Annexes to SEC(2011)1321 - Executive summary of the impact assessment

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dossier SEC(2011)1321 - Executive summary of the impact assessment.
document SEC(2011)1321 EN
date November  9, 2011
agreements, currently used for the support to EU consumer organisations, could also be used for the co-financing of ECCs; the creation of an EU level coordination body for market surveillance relating to safety should also lead to a streamlining of the funding process in this area.

The possibility to use lump sums whenever possible will be examined so as to reduce the administrative burden.

The management by the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers also contributes to the streamlining of procedures in the management of the funding process.

Under this option, the Programme will be able to support the objectives of Europe 2020 and of the future consumer policy, focussing on safety, information and education, rights and redress and enforcement.

6. Monitoring and evaluation

The Programme will foresee a mid-term and an ex-post evaluation.

The ex-post evaluation of the current (2007-2013) Programme (foreseen before end 2015) will also provide useful elements for the implementation of the next Programme.

A set of indicators has been defined for the four specific objectives of the Programme to monitor its implementation:

Objective 1:      Safety - to consolidate and enhance product safety through effective market surveillance throughout the Union

Indicator || Source || Current situation || Target

% of RAPEX notifications entailing at least one reaction (by other Member States) || RAPEX || 43% (843 notifications) in 2010 || Increase of 10% in 7 years

Ratio number of reactions / number of notifications (serious risks)* || RAPEX || 107.5% in 2010 || Increase of 15% in 7 years

* a notification usually triggers several reactions from authorities from other Member States

Objective 2:      Information and education - to improve consumers' education, information and awareness of their rights, to develop the evidence base for consumer policy and to provide support to consumer organisations

Indicator || Source || Current situation || Target

Number of complaint bodies submitting complaints to the ECCRS || ECCRS (European Consumer Complaints Registration system) || na || 60% of complaint bodies in 7 years

Trust in cross-border transactions - % of consumers who are equally confident or more confident in making an internet purchase from sellers from another EU country || Consumer Eurobarometer || 37% in 2010 || 50% in 7 years

Objective 3:      Rights and redress - to consolidate consumer rights in particular through regulatory action and improving access to redress including alternative dispute resolution

Indicator || Source || Current situation || Target

% of cross-border cases referred to ADR by ECCs || Annual ECC report || 9% in 2010 || 50% in 7 years

Number of cases dealt with by the ODR platform || Database ODR platform || 17.500 (complaints received by ECCs related to e-commerce transactions) in 2010 || 38.500 (+120%) in 7 years

Objective 4:      Enforcement - to support enforcement of consumer rights by strengthening cooperation between national enforcement bodies and by supporting consumers with advice

Indicator || Source || Current situation || Target

Level of information flow and cooperation within the CPC Network: - number of requests to exchange information between CPC authorities - number of requests for enforcement measures between CPC authorities - number of alerts within the CPC network || CPC Network Database (CPCS) || annualised averages of 2007-2010: - 129 - 142 - 63 || - increase of 40% in 7 years - increase of 40% in 7 years - increase of 30% in 7 years

Number of contacts with consumers handled by the European Consumer Centres (ECC) || ECC report || 71.000 in 2010 || Increase of 50% in 7 years

[1]               which might take the form of a Consumer Agenda to be published in 2012.