Annexes to COM(1981)549 -

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dossier COM(1981)549 - .
document COM(1981)549 EN
date January  1, 1945
ANNEX I Categories of workers referred to in Article 1

1. For Belgium, Denmark, Germany (except for the Länder of Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg andSaar), France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom : permanentfull-time workers.

2. For Greece : permanent and seasonal workers.

ANNEX II Definitions of the categories of workers referred to in Article 1

1. A "permanent worker" means a manual worker who is not a member of the family of thefarmer and who is in permanent employment on the holding, by which is meant employmentthat is continuous and regular, either full-time or part-time, throughout the year.

The worker concerned is a wage earner in the strict sense of the term, being a worker who ispaid regularly and who, on the basis of an oral or written contract of employment, works"throughout the year", subject, of course, to the seasonal variations inherent in agriculturalwork. (a) a "permanent full-time worker" is a worker who, under the terms of his employmentagreement, is bound to work throughout the year for a number of hours equal to orgreater than the contractual or usual hours of work.

(b) a "permanent part-time worker" is a worker who, under the terms of his contract ofemployment, is required to work throughout the year for a number of hours which issmaller than the contractual or usual number of hours of work, but greater than 15 hoursper week. Part-time work does not necessarily mean half-time work ; it may be variedaccording to a daily, weekly or monthly pattern to suit the needs of the agriculturalholding.

The distinction between a permanent full-time worker and a permanent part-time workerwill be made by reference to the working year and by reference to the month of the surveyonly. For example, a worker who is required to work an average of 40 hours per weekthroughout the year (contractual or usual number of hours of work), but has worked only20 hours in the survey month, will be deemed to be a permanent full-time worker.

2. A "seasonal worker" is a manual worker who is not a member of the family of the farmer andwho is in temporary employment on the holding, by which is meant employment for aperiod confined to a part of the year and involving well-defined duties.

The worker concerned is a wage earner in the strict sense of the term, being a worker who isemployed on the basis of an oral or written contract of employment.