Annexes to SEC(2011)1099 - Executive summary of the impact assessment

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

dossier SEC(2011)1099 - Executive summary of the impact assessment.
document SEC(2011)1099 EN
date September 29, 2011
Annex 1.

7. Monitoring and evaluation

Under Article 33 of the Euratom Treaty, Member States will submit draft legislation and administrative provisions to the Commission so that it can ensure the harmonisation of the approaches. The correct transposition of the Directive in national law will be a key indicator for its success in terms of clarity and simplification.

Annex 1 Summary of the comparison of options 2 to 6

ImpactOption 2Option 3Option 4Option 5Option 6
Functioning of the internal market(+)(+)(+)(+)(+)
Administrative burden on businesses(+)(+)(+)(-)


Regulatory authorities(-)(+)(-)(-)(+)(--)
Protection of the environment(+)(+)(+)(++)(++)
Social and Health(+)(++)(++)(+)(++)
Health and safety at work(+)(++)(+)(+)(++)
Mobility of workers and experts(+)(+)(+)(+)(+)
Protection of patients(+)(+)(+)
Protection of the public(+)(+)(++)(+)(++)
Coherence and clarity of legislation(+)(++)(+)

International coherence(+)(+)(+)(+)(++)
Overall impact+++++++++