Annexes to COM(2016)436 - Annual report on the implementation of the EU Aid Volunteers Initiative in 2015

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agreements are to be finalised in 2016 with a maximum EU grant of EUR 1 392 442.17 and start of the implementation foreseen for June/July 2016.

4. Insurance

Following the Annual Work Programme for 2014 providing budget allocation of EUR 4 000 000 for the period 2015-2020 for the insurance of EU Aid Volunteers and apprenticeship placements, an open call for tenders was published 14 on 31 December 2014.The objective is to ensure that all volunteers participating in the EU Aid Volunteers initiative are covered by a complete insurance plan specifically designed to protect them during the entire duration of their deployment. On 4 November 2015 a service contract was concluded with Cigna International Health Service BVBA for a maximum amount of EUR 2 500 000 setting up an insurance scheme to be applicable as soon as the EU Aid Volunteers are deployed. The first interim report consisting of an implementation plan mentioning the different steps, related activities, and a proposed timeline to establish the necessary service structure was submitted in December 2015 by the contractor.

5. Training Programme

An open call for tender for training was published on 30 October 2015 15 . The objective is to develop the training programme for the EU Aid Volunteers initiative; to provide training services to candidate volunteers; and to assess the competences of the candidate volunteers trained pursuant to Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1398/2014 and Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1244/2014. The evaluation of the applications and the signature of the framework contract are to be finalised in the first half of 2016 with a training programme to be available to the candidate EU Aid Volunteers before their deployment.

The actions presented in sections 1-5 are delegated to and implemented by the Education, Audio-visual and Culture Agency (EACEA) in cooperation with the Commission services 16 . The division of tasks between the Commission and EACEA is based on Commission Decision C(2013)9189 of 18.12.2013 delegating powers to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency with view to performance of tasks linked to the implementation of Union programmes in the field of education, audiovisual and culture comprising, in particular, implementation of appropriations entered in the general budget of the Union and of the EDF allocations. EACEA is an executive agency responsible for the implementation of the technical aspects of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative through calls for proposals, calls for tender and contract management thereafter and for the implementation of the corresponding budget appropriations in line with the annual work programmes adopted by the Commission.

In terms of operational management, the Commission remains directly responsible for setting up the Network of the EU Aid Volunteers, the central online platform and communications.

The modalities and procedures of interaction are governed by Memoranda of Understanding between Commission services and EACEA. In 2015 the cooperation between the Commission services and EACEA further evolved and resulted in active interaction in the implementation of the programme. As monitoring is a key issue for the initiative, a Framework for monitoring the implementation of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative was established and entered into force on 1 October 2015. The framework outlines the distribution of tasks with regard to the data collection and analysis. The data collected through this framework and the relevant analysis shall feed into the reporting process and shall contribute to the interim and ex post evaluation of the initiative. The first joint missions involving representatives of EACEA and the Commission took place contributing to the better monitoring of the projects.

6. Support Measures

With the current challenges facing the Union, it has never been more important to ensure effective communication and awareness-raising amongst EU citizens on concrete actions of solidarity supported by the Union, and in particular through the EU Aid Volunteers initiative.

The Annual Work Programme for 2015 provides financial assistance of EUR 418 000 for support measures aiming at information and awareness raising of potential beneficiaries concerning the programme.

A Communication Plan (2015-2020) 17 was approved in July 2015 outlining the communication strategy, objectives, key messages and possible communication activities underpinning the EU Aid Volunteers initiative. Implementation is undertaken by the Commission and third parties participating in the initiative primarily volunteers, sending organisations in Europe and hosting organisations in third countries.

An Info and Networking Day was organised in January 2015. The aim of this public event was to explain to the future implementing partners the funding opportunities available under the EU Aid Volunteers initiative and to launch the first activities (the call for proposals for technical assistance and capacity building and the call for applications for the certification of sending and hosting organisations). The event was successful in terms of reaching potential beneficiaries with 108 persons attending, and organisations from 21 countries represented.

A 'Back to Base' conference was held in Brussels in September 2015, with volunteers and partner organisations from the pilot projects coming together to share their experiences and learning 18 . The conference provided the opportunity for participants to contribute to the ongoing development of the initiative, including input on the EU Aid Volunteers platform. Participants also shared their stories in a series of video interviews 19 , an effective communication product for the future promotion of the initiative.

A short film "Becoming a certified organization and benefit from highly-skilled EU Aid Volunteers" was produced explaining the certification process and helping the organisations to participate in the initiative. 20

The EU Aid Volunteers network allows stakeholders to exchange best practice and increase participation. The network has been already implemented through events such as partners' roundtable meetings to allow partners to exchange best practice and learn from their experiences of the programme. The key tool to enable the work of this network is the EU Aid Volunteers platform, which entered production in 2015. The platform under development by the Commission will support partners in the deployment of EU Aid Volunteers through providing a volunteer tracking system, enabling online volunteering and functioning as the database of EU Aid Volunteers. The platform will provide links for the EU Aid Volunteers to the training platform and their continuous learning and development pathway, and a tool to communicate with project partners and other volunteers.

The EU Aid Volunteers platform will also provide a way for partner organisations and volunteers to share stories from the field to facilitate knowledge exchange and enable partners and volunteers to work more closely together, supporting better coordination. The platform will be launched in 2016, with its initial phase focusing on support for the first deployment projects.

In 2015 a unique visual identity for the EU Aid Volunteers initiative was developed comprising the EU flag, the name of the initiative and the EU Aid Volunteers slogan 'We Care, We Act'. It is being rolled out across the initiative, to be used by the Commission and all third parties participating in the initiative, such as the implementing organisations in third countries, the sending organisations across the EU, and the volunteers, in compliance with the EU Aid Volunteers visibility guidelines and the EU Aid Volunteers communication plan. 21

In 2015 several outreach activities involving Member States and international organisations took place aiming to present information on the opportunities provided by the EU Aid Volunteers initiative and to encourage the potential beneficiaries and volunteers to participate in the programme.

The actions presented in section 6 are implemented by the Commission in cooperation with EACEA following the distribution of tasks between EACEA and the Commission services in the context of the delegation of powers.

IV. Conclusions and way forward

Following the adoption of the legislative package on the EU Aid Volunteers initiative, 2015 was the first year of implementation of the full range of activities, including the certification of organisations, the launch of the call for proposals for technical assistance and capacity building, the call for proposals for deployment, the call for tenders for the training of volunteers, the establishment of the insurance scheme and the start of the development of the EU Aid Volunteers Platform. The pilot phase implemented from 2011 to 2014 was closed and the initiative formally launched with a conference attended by volunteers and organisations that had participated in the pilot phase.

Based on this solid foundation, the implementation of the initiative will continue. The concrete actions will be focused on the selection, training and deployment of volunteers; the implementation of the current projects and the selection of new projects on deployment of volunteers, capacity building and technical assistance for hosting and sending organisations; the certification of applicant sending and hosting organisations. The activities related to the application of the insurance scheme and the training of volunteers will continue. The EU Aid Volunteers Platform for registration, networking, online volunteering and learning will be launched.

In line with the Work Programme for 2016 22 , one of the main objectives will be to contribute to resilience building and disaster risk management in vulnerable, fragile or disaster affected countries and forgotten crises, including actions in the following stages of the disaster management cycle: disaster prevention, preparedness, disaster risk reduction and recovery from natural and man-made disasters, early warning. The deployment of EU Aid volunteers in third countries and the projects aiming at the capacity building of the local communities will respond to the Commission`s strong political commitment on resilience and will contribute to building better prepared, inclusive, and stable societies, improving services and opportunities, mitigation of risks, and reducing suffering and loss.

More information on the EU Aid Volunteers initiative can be found at the following address:

(1) Article 214 (5) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union: "In order to establish a framework for joint contributions from young Europeans to the humanitarian aid operations of the Union, a European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps shall be set up. The European Parliament and the Council, acting by means of regulations in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure, shall determine the rules and procedures for the operation of the Corps.".
(2) Regulation (EU) No 375/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 establishing the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps ("EU Aid Volunteers initiative") (OJ L 122, 24.4.2014, p. 1). Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1398/2014 of 24 October 2014 laying down standards regarding candidate volunteers and EU Aid Volunteers (OJ L 373, 31.12.2014, p. 8). Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1244/2014 of 20 November 2014 laying down rules for the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 establishing the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps ("EU Aid Volunteers initiative") (OJ L 334, 21.11.2014, p. 52).
(3) The first annual report on the implementation of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative was submitted in 2014, COM(2015)335 of 13.07.2015.
(4) Commission Implementing Decision C(2015)1548 of 12.3.2015 concerning the adoption of the 2015 work programme and the financing for the implementation of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative.
(5) Commission Implementing Decision C(2014)3872 of 16.6.2014 concerning the adoption of the 2014 work programme and the financing for the implementation of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative.
(6) Article 10 of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014; Articles 32 and 33 of Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1398/2014
(8) organisations_en
(9) Article 10 and 15 of Regulation (EU) No 375/2014
(10) OJ C 17, 20.1.2015, p. 10.
(11) List of applications selected for funding under Round 1 and Round 2
(12) ECHO partners under Framework Partnership Agreements (FPA) or Financial and administrative framework agreement between the EU and the UN (FAFA).
(13) OJ C 249, 30.7.2015, p. 8.
(16) Commission Decision C(2013)9189 of 18.12.2013 delegating powers to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency with view to performance of tasks linked to the implementation of Union programmes in the field of education, audiovisual and culture comprising, in particular, implementation of appropriations entered in the general budget of the Union and of the EDF allocations (as amended by Commission Decision C(2015)658 of 12.2.2015).
(18) Conference summary:  
(22) Commission Implementing Decision C(2015)9058 of 15.12.2015 concerning the adoption of the 2016 work programme and the financing for the implementation of the EU Aid Volunteers initiative.