Annexes to COM(1976)411 -

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dossier COM(1976)411 - .
document COM(1976)411 EN
date July 27, 1976


5. The persons whose names, qualifications and nationalities are listed in Annex I satisfy the requirements of Article 10(2) of the Council Regulation and the declaration referred to at point 4 above.

6. Consequently, the Council is requested to adopt the proposal for a decision appointing the members of the Committee of ibcperts, annexed hereto.


Professional qualifications and nationalities of the persons proposed as members of the Committee of Experts of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

Professor G. Bianchi (Italian)

Mr John J. Coffey, B.Sc., M. Eng. (EWV) (Irish)

Mr G. Cornu (French)

Dr R. Foehr (Luxembourg)

Direttore dell*1stitute per lo Studio dalle Relazioni Industriali e del Lavoro (l.S.R.I.L)

Assistant Chief Engineering Adviser dealing with environmental services in the Department of Local Government

Directeur Regional du Travail et de la main-d* oeuvre de Bretagne

Kedecin-Chef du service medical du travail a "Arbed-Dudelange", professeur de physiologie du travail a Metz

Professor Th. Herborg Nielsen (Danish)

Dr F.J. Jansen (Dutch)

Xrhus Business School of Administration

Dr A. Lafontaine (Belgian)

Mr. D. Moyen (French)

Professor W. Poehler (German)

Hoofdinspecteur - Directeur van de Arbeidsinspectie, district Rotterdam van het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken

Chef d*etablissement a l*Institut beige d*Hygiene et d*Epidemiologie

Ingenieur des Mines, Directeur General adjoint de l^Institut national de ■ recherche et de securite pour la pre'vention des accidents de travail et des maladies professionnelles (i.N.R.S); auparavant, Directeur adjoint de la Direction de la prevention des pollutions et nuisances, Conseiller technique au Cabinet du Ministre de 1*Environnement

Leiter der Projekttragerschaft fur das Forschungsprogramm ''Hiimanisierung de."

Arbeit siebens" fur das Bundesministerium fur Forschung und Technologie.

VorherDirektor am 3 -zialwissenschaftlichen Institut der Universitat Dortmund und Leiter der Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund.

MTB E. ROBERTS (BRITISH)Directeur du Buroau Europeen das Unions des Consormnat ours
Hr E.J. Robertson (British)Director of Industrial Relations — Confederation of British Industry
Dr R. Vioil (derman)Direkt r des Instituts fur angewandte Arbeitswiscanschaft e.v.


Proposal for a Counoil Decision appointing the members of the Committee of Experts of the European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economio Community;

Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1365/75 of 26 May 1975^ on the oreation of a European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions, and in particular Artiole 10 thereof;

Having regard to the Commission proposal;

Whereas the members of the Foundation’s Committee of Experts must be ohosen from among persons in scientific and other oiroles oonoerned in the Foundation’s aotivity;


Article 1

The following persons shall be appointed members of the Committee of Experts of the European Foundation for the improvement of living and working oondltions during the period between 1st.September 1976 and 31st. August 1979 *

Mrs E. Roberts Mr G. Bianchi Mr J.J. Coffey Mr G. Cornu Mr R. :oehr Mr T. Herborg Nielsen Mr F.J. Jansen Mr A. La Fontaine Mr D. Moyen Mr W. Poehler Mr E.J* Robertson Mr R. Weil


Article 2

This Beoision shall take effect for each of the persons listed in Artiole 1 on the date on whioh the Counoil receives the aooeptanco of nomination from the person oonoemed.

Bone at Brussels,

For the Counoil

The President