(1) | points (3) to (8) are replaced by the following:
‘(3) | pharmaceutical products used for medical and veterinary purposes, including products used for contraception and female sanitary protection, and absorbent hygiene products; |
(4) | medical equipment, appliances, devices, items, aids and protective gear, including health protection masks, normally intended for use in health care or for the use of the disabled, goods essential to compensate and overcome disability, as well as the adaptation, repair, rental and leasing of such goods; |
(5) | transport of passengers and the transport of goods accompanying them, such as luggage, bicycles, including electric bicycles, motor or other vehicles, or the supply of services relating to the transport of passengers; |
(6) | supply, including on loan by libraries, of books, newspapers and periodicals either on physical means of support or supplied electronically, or both, (including brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, children’s picture, drawing or colouring books, music printed or in manuscript form, maps and hydrographic or similar charts), other than publications wholly or predominantly devoted to advertising and other than publications wholly or predominantly consisting of video content or audible music; production of publications of non-profit-making organisations and services related to such production; |
(7) | admission to shows, theatres, circuses, fairs, amusement parks, concerts, museums, zoos, cinemas, exhibitions and similar cultural events and facilities or access to the live-streaming of those events or visits or both; |
(8) | reception of radio and television broadcasting services and webcasting of such programmes provided by a media service provider; internet access services provided as part of digitalisation policy, defined by Member States;’; |