Annexes to COM(2016)379 - Supporting the prevention of radicalisation leading to violent extremism - Main contents
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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.
dossier | COM(2016)379 - Supporting the prevention of radicalisation leading to violent extremism. |
document | COM(2016)379 |
date | June 14, 2016 |
EU social and employment policies seek to eradicate poverty and promote inclusive labour markets and societies. One of the best ways to tackle social exclusion is through employment. One of the challenges faced by the Member States is to reduce the numbers of youth not in Employment, Education or Training (NEETs). The EU can help with the policy guidance delivered through instruments, such as the Youth Guarantee and the Youth Employment Initiative, the Recommendation on long term unemployed and the recently adopted Skills Agenda 35 . In addition, the Directive 2000/78 on equal treatment in employment and education 36 helps to fight discrimination, including through raising awareness about discrimination among stakeholders, civil society and social partners.
Moreover, the European Social Fund supports national schemes and small local projects. From 2014 to 2020, EUR 25.6 billion will go directly towards fostering the social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, for instance through tailor-made training programmes and social support schemes. In addition, more than EUR 8 billion will be used to help schools address early school leaving and increase access to quality education for all, for instance through adapting school curricula, teacher education courses and individual support to disadvantaged learners. The European Social Fund is expected to reach 2.5 million disadvantaged people, including 1.3 million who are unemployed or inactive. In addition, the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) can fund innovative projects on the ground, fostering social inclusion.
Youth work powerfully reaches out to young people, especially the disadvantaged, and helps them become engaged citizens, avoiding marginalisation and vulnerability to extremist views. Engagement of youth workers is important as part of a broader collaboration with all relevant actors, including with educational institutions, community organisations, employers and those closest to young people: their families and friends. To support this, the Commission will develop a specific toolkit of best practices in close cooperation with the Member States for youth workers and educators. This will provide examples of how to help young people increase their democratic resilience, become media literate and think critically, on how to teach young people to resolve conflicts and respect the views of others and on how to spot and react to early signs of radicalisation. To bolster the impact of youth work on the ground, the Commission will also strengthen the European Voluntary Service by increasing its budget 37 and give priority to projects promoting fundamental values and reaching out to disadvantaged people and communities.
Key actions:
Continue to work with the European Parliament and the Council towards the adoption of the anti-discrimination directive.
Fostering social inclusion of disadvantaged groups through policy measures and the European Social Fund and Programme for Employment and Social Innovation.
Enhancing support to youth workers and organisations, particularly by developing a toolkit.
Strengthening the European Voluntary Service.
6. The security dimension of addressing radicalisation
Preventing and countering radicalisation has a strong security dimension, as highlighted in the recent Communication "Delivering on the European Agenda on Security to fight against terrorism and pave the way towards an effective and genuine Security Union". Member States can take security measures to prevent young people from leaving to conflict zones to join terrorist groups. These include measures such as travel prohibitions, the criminalisation of traveling to a third country for terrorist purposes, but also measures through which families and friends can call upon the help of public authorities such as hotlines. Furthermore, extremist preachers and those disseminating terrorist propaganda or those recruiting vulnerable individuals may face criminal charges. Member States may issue travel bans to prevent extremist preachers from entering the EU, and may intervene against the dissemination of extremist messages through administrative measures. Such measures are the necessary complement to measures enhancing resilience against radicalisation.
Information sharing is key in this respect. The EU’s border management, migration and security cooperation frameworks and information tools need to be joined up, strengthened and fully used 38 to effectively prevent EU citizens from travelling to conflict zones for terrorist purposes and detecting those that pose a risk upon their return. These and other frameworks and tools need to be used to exchange information of those suspected of radicalisation in order to facilitate the work of the relevant authorities across borders in taking the appropriate measures against persons representing a high security risk.
The Schengen Information System (SIS) is of particular importance in this regard. An alert in SIS can generate different actions depending on the assessment and intention of the Member State inserting it, i.e. a person can be arrested, placed under protection or subject of a discreet or specific check. SIS has also been useful to prevent terrorist travel and to trace the travel routes of persons suspected for terrorism. In the context of the foreign terrorist fighters, the Commission encouraged Member States to signal that the alert concerns a "terrorism related activity" without limiting it to foreign terrorist fighters or criminal activities as such. It can thus be used to include alerts on those suspected of being radicalised towards committing acts of terrorism.
Furthermore, Member States should step up their efforts to ensure that appropriate information is exchanged and shared with Europol. The recently created European Counter-terrorism Centre (ECTC) at Europol aims to become a central information hub in the fight against terrorism in the EU, including as regards radicalisation risks.
In addition, the Europol Information System (EIS) is positioned to serve as a central repository of law enforcement data, including the consolidated list of all known or suspected Foreign Terrorism Fighters. Member States still need to step up their efforts significantly to provide the necessary data on Foreign Terrorist Fighters to Europol.
Key actions:
The Commission will by end 2016, propose to revise the Schengen Information System to further improve its added value for law enforcement and counter-terrorism purposes.
Member States should proactively exchange all relevant information with other Member States, and Europol where appropriate, on released convicts suspected of radicalisation or known radical individuals, in order to ensure close monitoring of those representing a high risk.
7. The international dimension: addressing violent radicalisation beyond the EU's borders
Like EU Member States, third countries also face the challenges of responding to the security threat of radicalisation, address its root-causes and build resilient and cohesive societies. The EU actively works with the UN, the Council of Europe and OSCE in their efforts to counter violent extremism, for example through continued support through the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) initiatives 39 .
EU action in the international arena follows two complementary approaches. First, when assisting third countries, the EU will support law enforcement and human rights compliant responses that aim to prevent radicalised individuals from committing terrorist acts. Secondly, and more importantly, the EU will step up engagement in preventive action, tackling the root causes of certain forms of radicalisation that can lead to violent extremism.
• Strengthening partner countries' security capacities
Where possible, EU support is framed within wider reforms aimed at strengthening security capacities in partner countries since organised crime, smuggling and illicit trafficking as well as weak border management have proven links with violent radicalisation. The EU and its Member States must be better equipped to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in third countries. To this end, the EU will further expand expertise and refine situation awareness in countries that present the highest risks. For example, in the Middle East and North Africa support will be provided to establish effective criminal justice systems to cooperate regionally and internationally in fighting radicalisation.
The EU is engaging with countries through counter terrorism and targeted and upgraded security dialogues leading to the creation of counterterrorism packages and roadmaps. The review of the European Neighbourhood Policy addresses several aspects related to tackling radicalisation, by giving priority to youth, education and socio-economic development. Tangible progress has been made so far with Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan. Further actions tackling violent extremism will be launched in order to implement the EU Regional Sahel Action Plan. A number of specific activities to counter radicalisation are taking place in Pakistan and South East Asia. Similar work is taking place in the Horn of Africa and EU support will be extended after the successful conclusion of various pilot projects in the region.
• Supporting third countries in tackling the underlying factors of radicalisation
Preventing and countering violent extremism has become a key component of the EU's external counter-terrorism activities and has been mainstreamed into development policy bridging the gap between security and development. The EU funded package of "Strengthening Resilience to Violence and Extremism" (STRIVE) 40 activities has been the precursor to the development of an increasing number of initiatives aimed at identifying drivers for youth extremism, empowering women, promoting community dialogue, strengthening local actors or improving the media and education capacities to counter radicalising ideologies.
Financial support to civil society will factor in the anti-radicalisation dimension, as specified in the 2015 review of the European Neighbourhood Policy 41 . The EU will further interact with civil society, practitioners and academia, including in partner countries, to deepen its understanding of the driving factors and identify effective responses. Where possible, the experience and expertise gained with the RAN will be mobilised outside the EU's borders, in priority third countries, especially in Turkey, the MENA region and the Western Balkans, provided certain requirements are fulfilled.
The EU is offering a more positive narrative through targeted communication to young audiences that may be more vulnerable to radicalisation. Among numerous ongoing activities, a Strategic Communication Task Force works with EU Delegations in Arab countries and with the Anti-ISIL Global Coalition to identify shared values and develop concrete actions. For example, the EU co-funds a project in Tunisia to increase financial inclusion among vulnerable communities through micro-credits. The Commission finances a project of EUR 3 million for Tunisia, Morocco and Lebanon that helps build community resilience by working with the civil society and amplifying voices through strategic communications.
The EU will encourage direct contacts between people. It will extend further the eTwinning platform to selected countries of the European Neighbourhood, especially those facing problems related to violent radicalisation and where intercultural dialogue is most needed 42 . The Commission will also launch an Erasmus+ project to connect students and other young people from the EU and third countries. These moderated virtual exchanges will help young people develop mutual understanding and respect and also improve intercultural skills that employers are looking for.
Key actions:
Supporting international organisations in their work to counter violent extremism.
Additional initiatives to focus EU's external financial instruments on the prevention of violent radicalisation.
Continue support to the Global Counter Terrorism Forum (GCTF) initiatives working on preventing and countering violent extremism.
Extending further eTwinning Plus networks to selected countries of the EU's neighbourhood.
Launching a feasibility project for Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges to promote online engagement of young people with the aim of reaching 200,000 young people by 2019.
Violent radicalisation is an increasingly complex and evolving challenge that calls for new and wide-ranging responses, from immediate security concerns to addressing underlying factors. As indicated in the Commission Communication on delivering on the European Agenda on Security, the absolute priority must be to prevent more people from being radicalised and ensure that those who already are enter de-radicalisation programmes and are prevented from spreading terrorist propaganda and hate speech". Member States are in the front line, be it through its security and judiciary bodies, teachers, social workers and civil society. The EU can play a supportive role by mobilising its policies, its coordination capacity and its financial instruments, to assist national actions and provide real added value on the ground, within the limits of its competences.
This Communication sets out concrete actions to support Member States in introducing initiatives and policies that will help us prevent and tackle radicalisation and violent extremism within the EU and in third countries. The Commission encourages Member States to make use of the various support measures and cooperative tools at EU level to support their work. In the end, it is only in a joint effort by all stakeholders at national, EU and international level that the challenge of violent radicalisation can be effectively overcome.
The Commission invites the European Parliament and the Council to endorse this Communication, with a view to implementing the actions proposed, in close cooperation with all relevant actors.
The European Agenda on Security, COM (2015) 185 of 28 April 2015.
The EU Counter Terrorism Strategy of 30 November 2005, .
Commission Communication on Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism: Strengthening the EU's Response, COM (2013) 941 final of 15 January 2014.
Informal meeting of the Heads of State or Government Brussels, 12 February 2015 - Statement by the members of the European Council, .
European Parliament resolution of 25 November 2015 on the prevention of radicalisation and recruitment of European citizens by terrorist organisations (2015/2063(INI)), ; see also the European Parliament resolution of 19 January 2016 on the role of intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and education in promoting EU fundamental values, .
Council conclusions on counter-terrorism of 9 February 2015, .
Conclusions of the Council of the EU and of the Member States meeting within the Council on Counter-Terrorism of 20 November 2015, .
Joint statement of EU Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs and representatives of EU institutions on the terrorist attacks in Brussels on 22 March 2016, .
Delivering on the European Agenda on Security to fight against terrorism and pave the way towards an effective and genuine Security Union, COM (2016) 230 final.
(10) .
FP7 security projects: ; ; ; . FP7 social science and humanities projects: "Religious Diversity and Secular Models in Europe-Innovative approaches to Law and Policy"; "Finding a place for Islam in Europe"; "Combating inequalities through innovative social practices of, and for, young people in cities across Europe".
EUR 8.5 million call on developing a comprehensive approach to violent radicalisation in the EU from early understanding to improving protection and EUR 5 million call on contemporary radicalisation trends and their implications for Europe.
EUR 2.5 million call on religious diversity in Europe – past, present and future.
(14) .
(15) .
EU Framework Decision (2008/913/JHA) on combating racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law.
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme - Work Programme for 2016. .
Directive 2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services.
Proposal for amending Directive 2010/13/EU on audiovisual media services SWD (2016) 168.
(20) .
Council Conclusions of 20 November 2015 on on enhancing the criminal justice response to radicalisation leading to terrorism and violent extremism, .
(22) .
All figures in this chapter are extracted from the 2015 Education and Training Monitor.
Paris Declaration, .
Council Conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020), .
Council Recommendation of 28 June 2011 on policies to reduce early school leaving.
At least 28% and 4.2% of the total budget respectively, i.e, EUR 14,7 billion for the 2014-2020 period.
For example the the Réserve Citoyenne in France, .
This network, funded under Erasmus + will be launched as a pilot project with a focus on violent radicalisation in deprived areas in some Member States.
Currently reaching 300,000 teachers and totalling 406 projects, eTwinning is the biggest teacher network in the world and already offers a wide array of courses in all fields of education, including on citizenship and intercultural dialogue.
The Competence Framework on Democratic Citizenship to be launched in April and the "Teaching controversial issues" programme as well as the UNESCO pedagogical guidance on Global Citizenship Education.
Article 2 TEU.
Article 3 TEU.
Proposal for a Council Directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, COM (2008) 426 final.
A New Skills Agenda for Europe: Working together to strengthen human capital, employability and competitiveness (COM(2016) 381).
Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation.
The budget (EUR 65 million in 2016) is scheduled to increase by 15% annually between 2017 and 2020.
See Commission Communication of 6 April on Stronger and Smarter Information Systems for Borders and Security, COM (2016) 205.
Notably Hedayah and the Global Community Engagement Resilience Fund.
(40) .
The EU has provided substantial support to counter-terrorism measures by means of a variety of instruments, in particular under the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP), the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) and through wider development.
The eTwinning network is already active in some third countries, notably in Tunisia, where nearly 300 teachers and 85 schools are currently registered on this online platform.