special reference to the formulation of recommendations on European standard for/system of electronic road traffic aids;



d) expressed the desire that all Member States be party to such an agreement} .    , ,    r    ■

A direct financial contribution by the Community to this Project is not,envisaged.    ,    : ,

- In the light of the foregoing, the Commission proposes that the ' Council take the following Decision authorizing it to negotiate the participation of the Community in the Agreement.


Orig. P

Draft Council Decision, authorizing the Commission to negociate the participation of the Community in the scientific and technical cooperation project relating to electrio traffic aids on major roads (COST Project 30)*    ,


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economio Community; Having regard to the draft prepared by the Commission,

Whereas a Research-Development Project road traffic control and regulation is being elaborated within the framework of European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research (COST); whereas the aims of this Project, known as COST 30, are to ensure better road safety and to improve the conditions of use of road infrastructure;    '

Whereas it is necessary to ensure coordination between the results achieved in this project and the aims of the European policies in question, as defined in the Guidelines decided on by the Council, on 23 September 1974* with regard to the effect to be given to scientific and technical cooperation with non-member countries, and in the Communication from the Commission to the Council, on 25 October 1973, on the development of the Common transport policy;    .    ■

Whereas, therefore, the Community should participate in the execution of the COST 30 Project agreement;

Whereas, in its opinion of 16 and 17 April 1975» the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) recognized the interest of the participation of the Community in the agreement;

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HAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS S ■ < ' - ic eo V: " ‘ ; ' ' ,    ’

.    ...... - Sole Articlo :    •

' . « : 1

The Commission shall he authorized to negociate the participation of

the Community in the agreement on tho execution of COST Project 30 in accordance with tho instructions annexed hereto#

III/595/75-E Orig :    P



1# The Community shall not "be required, by virtue of its participation, to make any financial contribution from its own resources*

2* The Community shall be represented on tho Management Committee by the Commission*