Annexes to COM(2018)384 - Justice programme

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

dossier COM(2018)384 - Justice programme.
document COM(2018)384 EN
date April 28, 2021

Within the financial envelope of the Programme, amounts shall be allocated as follows for each specific objective:

(a)27 % for the specific objective referred to in point (a) of Article 3(2);

(b)36 % for the specific objective referred to in point (b) of Article 3(2);

(c)27 % for the specific objective referred to in point (c) of Article 3(2);

(d)10 % for any of the objectives referred to in Article 3(2).



The Programme shall be monitored on the basis of a set of indicators intended to measure the extent to which its general and specific objectives have been achieved while minimising administrative burdens and costs. To that end, while respecting rights related to privacy and data protection, data will be collected as regards the following set of indicators:

(1)number of members of the judiciary and judicial staff who participated in training activities (including staff exchanges, study visits, workshops and seminars) funded by the Programme, including through the operating grant of the EJTN;

(2)number of civil society organisations supported by the Programme;

(3)number of exchanges of information in the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS);

(4)number of hits on the e-Justice portal/pages addressing the need for information on cross-border civil and criminal cases;

(5)number of people per specific objective reached by:

(a)mutual learning activities and the exchange of good practices;

(b)activities related to awareness-raising and information, and to the dissemination of information.

All individual data shall be broken down by sex whenever possible. The interim and final evaluations of the Programme shall focus on each specific objective, and shall include a gender equality perspective and evaluate impacts on gender equality.