Annexes to SEC(2011)206 - Background information related to the strategy for expanding and developing the Internal Market Information System (‛IMI’) Accompanying document to the Communication on better governance of the Single Market through greater administrative cooperation: A strategy for expanding and developing the Internal Market Information System (‛IMI’).

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Vehicle procurement- Directive 2009/33/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles.
- The Directive requires that energy and environmental impacts linked to the operation of vehicles over their whole lifetime are taken into account in purchase decisions.

Maritime transport policy: ports and inland waterways- New directive which obliges MS to have a single information point for maritime issues (Single Window). The most likely platform to exchange data between ports and authorities is SafeSeaNet, but there may be potential synergies between this system and IMI
HealthPatients rights- Proposal for a directive on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare
- Article 6.2 about cooperation between National Contact Points for cross-border healthcare; Article 10(1) about the exchange of information between MS on standards and guidelines on quality and safety and supervision; Article 10 (2) (b) about the exchange of information on the right to practice of health professionals
Medicinal products- Proposal for a directive on falsified medicinal products currently discussed in first reading
MediaAudiovisual & Media services

- Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS): 2010/13/EU
- Article 30 on cooperation and exchange of information between regulators
EducationEuropass- Europass Decision 2241/2004/EC
EnergyEnergy Efficiency and Intelligent Energy- Labelling Directives
- Energy Star Regulation
- Ecodesign Directive: exchange of information on product testing results between energy performance auditors
SECTION V: IT tools for administrative cooperation (non-exhaustive list)

IT ToolEU policy areaShort descriptionOperational sinceMultilingualExchange volumeNo of registered public authorities
CIRCABCAll policy areasCIRCABC (‘Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations, Businesses and Citizens’) is used to create collaborative workspaces where communities of users can work together over the web and share information and resources. It is intended to replace CIRCA (Communication and Information Resource Centre for Administrations), an e-government solution supporting the online collaborative activities of the European Union’s public administrations. Since 1997, CIRCA has operated as an IDA(BC) service and has been used by more than 30 Directorates-General, in particular by the committees and consultative bodies established to support collaboration between the Member States and the EU institutions. More than 100 national administrations have received a free licence and use it for their own needs. The CIRCABC groupware enhances the performance of CIRCA in terms of capacity, security, availability and interoperability. Its user interface will be available in 23 languages.2007Yes
CPCS: Consumer Protection Cooperation SystemConsumer protectionThe aim is to enable information exchange between national authorities and serve as an information repository to improve EU cooperation in the field of consumer protection enforcement. National enforcement authorities are able to exchange information and cooperate with counterparts in other Member States working together to stop rogue traders or any other cross-border breach of consumer protection laws. It tackles breaches in a variety of areas such as misleading advertising, package holidays, timeshares and distance selling. CPCS is used as the IT tool to support the ECC-NET network of European consumer centres.2006Interfaces yes. Translation of information exchanged is the responsibility of the MS1500 over last 4 years3000
EESSI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information)Social AffairsThe EESSI system will support information exchanges that take place between the social security institutions of the Member States to implement EU social security coordination rules. The objective is to ensure that all the information exchanges currently taking place through the use of paper E (European) forms will be undertaken by electronic means.Directory services operational since 2010, system for exchanging info will be fully operational in May 2012The structured electronic messages exchanged in the system are translated in 22 official languages of the EU but the translation of information exchanges and software interfaces is the responsibility of the MS.

No data available yet10, 000 - 16 000
ERRUTransportERRU stands for European Registers of Road Transport Undertakings. The system interconnects national electronic registers for road transport undertakings in order to enable Member States to exchange information on infringements and about transport managers in a fully automated mode. The exchange of information is based on Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 establishing common rules concerning the conditions to be complied with to pursue the occupation of road transport operator, Regulation (EC) No 1072/2009 on common rules for access to the international road haulage market and Regulation (EC) No 1073/2009 on common rules for access to the international market for coach and bus services.will be operational in early 2013Almost all content of the messages is predefined and therefore multilingualCompetent Authorities of EU and EFTA countries (one contact point per country)

(Not managed by Commission)

TransportEUCARIS stands for EUropean CAR and driving licence Information System. The system has been developed by and for national authorities and is operated by a national organisation (RDW). With EUCARIS countries can connect their registries and communicate directly. In 2008 the EUCARIS application was introduced by Council Decisions 2008/615/JHA and 2008/616/JHA (formerly known as the Prüm Treaty) for combating crime and is supposed to connect all EU MS by mid 2011. Currently several Member States are involved in EUCARIS for the exchange of information on vehicle registration (11 Member States) and on driving licences (7 Member States). The exchange is based on different legal frameworks.partly operational in 7 countries ( supposed to be fully operational in 2011)
EUDAMEDHealthEudamed is a secure web-based portal acting as a central repository for information exchange between national competent authorities and the Commission. It is not publicly accessible. Eudamed is currently being used by a number of Member States on a voluntary basis and will be obligatory as from May 2011. The aim of Eudamed is to strengthen market surveillance and transparency in the field of medical devices by providing Member State competent authorities with fast access to information on manufacturers and authorised representatives, on devices and certificates and on vigilance and clinical investigation data. It also contributes to a uniform application of the Directives, in particular for registration requirements.2004No, just ENApprox. 1 Million medical advice messages are being exchangedApprox. 30
European Computerised System for Exchanging Information on Criminal Convictions (ECRIS)JusticeECRIS is a decentralised information technology system based on criminal record databases in Member States. It consists of an interconnection software that allows exchanges of information between national databases and a common communication infrastructure, which will initially be the Trans-European Services for Telematics between Administrations (S-TESTA) network.2012 Yes 100 000 messages per month estimated Not known yet
IMIInternal MarketIMI is a single information system designed to support administrative cooperation obligations under various Directives in the field of the internal market. Currently it is being used to support the Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC) and the Services Directive (2006/123/EC) and in 2011 a pilot project to support the Posting of Workers Directive (1996/71/EC) is due to begin (still to be confirmed).February 2008Yes1404 in 20095700 public authorities, 10 000 users
RAPEXHealth and Consumer protectionRAPEX is the EU rapid alert system for all dangerous consumer products, with the exception of food, pharmaceutical and medical devices. It allows Member States via central contact points and the Commission to rapidly exchange information on measures taken to prevent or restrict the marketing or use of products posing a serious risk to the health and safety of consumers in accordance with article 22 of Regulation 765/2008.Current version since 2004No Notifications are only being translated into EN. Interfaces will be multilingual in Spring 20111993 in 2009not known
RASFFHealth and Consumer protectionThe Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) was put in place to provide food and feed control authorities with an effective tool to exchange information on measures taken responding to serious risks detected in relation to food or feed. This exchange of information helps Member States act more rapidly and in a coordinated manner in response to a health threat caused by food or feed.Since 1979No, information is only translated into EN. Interfaces will become multi-lingual in 2011.8000 for 2009109
RESPERTransportRESPER interconnects national electronic registers for Driving licences in order to enable the Member States Driving Licence issuing authorities an automatic exchange of information in accordance with Directive 126/2006/EC.

Will be operational as of 19 Jan 2013Standardised question sets are available in all languages, free text is not necessary 30 Mio messages per anno Likely that it will include CAs outside the EU and EFTA
SOLVITInternal MarketSOLVIT is an on-line problem solving network in which EU Member States work together to solve without legal proceedings problems caused by the misapplication of Internal Market law by public authorities.July 2002Yes1540 SOLVIT cases were submitted in 2009One Solvit centre per EEA state (30)
TachonetTransportTachonet interconnects national electronic registers for Driver-cards for the Digital Tachograph in order to enable Member States Driver card issuing authorities an automatic exchange of information as stated in Regulation (EEC) n°3821/852005Standardised question sets are available in all languages, free text is not necessary7 Mio messages between Jan - Nov 2010Currently 33 countries (EU Member States and AETR countries); 50 participating States when all AETR countries are connected
TRACESHealth and Consumer protectionTRACES is an internet-based network between veterinary authorities in EU countries and business operators. The system makes it possible to produce and exchange information on all animal health and welfare and public health certificates accompanying animals, semen, embryos and products of animal origin. It speeds up administrative procedures - business operators can make requests online, for imports as well as trade within the EU.2004Interfaces yes. Documents are already available in all languages before they are uploaded to the system.1300 in October 20101000
TRISEnterprise and IndustryIn the field of products and information society services, Directive 98/34/EC obliges Member States to notify to the Commission and to other Member States their technical regulations (rules on information society services) at a draft stage. TRIS contains a database of notifications which can be searched by country, number, date, keyword, etc.1990Draft text is translated into all languages if document is less than 30 pages3099 in 200931

1The decision to begin the Posting of Workers pilot is awaiting adoption of Council conclusions (foreseen for EPSSCO Council in March 2011).

2Following the judgment of the General Court of the European Union in case number T-19/07 on 16 December 2010, the use of ECMT has been suspended

3Such a means of interaction will avoid duplication with existing e-Government portals such as the Points of Single Contact of the Services Directive (PSCs) and e-Government projects such as SPOCS (Simple Procedures Online for Cross-border Services) and PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online), instead seeking to reuse existing tools and establish synergies where possible.