Annexes to COM(2021)776 - Amendment of Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 and repeal of 11 legal acts in the field of national accounts

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Annex A to Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community as concerns the principles for measuring prices and volumes (OJ L 340, 16.12.1998, p. 33).

(17) Commission Decision 2002/990/EC of 17 December 2002 further clarifying Annex A to Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 as concerns the principles for measuring prices and volumes in national accounts (OJ L 347, 20.12.2002, p. 42).

(18) Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2021 establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility (OJ L 57, 18.2.2021, p. 17).


Annex A to Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 is amended as follows:

(1)in paragraph 1.51, point (b) is replaced by the following:

‘(b)expenditures on weapon systems that meet the general definition of assets have been classified as fixed capital formation, rather than intermediate consumption;’;

(2)in paragraph 1.51, point (h) is replaced by the following:

‘(h)the treatment of super-dividends paid by public corporations has been clarified, i.e. they are to be considered as exceptional payments and treated as withdrawals from equity;’;

(3)in paragraph 1.118, the label of the diagram is replaced by the following:

‘Diagram 1.1 - A diagram of the sequence of accounts’;

(4)in paragraph 3.98, the introductory wording is replaced by the following:

‘Final consumption expenditure (P.3) by general government includes two categories, similar to those recorded for NPISHs:’;

(5)paragraph 3.105 is replaced by the following:

‘3.105Alternatively individual consumption expenditure of general government corresponds to division 15 of the classification of individual consumption by purpose (Coicop), which includes the following groups:
15.1Housing (equivalent to COFOG group 10.6)

15.2Health (equivalent to COFOG groups 7.1 to 7.4)

15.3Recreation and culture (equivalent to COFOG groups 8.1 and 8.2)

15.4Education (equivalent to COFOG groups 9.1 to 9.6)

15.5Social protection (equivalent to COFOG groups 10.1 to 10.5 and group 10.7).’;

(6)paragraph 3.124 is replaced by the following:

‘3.124Definition: gross fixed capital formation (P.51g) consists of resident producers’ acquisitions, less disposals, of fixed assets during a given period plus certain additions to the value of non-produced assets realised by the productive activity of producer or institutional units. Fixed assets are produced assets used in production for more than one year.’;

(7)in paragraph 3.132, point (c) is replaced by the following:

‘(c)computer software and databases to be used in production for more than one year;’;

(8)paragraph 3.138 is replaced by the following:

‘3.138Costs of ownership transfer can apply to both produced assets, including fixed assets, and non-produced assets, such as land.

These costs are included in the purchasers’ prices in the case of produced assets. They are separated from the purchases and sales themselves in the case of land and other non-produced assets, and recorded under a separate heading (P.512) in the classification of gross fixed capital formation.’;

(9)in paragraph 3.181, the last sentence is replaced by the following:

‘The transfer of existing goods is recorded as a negative expenditure (disposal) for the seller and a positive expenditure (acquisition) for the purchaser.’;

(10)in paragraph 4.40, the third sentence is deleted;

(11)paragraph 4.50 is replaced by the following:

‘4.50Interest is recorded on an accrual basis, that is, interest is recorded as accruing continuously over time to the creditor on the amount of principal outstanding. The interest accruing in each accounting period must be recorded whether it is actually paid or added to the principal outstanding. When it is not paid, the increase in the principal is recorded in the financial account as an acquisition of a financial asset by the creditor and an equal acquisition of a liability by the debtor.’;

(12)in paragraph 4.82, the text ‘In some cases, the liability to pay income taxes can only be determined in a later accounting period than that in which the income accrues. Some flexibility is therefore needed concerning the point in time at which such taxes are recorded. Income taxes deducted at source, such as PAYE taxes and regular prepayments of income taxes, may be recorded in the periods in which they are paid and any final tax liability on income can be recorded in the period in which the liability is determined.’ is replaced by the following:

‘In some cases, the liability to pay income taxes can only be determined in a later accounting period than that in which the income accrues. Some flexibility is therefore needed concerning the point in time at which such taxes are recorded. Income taxes retained at source, such as pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) taxes and regular prepayments of income taxes, may be recorded in the periods in which they are paid and any final tax liability on income can be recorded in the period in which the liability is determined.’;

(13)in paragraph 4.93, point (a) is replaced by the following:

‘(a)social contributions paid by persons who are not legally obliged to contribute to a social security fund;’;

(14)paragraph 5.235 is replaced by the following:

‘5.235FISIM accrued but not yet paid is included with the corresponding financial instrument and prepayment of insurance premiums is included in insurance technical reserves (F.61); in neither case is there an entry in trade credits and advances.’;

(15)in paragraph 5.236, point (c) is replaced by the following:

‘(c)rental of buildings accruing over time; and’;

(16)paragraph 7.88 is replaced by the following:

‘7.88The market value of forwards can switch between positive (asset) and negative (liability) positions depending on price movements in the underlying items and thus they can switch being assets and liabilities for the writers and holders. Some forwards operate on margin payments, where profits or losses are settled daily; in these cases the balance sheet value will be zero.’;

(17)in paragraph 8.09, table 8.1 is replaced by the following:

‘Table 8.1

Synoptic presentation of the accounts, balancing items and main aggregates

AccountsBalancing itemsMain aggregates
Full sequence of accounts for institutional sectors
Current accountsI.Production accountI.Production accountB.1gValue added, grossGross domestic product (GDP)
II.Distribution and use of income accountsII.1Primary distribution of income accountsII.1.1Generation of income accountB.2g

Operating surplus, gross

Mixed income, gross
II.1.2Allocation of primary income accountII.1.2.1Entrepreneurial income accountB.4gEntrepreneurial income, gross
II.1.2.2Allocation of other primary income accountB.5gBalance of primary incomes, grossGross national income (GNI)
II.2Secondary distribution of income accountB.6gDisposable income, grossGross national disposable income
II.3Redistribution of income in kind accountB.7gAdjusted disposable income, gross
II.4Use of income accountII.4.1Use of disposable income accountB.8gSaving, grossGross national saving
II.4.2Use of adjusted disposable income account
Accumulation accountsIII.Accumulation accountsIII.1Capital accountIII.1.1Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers accountB.101Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers
III.1.2Acquisition of non-financial assets accountB.9Net lending/net borrowing
III.2Financial accountB.9FNet lending/net borrowing
III.3Other changes in assets accountIII.3.1Other changes in volume of assets accountB.102Changes in net worth, due to other changes in volume of assets
III.3.2Revaluation accountsB.103Changes in net worth due to nominal holding gains/losses
III.3.2.1Neutral holding gains/losses accountB.1031Changes in net worth due to neutral holding gains/losses
III.3.2.2Real holding gains/losses accountB.1032Changes in net worth due to real holding gains/losses
Balance sheetsIV.Balance sheetsIV.1Opening balance sheetB.90Net worthNational worth
IV.2Changes in balance sheetB.10Changes in net worth, totalChanges in national worth
IV.3Closing balance sheetB.90Net worthNational worth
Transaction accounts
0.Goods and services account
Rest of the world account (external transactions account)
Current accountV.Rest of the world accountV.IExternal account of goods and servicesB.11External balance of goods and servicesExternal balance of goods and services
V.IIExternal account of primary income and current transfersB.12Current external balanceCurrent external balance
Accumulation accountsV.IIIExternal accumulation accountsV.III.1Capital accountV.III.1.1Changes in net worth due to current external balance and capital transfers accountB.101Changes in net worth due to current external balance and capital transfers
V.III.1.2Acquisition of non-financial assets accountB.9Net lending/net borrowing
V.III.2Financial accountB.9FNet lending/net borrowingNet lending/net borrowing
V.III.3Other changes in assets accountV.III.3.1Other changes in volume of assets accountB.102Changes in net worth, due to other changes in volume of assets
V.III.3.2Revaluation accountsB.103Changes in net worth, due to nominal holding gains/losses
Balance sheetsV.IVExternal assets and liabilities accountV.IV.1Opening balance sheetB.90Net worthNet external financial position
V.IV.2Changes in balance sheetB.10Changes in net worth
V.IV.3Closing balance sheetB.90Net worthNet external financial position’

(18)paragraph 9.61 is replaced by the following:

‘9.61However, the analytical properties of product-by-product tables and industry-by-industry tables do not differ significantly. The differences between product-by-product tables and industry-by-industry tables are caused by the existence of a generally limited amount of secondary production. In practice, analytical uses of input-output tables implicitly assume an industry technology, no matter how the tables have originally been compiled. Furthermore, in practice, any product-by-product table is a manipulated industry-by-industry table, as it still contains all the KAU and enterprise characteristics of the supply and use tables.’;

(19)paragraph 10.27 is replaced by the following:

‘10.27For transactions in services it is frequently more difficult to specify the characteristics which determine the physical units, and differences of opinion may arise concerning the criteria to be used. This difficulty may concern important industries such as financial intermediation services, wholesale and retail trade, services to enterprises, education, research and development, health or recreation. The choice of physical units for such activities is presented in Handbook on prices and volume measures in national accounts  (*1).

(*1)  Eurostat, Handbook on prices and volume measures in national accounts, 2016.’;"

(20)in paragraph 10.56, the second footnote is replaced by the following:

‘Eurostat-OECD, Eurostat-OECD Methodological manual on purchasing power parities, 2012.’;

(21)in paragraph 14.06, the second sentence is replaced by the following:

‘FISIM calculations concentrate on subsectors S.122 and S.125; by convention, FISIM are not calculated for the central bank (see paragraph 14.16).’;

(22)in paragraph 15.27, the text ‘This asset (category AN.222) is only recognised if its value, the benefits to the holder in excess of the value accruing to the issues, is realisable through transferring the asset.’ is replaced by the following:

‘This asset (category AN.222) is only recognised if its value, the benefits to the holder in excess of the value accruing to the issuer, is realisable through transferring the asset.’;

(23)in paragraph 15.31, table 15.4 is replaced by the following:

‘Table 15.4

The recording of the use and purchase of non-financial assets, by type of transaction and flow

Type of transaction / other economic flowType of use/purchase and type of asset and type of payment
Intermediate consumptionOperating lease of produced assets, e.g. machines and intellectual property rights

Regular payments by corporations for the delivery of water

FISIM services related to the provision of a financial lease
Consumption of fixed capitalOnly for produced assets, and for the economic owner
Final consumption expenditureOperating lease of consumer durables

Purchase of consumer durables, including when financed by a financial lease, or through a hire purchase agreement
Purchase of non-financial assets
Fixed capital formationPurchase of produced assets, including when financed via a financial lease
Acquisition of natural resourcesPurchase of a natural resource, including the right to use to extinction

Purchase of the right to use a natural resource for an extended period, e.g. a fishing quota
Acquisition of other non-produced assetsTransferable time-share arrangements

Purchase of a contract transferable to a third party

Contracts for future production, for example contracts with footballers and writers
Payment as property income: rentResource lease, i.e. payment for short-term use of natural resource

Regular payments for the right to extract water

Financial lease, i.e. purchase of a non-financial asset financed simultaneously by a loan
Income transferPermits issued by government to undertake a specific activity not dependent on qualifying criteria, or with a disproportionate charge compared to the costs of administering the permit scheme

Emission permits issued by the government to control total emissions
Other taxes on production
Financial transaction: loanFinancial lease, i.e. purchase of a non-financial asset financed simultaneously by a loan
Other change in volume of assetsExhaustion of natural resources by the owner

Illegal logging, fishing or hunting (uncompensated seizure of cultivated assets or natural resources)
Change in the price of assetsExpiry of contracts, licences and permits recorded as assets’

(24)paragraph 15.32 is replaced by the following:

‘15.32When governments restrict the number of cars entitled to operate as taxis or limit the number of casinos by issuing permits, for example, they are in effect creating monopoly profits for the approved operators and recovering some of the profits as the fee. Such fees are recorded as other taxes on production. This principle applies to all cases where government issues permits to limit the number of units operating in a particular field where the limit is fixed arbitrarily and is not dependent only on qualifying criteria.’;

(25)paragraph 15.35 is replaced by the following:

‘15.35The permit to undertake specific activities as an asset first appears in the other changes in the volume of assets account. Changes in value, both up and down, are recorded in the revaluation account of the acquirer.’;

(26)in paragraph 16.67, table 16.1 is replaced by the following:

‘Table 16.1

Non-life insurance

Corresponding entries of theCorresponding entries of the
TotalGoods and services accountRest of the world accountTotal economyNPISHsHouseholdsGeneral governmentFinancial corporationsNon-financial corporationsTransactions and balancing itemsNon-financial corporationsFinancial corporationsGeneral governmentHouseholdsNPISHsTotal economyRest of the worldGoods and services accountTotal
External account
00P.62Exports in services00
00P.72Imports in services00
Production account
40403001P.2Intermediate consumption44
Distribution of primary income account
666D.441Property income attributable to insurance policy holders50010606
Secondary distribution of income account
44143031408D.711Net non-life insurance premiums444444
4504545D.721Non-life insurance claims60135042345
Use of disposable income account
222P.3Final consumption expenditure22
Financial balance sheet (opening)
74074400925AF.61Non-life insurance technical reserves747474
Financial balance sheet (closing)
8108104401125AF.61Non-life insurance technical reserves818181
Financial transaction
70704021F.61Non-life insurance technical reserves777
Revaluation account
00000000AF.61Non-life insurance technical reserves000 ’

(27)paragraph 17.148 is replaced by the following:

‘17.148If government assumes the responsibility for pension provision for the employees of a non-government unit through an explicit transaction, any payment by the non-government unit needs to be recorded as pre-paid social contributions (F.89). There is further discussion of this type of arrangement in paragraphs 20.273 to 20.275.’;

(28)paragraph 17.165 is replaced by the following:

‘17.165The discount rate applied to estimates of future pension benefits in the case of accrued-to-date entitlements is one of the most important assumptions to be made in the modelling of pension schemes, since its accumulated impact over many decades can be very large. The discount rate from a chosen approach may change over time, which would lead to revaluations in the accounts.’;

(29)in paragraph 18.26, the footnote is replaced by the following:

‘United Nations, International merchandise trade statistics: Concepts and definitions, 2010.’;

(30)in paragraphs 20.57, 20.63 and 20.65, the words ‘(excluding social security)’ are replaced by the words ‘(excluding social security funds)’;

(31)in paragraph 20.76, the table is replaced by the following:

‘Total revenue=total taxesD.2 + D.5 + D.91
+net social contributionsD.61
+total sales of goods and servicesP.11 + P.12 + P.131
+other current revenueD.39 + D.4 + D.7
+other capital revenueD.92 + D.99’

(32)paragraph 20.77 is replaced by the following:

‘20.77Total taxes comprise taxes on production and imports (D.2), current taxes on income and wealth, etc. (D.5) and capital taxes (D.91). Net social contributions consist of actual social contributions (employers’ actual social contributions (D.611) and households’ actual social contributions (D.613)), employers’ imputed social contributions (D.612) and households’ social contribution supplements (D.614) less social insurance scheme service charges (D.61SC).’;

(33)in paragraph 20.84, box 20.1 is replaced by the following:

‘Box 20.1 — From the ESA central framework to GFS transactions and aggregates

ESA resourcesESA GFS revenue
P.1Output, of which
Market output (P.11)Sales of goods and services
Output for own final use (P.12)Sales of goods and services
Non-market output (P.13), of which:
Payments for non-market output (P.131)
Sales of goods and services
Non-market output, other (P.132)
Not accounted for in total revenue
D.2Taxes on production and imports (receivable)Total taxes
D.3Subsidies (receivable)Other current revenue
D.4Property incomeOther current revenue
D.5Current taxes on income and wealthTotal taxes
D.61Net social contributionsNet social contributions
D.7Other current transfersOther current revenue
D.91rCapital taxes (receivable)Total taxes
D.92rInvestment grants (receivable)Other capital revenue
D.99rOther capital transfers (receivable)Other capital revenue

ESA uses and capital transactionsESA GFS expenditure
P.2Intermediate consumptionIntermediate consumption
D.1Compensation of employeesCompensation of employees
D.2Taxes on production and imports (payable)Other current expenditure
D.3Subsidies (payable)Subsidies
D.4Property income (excluding D.41)Other current expenditure
D.5Current taxes on incomeOther current expenditure
D.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kindSocial benefits other than social transfers in kind
D.632Social transfers in kind via market producersSocial transfers in kind via market producers
D.7Other current transfersOther current expenditure
D.8Adjustment for the change in pension entitlementsOther current expenditure
P.31Individual consumption expenditure on market outputSocial transfers in kind via market producers
P.31Individual consumption expenditure on non-market outputNot accounted for in total expenditure
P.32Collective consumption expenditureNot accounted for in total expenditure
P.5Gross capital formationCapital expenditure
NPAcquisition less disposal of non-produced assetsCapital expenditure
D.92pInvestment grant (payable)Capital expenditure
D.99pOther capital transfers (payable)Capital expenditure

In the ESA central framework, net lending/net borrowing (B.9) is the balancing item of the capital account. The balancing item of general government in the ESA GFS presentation is identical to the net lending/net borrowing (B.9). This box explains why.

The ESA central framework

The first account is the production account, and therefore the first resource of an institutional sector in the ESA is its output. As the majority of services provided by government are not sold at economically significant prices and so are non-market, government output is measured by convention as the sum of production costs.

Similarly, final collective consumption expenditure, consisting of services provided to the community by government such as general services, defence, safety and public order, are measured as the sum of production costs. Also by convention, collective consumption expenditure (P.32) is equal to the actual final consumption (P.4) of government.

Final individual consumption expenditure of households provided directly by government on a non-market basis is also measured by its production costs.

As a result, two types of flows are ‘imputed’ in the ESA accounts of government:

(1)on the resources side, the non-market output, other (P.132) recorded in the production account;

(2)on the uses side, the actual final consumption (P.4) and the social transfers in kind — non-market production (D.631). They are recorded in the redistribution of income in kind account, and in the use of adjusted disposable income account.

Each imputed flow is equal to the sum of actual flows: the production costs. These two types of imputed flows, on the resource side and on the uses side, balance in the ESA sequence of accounts.

The ESA GFS presentation of statistics

The same basic transaction categories are used in the ESA GFS presentation, but mainly on the basis of actual monetary flows, to obtain the total revenue and the total expenditure of government. Only a selection of imputed flows is taken into account: imputed social contributions and capital transfers in kind.

Eliminating from the resources side the non-market output (P.132) to obtain total revenue, and eliminating from the uses side the actual final consumption (P.4=P.32) and the social transfers in kind — non-market production (D.631) to obtain total expenditure, results in the same balancing item: the net lending/net borrowing (B.9).

The only social transfers in kind that are accounted for in the GFS aggregate total expenditure of government are social transfers in kind provided to households via market producers (D.632), as they are subject to real payments of government units. Those transactions are also to be added to the sum of production costs (equal to non-market output, other — P.132) to obtain the final consumption expenditure of the general government.

P.3 = P.132 + D.632’

(34)paragraph 20.90 is replaced by the following:

‘20.90Subsidies received by government units consist only of other subsidies on production. When received by producing entities belonging to general government, subsidies on products are included in the valuation of the output and sales at basic prices.’;

(35)paragraph 20.130 is replaced by the following:

‘20.130The repurchase by a unit of a liability is recorded as redemption in liabilities and not as an acquisition of assets. Likewise, at a subsector or sector level, the purchase by a government unit of a liability issued by another unit of the subsector in question will be presented in the consolidated presentation, as redemption of liability by that subsector or sector.’;

(36)paragraph 20.158 is replaced by the following:

‘20.158Taxes or subsidies paid by one government unit or entity to another are not to be consolidated. Taxes or subsidies on products cannot be consolidated in the system because there is no counterpart sector transactor in the ESA for such transactions; the relevant amounts are not separately recognised as expenditure and revenue (respectively) and are instead included in, or excluded from, the value of the intermediate consumption or of the sales.’;

(37)paragraph 21.22 is replaced by the following:

‘21.22The valuations of assets at fair value not only provide a better picture of the balance sheet than valuations at historic cost but they also generate more data on holding gains/losses.’;

(38)paragraph 22.13 is replaced by the following:

‘22.13In Coicop, 15 main categories are distinguished:
(a)food and non-alcoholic beverages;

(b)alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics;

(c)clothing and footwear;

(d)housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels;

(e)furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance;



(h)information and communication;

(i)recreation, sport and culture;

(j)education services;

(k)restaurants and accommodation services;

(l)insurance and financial services;

(m)personal care, social protection and miscellaneous goods and services;

(n)individual consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs); and

(o)individual consumption expenditure of general government.

The first 13 categories sum up total individual consumption expenditure by households. The last two identify individual consumption expenditure by NPISHs and general government sectors, i.e. their social transfers in kind. Together, all 15 items represent actual final consumption by households.’;

(39)paragraph 22.14 is replaced by the following:

‘22.14The individual consumption expenditure of NPISHs and general government is broken down into five common sub-categories reflecting major policy issues: housing, health, recreation and culture, education, and social protection. These are also Coicop functions for the individual consumption expenditure by households; social protection is a sub-category of category 13, ‘personal care, social protection and miscellaneous goods and services’. As a consequence, Coicop also shows for each of these five common sub-categories, the role of private households, government and NPISHs. For example, it can describe the role of government in providing housing, health and education.’;

(40)paragraph 22.16 is replaced by the following:

‘22.16The classification of government expenditure by function (COFOG) is a major tool for describing and analysing government finance. The 10 major divisions distinguished are:
(a)general public services;


(c)public order and safety;

(d)economic affairs;

(e)environmental protection;

(f)housing and community amenities;


(h)recreation, culture and religion;

(i)education; and

(j)social protection.

The classification is used to classify individual and collective consumption expenditure by the government. However, it also serves to illustrate the role of other types of expenditure such as subsidies, investment grants and social benefits, for pursuing policy purposes.’;

(41)Chapter 23 is amended as follows:

(a)paragraph 23.05 is replaced by the following:

‘23.05Apart from COFOG and Coicop, the functional classifications include also COPNI (classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions serving households) and COPP (classification of outlays of producers by purpose). These classifications are used for functional analysis of the expenditure by corporations, government, households and non-profit institutions serving households and for functional satellite accounts.’;

(b)the table inserted under the heading ‘Transactions in products (P)’ is replaced by the following:

P.11Market output
P.119Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)
P.12Output for own final use
P.13Non-market output
P.131Payments for non-market output
P.132Non-market output, other
P.2Intermediate consumption
P.3Final consumption expenditure
P.31Individual consumption expenditure
P.32Collective consumption expenditure
P.4Actual final consumption
P.41Actual individual consumption
P.42Actual collective consumption
P.5Gross capital formation/P.5n net capital formation
P.51gGross fixed capital formation
P.511Acquisitions less disposals of fixed assets
P.5111Acquisitions of new fixed assets
P.5112Acquisitions of existing fixed assets
P.5113Disposals of existing fixed assets
P.512Costs of ownership transfer on non-produced assets
P.51cConsumption of fixed capital (–)
P.51c1Consumption of fixed capital on gross operating surplus (–)
P.51c2Consumption of fixed capital on gross mixed income (–)
P.51nNet fixed capital formation
P.52Changes in inventories
P.53Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
P.6Exports of goods and services
P.61Exports of goods
P.62Exports of services
P.7Imports of goods and services
P.71Imports of goods
P.72Imports of services’

(c)the text and the table inserted under the heading ‘Consumer durables’ are replaced by the following:

‘Consumer durables are coded using X as a prefix plus DHHCE (durable household consumption expenditure) plus a one-digit affix for subgroups and two digits for the items.

SNA codes
XDHHCE1Furniture and household appliances
XDHHCE11Furniture and furnishings
XDHHCE12Carpets and other floor coverings
XDHHCE13Major household appliances whether electric or not
XDHHCE14Major tools and equipment for house and garden
XDHHCE2Personal transport equipment
XDHHCE21Motor cars
XDHHCE24Animal drawn vehicles
XDHHCE3Recreational and entertainment goods
XDHHCE31Telephone and telefax equipment
XDHHCE32Equipment for the reception, recording and reproduction of sound and pictures
XDHHCE33Photographic and cinematographic equipment and optical instruments
XDHHCE34Information processing equipment
XDHHCE35Major durables for outdoor recreation
XDHHCE36Musical instruments and major durables for indoor recreation
XDHHCE4Other durable goods
XDHHCE41Jewellery, clocks and watches
XDHHCE42Therapeutic medical appliances and equipment’

(d)the table inserted under the heading ‘CLASSIFICATION OF INDIVIDUAL CONSUMPTION BY PURPOSE (Coicop)’ is replaced by the following:

‘01-13 Individual consumption expenditure of households

01Food and non-alcoholic beverages
01.2Non-alcoholic beverages
01.3Services for processing primary goods for food and non-alcoholic beverages
02Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics
02.1Alcoholic beverages
02.2Alcohol production services
03Clothing and footwear
04Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels
04.1Actual rentals for housing
04.2Imputed rentals for housing
04.3Maintenance, repair and security of the dwelling
04.4Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling
04.5Electricity, gas and other fuels
05Furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance
05.1Furniture, furnishings, and loose carpets
05.2Household textiles
05.3Household appliances
05.4Glassware, tableware and household utensils
05.5Tools and equipment for house and garden
05.6Goods and services for routine household maintenance
06.1Medicines and health products
06.2Outpatient care services
06.3Inpatient care services
06.4Other health services
07.1Purchase of vehicles
07.2Operation of personal transport equipment
07.3Passenger transport services
07.4Transport services of goods
08Information and communication
08.1Information and communication equipment
08.2Software excluding games
08.3Information and communication services
09Recreation, sport and culture
09.1Recreational durables
09.2Other recreational goods
09.3Garden products and pets
09.4Recreational services
09.5Cultural goods
09.6Cultural services
09.7Newspapers, books and stationery
09.8Package holidays
10Education services
10.1Early childhood and primary education
10.2Secondary education
10.3Post-secondary non-tertiary education
10.4Tertiary education
10.5Education not definable by level
11Restaurants and accommodation services
11.1Food and beverage serving services
11.2Accommodation services
12Insurance and financial services
12.2Financial services
13Personal care, social protection and miscellaneous goods and services
13.1Personal care
13.2Other personal effects
13.3Social protection
13.9Other services
14Individual consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)
14.3Recreation and culture
14.5Social protection
14.6Other services
15Individual consumption expenditure of general government
15.3Recreation and culture
15.5Social protection’

(*1)  Eurostat, Handbook on prices and volume measures in national accounts, 2016.’;’




I. General requirements


1.Member States shall transmit to the Commission (Eurostat) the accounts defined in the data tables in this Annex. Each separate data table specifies the compulsory and voluntary variables that are to be transmitted, the reference periods required as well as the deadlines for transmission.

Overview of the data tables  (1)

Table NoSubject of the tablesDeadline t + months (days where specified) after the reference periodPeriod covered
1FFlash estimates of GDP and employment — quarterly voluntary transmissionsDates shall be agreed between participating Member States and the Commission (Eurostat) and shall correspond to Eurostat’s releases at 30 or 45 daysThe latest reported quarter
1QNational accounts main aggregates — quarterly2/(3) (2)1995Q1 onwards
1ANational accounts main aggregates — annual2/(3) (2)/91995 onwards
2Main aggregates of general government and its subsectors — annual3/91995 onwards
3Main aggregates by economic activity — annual9/211995 onwards
5Household final consumption expenditure by purpose — annual91995 onwards
6Financial accounts by sector (transactions) — annual4/91995 onwards
7Balance sheets for financial assets and liabilities by sector — annual4/91995 onwards
8Non-financial accounts by sector — annual91995 onwards
801Non-financial accounts by sector — quarterly – non-adjusted85 days/(3) (3)1999Q1 onwards
801SANon-financial accounts by sector — quarterly – seasonally and calendar adjusted data85 days + 3 working days1999Q1 onwards
9Detailed tax and social contribution revenue, including the list of taxes and social contributions according to national classification — annual91995 onwards
10Main aggregates by region, NUTS levels 2 and 3 — annual12/242000 onwards
11General government expenditure by function (COFOG) — annual111995 onwards
13Household accounts by region, NUTS level 2 — annual242000 onwards
15Supply table at basic prices, including transformation into purchasers’ prices — annual362010 onwards
16Use table at purchasers’ prices — annual362010 onwards
17Symmetric input-output table at basic prices — five-yearly362010 onwards
20Fixed assets by economic activity and by asset (stocks) — annual242000 onwards
22Gross fixed capital formation by economic activity and by asset (transactions) — annual9/241995 onwards
25Non-financial accounts of general government — quarterly32002Q1 onwards
26Balance sheets for non-financial assets — annual241995 onwards
27Financial accounts and balance sheets of general government — quarterly85 days/31999Q1 onwards
28General government gross debt (Maastricht debt) — quarterly32000Q1 onwards
28AGeneral government gross debt (Maastricht debt) structure — annual100 days/283 daysPrevious 4 reference years
29Accrued-to-date pension entitlements in social insurance — three-yearly242012 onwards
t = reference period (year or quarter).

2.Member States shall transmit all compulsory data for publication by the Commission (Eurostat) by the planned release dates of the European aggregates. Where the data transmitted cannot be disseminated due to statistical confidentiality considerations, the true value shall be sent with the flags agreed for statistical primary or secondary confidentiality. With the exception of embargo dates, the application of other flags restricting the publication shall be justified and explained with metadata.

3.Member States shall transmit all data in accordance with the concepts and definitions specified in Annex A to this Regulation. When the data transmitted deviate from the concepts and definitions, the observations affected shall be sent with a flag indicating that the definition differs.

4.Member States shall transmit all data in accordance with the quality criteria specified in Article 4(1) of this Regulation.

5.Member States and the Commission (Eurostat) shall coordinate the release dates of the accounts. Where national publication dates are subsequent to the deadlines for transmission of data to the Commission (Eurostat), the data shall be transmitted with a flag indicating the temporary embargo on publication as well as the embargo date and time for publication.

6.The specification of embargo dates that are subsequent to the publication date for European aggregates shall be avoided to the extent possible.

Reference periods

7.Member States shall transmit the entire compulsory time series to the Commission (Eurostat) at each deadline, including data that have not been revised unless stated otherwise in specific individual tables. Where the data transmitted have breaks in the time series, the value of the reference period concerned shall be sent with a flag indicating this break.

8.If Member States have time series longer than the compulsory reference periods specified in the data tables, they may transmit the entire series on a voluntary basis.


9.Metadata shall consist of structural information as referred to in paragraph 10 and of specific information concerning the data transmitted in accordance with paragraph 11. Member States shall transmit the metadata to the Commission (Eurostat) to allow the Commission (Eurostat) to assess the quality of the data transmitted. Metadata transmission – within the context of the transmission programme – shall avoid the duplication of requests of the same information collected in other processes and tables.

Where the metadata include confidential information, Member States shall inform the Commission (Eurostat) that the relevant text in the metadata cannot be disseminated.

10.Metadata on structural information to be transmitted by the Member States to the Commission (Eurostat) shall include information on the production process, as well as sources and methods used, if not available from other sources, and, where applicable, major methodological or other changes that affect the data transmitted, allowing the Commission (Eurostat) to assess the changes and inform users of such changes.

Such metadata on structural information shall, where the concepts and definitions specified in Annex A are not implemented, provide short explanations of the concepts and definitions actually applied in the transmitted data and the reasons why the concepts and definitions specified in Annex A are not implemented or not applicable.

After their initial transmission, metadata on structural information shall be transmitted each time that a significant change in the production process has been implemented.

11.Metadata on specific information concerning the data transmitted by the Member States shall inform the Commission (Eurostat) about major events such as major data revisions, data inconsistencies of significant size, outliers, breaks in time series, updates on seasonal adjustment, as well as unusual zero and negative values. For data transmitted on an annual basis, this information shall be sent at t+3 days at the latest, except with regard to tables 1, 6 and 7, for which the metadata shall be transmitted together with the data. For quarterly data, metadata shall be transmitted together with the data. This information shall be sent only when such events are reflected in the transmitted data, and it shall provide short explanations of the reasons why the event is observed in the transmitted data and which variables and reference periods are affected.

Member States shall provide specific information on revisions which do not derive from routine operations.

Transmission deadlines

12.The data tables accompanied by metadata shall be transmitted by the specific deadlines for each table.

13.Data shall be transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat) every time they are published by the national authority and no later than the day they are published.

14.If Member States become aware of errors in the transmitted data, they shall inform the Commission (Eurostat) immediately and transmit the corrected data as soon as the error can be corrected.

15.If a Member State transmits complete datasets in line with the quality criteria referred to in Article 4(1) of this Regulation ahead of the deadline, no retransmission of data is required at the deadline unless stated otherwise in specific individual tables.


16.The data transmitted in a table shall be internally consistent. The values that are transmitted for the same variable in different data tables are to be numerically consistent when they have the same deadline or when they are to be retransmitted at the same deadline as other tables.

17.The sum of the quarterly values of a variable not adjusted by seasonal and calendar effects in a table with quarterly data shall be numerically consistent for any reference year with the same variable in a corresponding table with annual data, when the corresponding tables have the same deadline.

Tables 1Q and 1A

Quarterly (Q) and annual (A) national accounts main aggregates.

Table 1A data shall be reported at t+2 months and t+9 months and table 1Q at t+2 months after the reference period. If a Member State transmits a complete set of data at t+2 months, data do not need to be transmitted at t+3 months. Table 1Q shall be consistent with table 1A at t+9 months.

Data at current prices (CUP) starting from 1995, in previous year’s prices (PYP) starting from 1996 and chain-linked volumes (CLV) starting from 1995 for annual and 1996Q1 for quarterly data are compulsory (x) as specified below. Some breakdowns are optional (o).

Quarterly data shall be provided in non-seasonally adjusted form, as well as in seasonally adjusted form (including calendar adjustments, where relevant) except for previous year’s prices. The provision of quarterly data that only include calendar or seasonal adjustments is voluntary.

For specific administrative uses, annual B.1*g are to be transmitted with the highest precision available but limited to meaningful values, e.g. maximum 8 decimals when expressed in millions of national currency and 3 decimals for data expressed in thousand persons.

CodeList of variablesQ data

t+2/(3) months
A data

t+2/(3)/9 months
B.1*gGross domestic product at market pricesxxCUP, PYP, CLV
Main output aggregates
B.1gGross value added at basic pricesxxA*10CUP, PYP, CLV
D.21 – D.31Taxes less subsidies on productsxxCUP, PYP, CLV
D.21Taxes on productsot+9CUP, PYP, CLV
D.31Subsidies on productsot+9CUP, PYP, CLV
Main expenditure aggregates
B.1*gGross domestic product at market pricesxxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.3_S.1Total final consumption expenditurexxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.3_S.14Household final consumption expenditure (domestic concept)xxCUP, PYP, CLV
Of whichBreakdowns by durability (DUR)
Durable goods
Other goods and services
- -Semi-durable goods
- -Non-durable goods
- -Services
P.3_S.1MFinal consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs (national concept)xxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.3_S.14Household final consumption expenditure (national concept)xxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.3_S.15Final consumption expenditure of NPISHsxxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.3_S.13General government final consumption expenditurexxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.31_S.13General government individual consumption expenditurexxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.32_S.13General government collective consumption expenditurexxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.41Actual individual consumptionxxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.5Gross capital formationxxCUP, PYP, CLV
P.51gGross fixed capital formationxxCUP, PYP, CLV
Of whichBreakdowns by asset type (AN_F6)
AN.111DwellingsxxAN_F6CUP, PYP, CLV
AN.112Other buildings and structuresxxAN_F6CUP, PYP, CLV
AN.113 + AN.114Machinery and equipment + weapon systemsxxAN_F6CUP, PYP, CLV
AN.1131Transport equipmentxxAN_F6CUP, PYP, CLV
AN.1132ICT equipmentot+9AN_F6CUP, PYP, CLV
AN.1139 + AN.114Other machinery and equipment + weapon systemsooAN_F6CUP, PYP, CLV
AN.115Cultivated biological resourcesxxAN_F6CUP, PYP, CLV
AN.117Intellectual property productsxxAN_F6CUP, PYP, CLV
P.52Changes in inventoriesxxCUP, PYP
P.53Acquisitions less disposals of valuablesxxCUP, PYP
P.6Exports of goods (fob) and servicesxxGEOCUP, PYP, CLV
P.61Exports of goodsooGEOCUP, PYP, CLV
P.62Exports of servicesooGEOCUP, PYP, CLV
P.7Imports of goods (fob) and servicesxxGEOCUP, PYP, CLV
P.71Imports of goodsooGEOCUP, PYP, CLV
P.72Imports of servicesooGEOCUP, PYP, CLV
B.11External balance of goods and servicesxxCUP, PYP
B.111External balance of goodsooCUP, PYP
B.112External balance of servicesooCUP, PYP
Main income aggregates
B.2g + B.3gGross operating surplus and gross mixed incomexxCUP
D.2 – D.3Taxes on production and imports less subsidiesxxCUP
D.2Taxes on production and importsxxCUP
D.1Compensation of employees working in resident production (domestic concept)xxA*10CUP
D.11Wages and salariesxxA*10CUP
D.12Employers’ social contributionsxxA*10CUP

Population and employment

Compulsory units (x): persons (PS) for population and all employment variables and hours worked (HW) for employment in resident production units.

Jobs (JB) and full time equivalents (FTE) optional (o) for employment in resident production units.

POPTotal population

(thousands of persons)
EMP_NCEmployment of residents

(national concept)
EEM_NCResident employees

(national concept)
ESE_NCSelf-employed residents

(national concept)
EMPEmployment in resident production units (domestic concept)xxA*10PS, HW
ooA*10JB, FTE
EEMEmployees in resident production units (domestic concept)xxA*10PS, HW
ooA*10JB, FTE
ESESelf-employed in resident production units (domestic concept)xxA*10PS, HW
ooA*10JB, FTE

Geographical breakdowns of exports and imports – according to the actual composition at the end of the last reference period (‘fixed composition’)

GEOCompulsory for total exports and imports;

Voluntary for goods and services
Unit with compulsory start year/quarter
CodeBreakdowns by counterpart areaCUPPYPCLV
S.21Member States, including institutions and bodies of the European Union2008/Q12012/Q12012/Q1
S.2IEuro area (Member States and institutions of the euro area)2008/Q12012/Q12012/Q1
S.21 – S.2IIntra-EU extra euro area (Member States and institutions not belonging to the euro area)2008/Q12012/Q12012/Q1
S.212Institutions and bodies of the European Unionooo

Table 1F

Flash estimates of GDP and employment — quarterly voluntary transmissions

Voluntary transmissions of flash GDP and employment growth estimates are agreed between the Commission (Eurostat) and Member States in view of ensuring a regular coordinated publication of estimates of the corresponding European aggregates about 30 or 45 days after the reference period. Member States transmitting such estimates to the Commission (Eurostat) shall send them each quarter at least one working day before the agreed publication date indicating clearly whether the estimates can be published (preferred option).

CodeFlash estimatesPeriodicityBased on
B.1*gGross domestic product at market pricesQVolume
EMPTotal employment in resident production unitsQPersons

Table 2

Main aggregates of general government and its subsectors — annual

Data shall be reported at current prices in millions of national currency (with reporting precision at least 1 million of national currency), with exceptions specified below, from 1995 onwards at t+3 and t+9 months after the reference period.

Sector and subsectors:

General government and its subsector breakdown are to be reported on a compulsory basis (exceptions below):

S.13 general government

S.1311 central government

S.1312 state government

S.1313 local government

S.1314 social security funds.

Any non-compulsory data for general government and its subsectors is indicated in the notes below. Otherwise, data is compulsory from reference year 1995 onwards.

Some items related to transactions with institutions and bodies of the European Union shall be transmitted on a compulsory basis as specified below for:

S.212 institutions and bodies of the European Union

S.1 total economy.

Subsector data shall be reported as consolidated in items property income (D.4), other current transfers (D.7) and capital transfers (D.9) (and their sub-items and aggregations) within each subsector but not between subsectors. Sector S.13 data equals the sum of subsector data, except for items D.4, D.7 and D.9 (and their sub-items and aggregations) which shall be consolidated between subsectors (with counterpart information from the expenditure side). Whenever substantial payments for items other than property income (D.4), other current transfers (D.7) or capital transfers (D.9) and sub-items occur within or between subsectors, Member States shall specify these payments in the sender footnotes.

Data reported shall be consistent with data reported under Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 (4).

P.11 + P.12Market output and output for own final use
P.11Market outputvoluntary
P.12Output for own final usevoluntary
P.12_GFSM_D.1Output for own final use, cost attributable to compensation of employees (GFSM purpose)voluntary; for the purpose of reporting according to the methodology set out in the International Monetary Fund’s Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
P.12_GFSM_P.2Output for own final use, cost attributable to intermediate consumption (GFSM purpose)voluntary; see P.12_GFSM_D.1
P.12_GFSM_P.51cOutput for own final use, cost attributable to consumption of fixed capital (GFSM purpose)voluntary; see P.12_GFSM_D.1
P.13Non-market output
P.131Payments for non-market output
Memo: own resource collection costscompulsory for S.13 from reference year 2004 onwards, voluntary for subsectors
P.132Non-market output, other
P.11 + P.12 + P.131Market output, output for own final use and payments for non-market output
P.2Intermediate consumption
B.1gValue added, gross
P.51cConsumption of fixed capital
B.1nValue added, net
D.1Compensation of employees, expenditure
D.11Wages and salaries, expenditurevoluntary
D.12Employers’ social contributions, expenditurevoluntary
D.29pOther taxes on production, expenditure
D.39rOther subsidies on production, revenueto be reported with a positive sign
D.3r_S.212Subsidies, revenue from the institutions and bodies of the European Unioncompulsory only for S.1 from reference year 2004 onwards, voluntary for S.13 and subsectors
B.2nOperating surplus, net
D.2rTaxes on production and imports, revenuealso to be transmitted for S.212 (compulsory from reference year 2004 onwards)
D.21rTaxes on products, revenuealso to be transmitted for S.212 (compulsory from reference year 2004 onwards)
D.211rValue added type taxes (VAT), revenue
D.29rOther taxes on production, revenuealso to be transmitted for S.212 (compulsory from reference year 2004 onwards)
D.4rProperty income, revenue
D.41rInterest, revenue
D.41GrTotal interest before FISIM allocation, revenuevoluntary
D.42r + D.43r + D.44r + D.45rOther property income, revenue
D.42rDistributed income of corporations, revenuevoluntary
D.43rReinvested earnings on FDI, revenuevoluntary
D.44rOther investment income, revenuevoluntary
D.45rRent, revenuevoluntary
D.3pSubsidies, expenditureto be reported with a positive sign
D.31pSubsidies on products, expenditureto be reported with a positive sign
D.39pOther subsidies on production, expenditureto be reported with a positive sign
D.4pProperty income, expenditure
D.4p_S.1311of which, to subsector central government (S.1311)
D.4p_S.1312of which, to subsector state government (S.1312)
D.4p_S.1313of which, to subsector local government (S.1313)
D.4p_S.1314of which, to subsector social security funds (S.1314)
D.41pInterest, expenditure
D.41GpTotal interest before FISIM allocation, expenditurevoluntary
D.42p + D.43p + D.44p + D.45pOther property income, expenditure
D.42pDistributed income of corporations, expenditurevoluntary
D.43pReinvested earnings on FDI, expenditurevoluntary
D.44pOther investment income, expenditurevoluntary
D.45pRent, expenditurevoluntary
B.5nBalance of primary incomes, net
D.5rCurrent taxes on income, wealth etc., revenue
D.51rTaxes on income, revenuevoluntary
D.51a + D.51c1Taxes on individual or household income including holding gains, revenuevoluntary
D.51b + D.51c2Taxes on the income or profits of corporations including holding gains, revenuevoluntary
D.59rOther current taxes, revenuevoluntary
D.61rNet social contributions, revenue
D.611rEmployers’ actual social contributions, revenue
D.613rHouseholds’ actual social contributions, revenue
D.7rOther current transfers, revenue
D.7r_S.212Other current transfers, revenue, from the institutions and bodies of the European Unioncompulsory for S.13 and S.1 from reference year 2004 onwards; voluntary for subsectors of S.13
D.71rNet non-life insurance premiums, revenuevoluntary
D.72rNon-life insurance claims, revenuevoluntary
D.73rCurrent transfers within general government, revenuevoluntary
D.74rCurrent international cooperation, revenuevoluntary
D.74r_S.212Current international cooperation, revenue, from the institutions and bodies of the European Unioncompulsory for S.13 from reference year 2004 onwards; voluntary for subsectors of S.13
D.75rMiscellaneous current transfers, revenuevoluntary
D.76rVAT- and GNI-based EU own resources, revenuewhen used, compulsory at S.13 level from reference year 2004 onwards
D.5pCurrent taxes on income, wealth etc., expenditure
D.62pSocial benefits other than social transfers in kind, expenditure
D.621pSocial security benefits in cash, expenditurevoluntary
D.622pOther social insurance benefits, expenditurevoluntary
D.623pSocial assistance benefits in cash, expenditurevoluntary
D.62p COFOG 10.2Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, expenditure, of which COFOG 10.2voluntary
D.62p COFOG 10.3Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, expenditure, of which COFOG 10.3voluntary
D.62p COFOG 10.5Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, expenditure, of which COFOG 10.5voluntary
D.632pSocial transfers in kind — purchased market production, expenditure
D.62p + D.632pSocial benefits other than social transfers in kind, and social transfers in kind — purchased market production, expenditure
D.7pOther current transfers, expenditure
D.7p_S.1311of which, to subsector central government (S.1311)
D.7p_S.1312of which, to subsector state government (S.1312)
D.7p_S.1313of which, to subsector local government (S.1313)
D.7p_S.1314of which, to subsector social security funds (S.1314)
D.71pNet non-life insurance premiums, expenditurevoluntary
D.72pNon-life insurance claims, expenditurevoluntary
D.73pCurrent transfers within general government, expenditurevoluntary
D.74pCurrent international cooperation, expenditurevoluntary
D.74p_S.212Current international cooperation, expenditure, to the institutions and bodies of the European Unioncompulsory for S.13 from reference year 2004 onwards; voluntary for subsectors of S.13
D.75pMiscellaneous current transfers, expenditurevoluntary
D.76pVAT- and GNI-based EU own resources, expenditurecompulsory for S.13 from reference year 2004 onwards; voluntary for subsectors of S.13
B.6nDisposable income, net
P.3Final consumption expenditure
P.31Individual consumption expenditure
P.32Collective consumption expenditure
D.8Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
B.8gSaving, gross
B.8nSaving, net
D.9rCapital transfers, revenue
D.9r_S.2Capital transfers, revenue, from the rest of the worldvoluntary
D.9r_S.212Capital transfers, revenue, from the institutions and bodies of the European Unioncompulsory for S.13 and S.1 from reference year 2004 onwards; voluntary for subsectors of S.13
D.91rCapital taxes, revenue
D.92r + D.99rInvestment grants and other capital transfers, revenue
D.92rInvestment grants, revenuevoluntary
D.99rOther capital transfers, revenuevoluntary
D.9pCapital transfers, expenditure
D.9p_S.1311of which, to subsector central government (S.1311)
D.9p_S.1312of which, to subsector state government (S.1312)
D.9p_S.1313of which, to subsector local government (S.1313)
D.9p_S.1314of which, to subsector social security funds (S.1314)
D.9p_S.2Capital transfers, expenditure, to the rest of the worldvoluntary
D.9p_S.212Capital transfers, expenditure, to the institutions and bodies of the European Unioncompulsory for S.13 and S.1 from reference year 2004 onwards; voluntary for subsectors of S.13
D.92pInvestment grants, expenditure
D.99pOther capital transfers, expenditurevoluntary
P.5Gross capital formation
P.51gGross fixed capital formation
P.52 + P.53Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables
NPAcquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
P.5 + NPGross capital formation and acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
B.9Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-)
TETotal expenditure
TRTotal revenue
D.995Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectors representing taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.995 is to be deducted from D.99r. No amounts for D.995 are to be included under D.9p. D.995r is to be reported with a positive sign.
PTCTotal payable tax creditsTo be transmitted on a voluntary basis for subsectors and for reference years up to 2011.

The whole amount of a payable tax credit is to be recorded as government expenditure (‘total payable tax credits’, PTC) while mentioning the amount of the ‘transfer component’ (TC).
TCPayable tax credits that exceed the taxpayer’s liabilitySee PTC.

The ‘transfer component’ (TC) corresponds to payable tax credits that exceed the taxpayer’s liability and that are paid out to the taxpayer.
EMP (PS)Employment in personsvoluntary, in thousands
AN.1Produced non-financial assetsvoluntary
AN.11Fixed assetsvoluntary
AN.12 + AN.13Inventories and valuablesvoluntary
AN.2Non-produced non-financial assetsvoluntary
AN.21Natural resourcesvoluntary
AN.22Contracts, leases and licencesvoluntary

Table 3

Detailed breakdowns of main aggregates and employment by industry — annual

Data shall be reported at t+9 months after the reference period for NACE breakdowns up to A*21 (including total economy and A*10) and at t+21 months for A*64 (including A*38). These breakdowns are compulsory (x); A*88 breakdowns are optional (o).

Main output and income aggregates:

Data at current prices (CUP) shall be reported starting from 1995; previous year’s prices (PYP) starting from 1996 and chain-linked volumes (CLV) starting from 1995; PYP and CLV are optional for P1 and P2 but compulsory for B.1g and P.51c; Imputed rentals of owner-occupied dwellings (item 44 - ‘Real estate activities’) compulsory only for P.1, P.2, B.1g.

CodeList of variablest+9 monthst+21 monthsCUP



P.1Output at basic prices by industryA*21A*64xoo
P.2Intermediate consumption at purchaser’s prices by industryA*21A*64xoo
B.1gGross value added at basic prices by industryA*21A*64xxx
P.51cConsumption of fixed capital by industryA*21A*64xxx
B.2n + B.3nNet operating surplus and net mixed incomeA*21A*64x
D.29 – D.39Other taxes on production less other subsidies on productionA*21A*64x
D.1Compensation of employees by industryA*21A*64x
D.11Wages and salariesA*21A*64x

Employment in resident production (domestic concept DC):

Data shall be reported in persons (PS) and hours worked (HW) starting from 1995. At t+9 months data are compulsory (x) for NACE breakdowns up to A*21 (including total economy and A*10) and at t+21 months for A*64 for PS and A*38 for HW; A*88 breakdowns and data for jobs (JB) and full-time equivalents (FTE) are optional (o).

CodeList of variablest+9 months



t+21 months



t+21 months

A*38 HW

EMPTotal employment (DC)xxxoo
EEMEmployees (DC)xxxoo
ESESelf-employed (DC)xxxoo

Table 5

Household final consumption expenditure by purpose – annual

Data shall be reported at t+9 months after the reference period at current prices (CUP) starting from 1995, in previous year’s prices (PYP) starting from 1996 and chain-linked volumes (CLV) starting from 1995. For final consumption expenditure of households based on the domestic concept (DC) breakdowns by expenditure type are requested according to the Coicop 2018 classification, with division (2-digit) and group (3-digit) breakdowns as applied for the compilation of the Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP).

CodeList of variablesConceptUnit
P.31_S.14Final consumption expenditure of resident and non-resident households on the economic territoryDomestic – DCCUP, PYP, CLV
Of whichCoicop breakdownsDomestic – DCCUP, PYP, CLV
P.33Final consumption expenditure of resident households in the rest of the worldCUP, PYP, CLV
P.34Final consumption expenditure of non-resident households on the economic territoryCUP, PYP, CLV
P.31_S.14Final consumption expenditure of resident households on the economic territory and abroadNational – NCCUP, PYP, CLV

Table 6

Financial accounts by sector – annual

Data shall be transmitted at current prices at t+4 and/or t+9 months after the reference period from 1995 onwards.

The following subsectors of sector S.11 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.11DO Domestically controlled non-financial corporations; S.11001 Public non-financial corporations; S.110011 of which: Public non-financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.11002 National private non-financial corporations; S.110021 of which: National private non-financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.11003 Foreign-controlled non-financial corporations.

The following subsectors of sector S.12 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.12DO Domestically controlled financial corporations; S.12001 Public financial corporations; S.120011 of which: Public financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.12002 National private financial corporations; S.120021 of which: National private financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.12003 Foreign-controlled financial corporations; S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank; S.123 Money market funds (MMFs); S.125 Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds; S.126 Financial auxiliaries; S.127 Captive financial institutions and money lenders; S.128 Insurance corporations; S.129 Pension funds.

The following subsectors of sector S.2 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.21 Member States and institutions and bodies of the European Union; S.2I Member States of the euro area, the European Central Bank and other institutions and bodies of the euro area; S.22 Non-member countries and international organisations non-resident in the European Union.

EMU and EU breakdowns are to represent the actual composition at the end of the last reference period (‘fixed composition’).

Table 6ConsolidatedNon-consolidated
Other changes in volumevoluntarymandatory
Revaluation accountsvoluntarymandatory
Counterpart information*voluntary
*Non-consolidated counterpart information to be provided on a voluntary basis and limited to the following counterpart sectors:

S.11 Non-financial corporations

S.12 Financial corporations

S.13 General government

S.14 + S.15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households

S.2 Rest of the world
(Transactions, other changes in volume and revaluation accounts – consolidated and non-consolidated – and counterpart information)
ESA code (financial instrument)Transactions/other changes in volume/revaluation of financial instrumentsS.1S.11S.12S.121 + S.122 + S.123S.121S.122 + S.123S.124S.125 + S.126 + S.127S.128 + S.129S.13S.1311S.1312S.1313S.1314S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.2
F.ATotal financial assetsxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.1Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs)xra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxra_ocvxxxxxra_ocv
F.11Monetary goldxt+4xt+4xt+4xxt+4xxxxxt+4
F.2Currency and depositsxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.22Transferable depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.221Interbank positionsoooooooooooooooooo
F.229Other transferable depositsoooooooooooooooooo
F.29Other depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.3Debt securitiesxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.5Equity and investment fund shares or unitsxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.511Listed sharesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.512Unlisted sharesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.519Other equityxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.52Investment fund shares or unitsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.521Money market fund shares or units (MMFs)oooooooooooooooooo
F.522Non-MMF investment fund shares or unitsoooooooooooooooooo
F.6Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemesxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.61Non-life insurance technical reservesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2012x2012x
F.62Life insurance and annuity entitlementsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2012x
F.63 + F.64 + F.65Pension entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefitsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2012x2012x
F.63Pension entitlementsooooooooooo
F.64Claims of pension funds on pension managersoooooooooooooooooo
F.65Entitlements to non-pension benefitsoooooooooooooooooo
F.66Provisions for calls under standardised guaranteesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
F.7Financial derivatives and employee stock optionsxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.71Financial derivativesoooooooooooooooooo
F.72Employee stock optionsoooo
F.8Other accounts receivablexra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.81Trade credits and advancesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.89Other accounts receivable, excluding trade credits and advancesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.LTotal financial liabilitiesxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.1Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs)xra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxra_ocvxxxxxra_ocv
F.11Monetary goldxt+4xt+4xt+4xxt+4xxxxxt+4
F.2Currency and depositsxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocv
F.22Transferable depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4
F.221Interbank positionsooooooooooooo
F.229Other transferable depositsooooooooooooo
F.29Other depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4
F.3Debt securitiesxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.5Equity and investment fund shares or unitsxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.511Listed sharesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.512Unlisted sharesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.519Other equityxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.52Investment fund shares or unitsxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xxxxxt+4
F.521Money market fund shares or units (MMFs)oooooooooo
F.522Non-MMF investment fund shares or unitsoooooooooo
F.6Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemesxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.61Non-life insurance technical reservesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
F.62Life insurance and annuity entitlementsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
F.63 + F.64 + F.65Pension entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefitsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2012x2012x
F.63Pension entitlementsoooooooooooooooooo
F.64Claims of pension funds on pension managersooooooooooooooo
F.65Entitlements to non-pension benefitsooooooooooooooooo
F.66Provisions for calls under standardised guaranteesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
F.7Financial derivatives and employee stock optionsxra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.71Financial derivativesoooooooooooooooooo
F.72Employee stock optionsooooooooooooooooo
F.8Other accounts payablexra_ocvxra_ocvxra_ocvxt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xra_ocvxxxxxra_ocvxncxncxra_ocv
F.81Trade credits and advancesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
F.89Other accounts payable excluding trade credits and advancesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
(B.9F)Net financial transactions (1)xt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
xmandatory at t+9 months
xt+4mandatory at t+4 months
xra_ocvmandatory for transactions at t+4 months; mandatory also for non-consolidated revaluation accounts and other changes in volume from reference year 2012 onwards at t+4 months
xncmandatory transmission for non-consolidated transactions from reference year 2012 onwards at t+4 months
x2012voluntary for reference years before 2012; mandatory for reference years from 2012 onwards
non-relevant cells

Table 7

Balance sheets for financial assets and liabilities – annual

Data shall be transmitted at current prices at t+4 and/or t+9 months after the reference period from 1995 onwards.

The following subsectors of sector S.11 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.11DO Domestically controlled non-financial corporations; S.11001 Public non-financial corporations; S.110011 of which: Public non-financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.11002 National private non-financial corporations; S.110021 of which: National private non-financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.11003 Foreign-controlled non-financial corporations.

The following subsectors of sector S.12 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.12DO Domestically controlled financial corporations; S.12001 Public financial corporations; S.120011 of which: Public financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.12002 National private financial corporations; S.120021 of which: National private financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.12003 Foreign-controlled financial corporations; S.122 Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank; S.123 Money market funds (MMFs); S.123A Constant net asset value MMFs; S.123B Variable net asset value MMFs; S.124A Open-end non MMFs - Total; S.124A1 Open-end non MMFs - Real estate funds; S.124A2 Open-end non MMFs - Equity funds; S.124A3 Open-end non MMFs - Bond funds; S.124A4 Open-end non MMFs - Mixed or balanced funds; S.124A5 Open-end non MMFs - Hedge funds; S.124A9 Open-end non MMFs - Other funds; S.124B Closed-end non MMFs - Total; S.124B1 Closed-end non MMFs - Real estate funds; S.124B2 Closed-end non MMFs - Equity funds; S.124B3 Closed-end non MMFs - Bond funds; S.124B4 Closed-end non MMFs - Mixed or balanced funds; S.124B5 Closed-end non MMFs - Hedge funds; S.124B9 Closed-end non MMFs - Other funds; S.125 Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds; S.125A Financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation; S.125B Financial corporations engaged in lending; S.125C Security and derivative dealers; S.125D Specialised financial corporations; S.125E Other OFIs - Total; S.125E1 of which: Central clearing counterparties; S.126 Financial auxiliaries; S.127 Captive financial institutions and money lenders; S.1271 Trusts, estate and agency accounts; S.1272 Corporate Groups’ captive financial entities - Total; S.1272A of which: Foreign owned SPE-type captives; S.1273 Other captive finance companies and money lenders; S.128 Insurance corporations; S.1281 Non-life insurance corporations; S.1282 Life insurance corporations; S.129 Pension funds; S.129A Defined benefit funds; S.129B Defined contribution funds.

The following subsectors of sector S.2 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.21 Member States and institutions and bodies of the European Union; S.2I Member States of the euro area, the European Central Bank and other institutions and bodies of the euro area; S.22 Non-member countries and international organisations non-resident in the European Union.

EMU and EU breakdowns are to represent the actual composition at the end of the last reference period (‘fixed composition’).

Table 7ConsolidatedNon-consolidated
Counterpart information*voluntary
*Non-consolidated counterpart information to be provided on a voluntary basis and limited to the following counterpart sectors:

S.11 Non-financial corporations

S.12 Financial corporations

S.13 General government

S.14 + S.15 Households and non-profit institutions serving households

S.2 Rest of the world
(Stocks of financial instruments – consolidated and non-consolidated – and counterpart information)
ESA code (financial instrument)Transactions/other changes in volume/revaluation of financial instrumentsS.1S.11S.12S.121 + S.122 + S.123S.121S.122 + S.123S.124S.125 + S.126 + S.127S.128 + S.129S.13S.1311S.1312S.1313S.1314S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.2
AF.ATotal financial assetsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.1Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs)xt+4xt+4xt+4xxt+4xxxxxt+4
AF.11Monetary goldxt+4xt+4xt+4xxt+4xxxxxt+4
AF.2Currency and depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.2Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.22Transferable depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.221Interbank positionsoooooooooooooooooo
AF.229Other transferable depositsoooooooooooooooooo
AF.29Other depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.3Debt securitiesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.3Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.32With remaining maturity of one year or lessoooooooooooooooooo
AF.32With remaining maturity of more than one yearoooooooooooooooooo
AF.4Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.4M2Of which: Non-performing loansoooooooooooooooooo
AF.4DOf which: Repurchase agreements, securities lending and margin lendingoooooooooooooooooo
AF.42With remaining maturity of one year or lessoooooooooooooooooo
AF.42With remaining maturity of more than one yearoooooooooooooooooo
AF.5Equity and investment fund shares or unitsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.5Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.511Listed sharesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.512Unlisted sharesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.519Other equityxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.52Investment fund shares or unitsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.521Money market fund shares or units (MMFs)oooooooooooooooooo
AF.522Non-MMF investment fund shares or unitsoooooooooooooooooo
AF.6Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.6Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.61Non-life insurance technical reservesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2012x2012x
AF.62Life insurance and annuity entitlementsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2012x
AF.63 + AF.64 + AF.65Pension entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefitsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2012x2012x
AF.63Pension entitlementsooooooooooo
AF.64Claims of pension funds on pension managersoooooooooooooooooo
AF.65Entitlements to non-pension benefitsoooooooooooooooooo
AF.66Provisions for calls under standardised guaranteesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2012x2012x
AF.7Financial derivatives and employee stock optionsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.7Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.71Financial derivativesoooooooooooooooooo
AF.72Employee stock optionsoooo
AF.8Other accounts receivablext+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.8Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.81Trade credits and advancesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.89Other accounts receivable, excluding trade credits and advancesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.LTotal financial liabilitiesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.1Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs)xt+4xt+4xt+4xxt+4xxxxxt+4
AF.11Monetary goldxt+4xt+4xt+4xxt+4xxxxxt+4
AF.2Currency and depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4
AF.2Of which: Domestic currencyooooooooooooo
AF.22Transferable depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4
AF.221Interbank positionsooooooooooooo
AF.229Other transferable depositsooooooooooooo
AF.29Other depositsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4
AF.3Debt securitiesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.3Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.31Of which: Nominal valueoooooooooooooooooo
AF.32Of which: Nominal valueoooooooooooooooooo
AF.32With remaining maturity of one year or lessoooooooooooooooooo
AF.32With remaining maturity of more than one yearoooooooooooooooooo
AF.4Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.4M2Of which: Non-performing loansoooooooooooooooooo
AF.4DOf which: Repurchase agreements, securities lending and margin lendingoooooooooooooooooo
AF.42With remaining maturity of one year or lessoooooooooooooooooo
AF.42With remaining maturity of more than one yearoooooooooooooooooo
AF.5Equity and investment fund shares or unitsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.5Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.511Listed sharesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.512Unlisted sharesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.519Other equityxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.52Investment fund shares or unitsxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xxxxxt+4
AF.521Money market fund shares or units (MMFs)oooooooooo
AF.522Non-MMF investment fund shares or unitsoooooooooo
AF.6Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.6Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.61Non-life insurance technical reservesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AF.62Life insurance and annuity entitlementsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AF.63 + AF.64 + AF.65Pension entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefitsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2012x2012x
AF.63Pension entitlementsoooooooooooooooooo
AF.64Claims of pension funds on pension managersooooooooooooooo
AF.65Entitlements to non-pension benefitsooooooooooooooooo
AF.66Provisions for calls under standardised guaranteesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AF.7Financial derivatives and employee stock optionsxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.7Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.71Financial derivativesoooooooooooooooooo
AF.72Employee stock optionsooooooooooooooooo
AF.8Other accounts payablext+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.8Of which: Domestic currencyoooooooooooooooooo
AF.81Trade credits and advancesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
AF.89Other accounts payable excluding trade credits and advancesxt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
(BF.90)Net financial worth (2)xt+4xt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxt+4xt+4xt+4xxxxxt+4xncxncxt+4
xmandatory at t+9 months
xt+4mandatory at t+4 months
xncmandatory transmission for non-consolidated stocks from reference year 2012 onwards at t+4 months
x2012voluntary for reference years before 2012; mandatory for reference years from 2012 onwards
non-relevant cells

Table 8

Non-financial accounts by sector – annual

Data shall be reported from 1995 onwards at t+9 months after the reference period. Data for S.14 and S.15 for reference years before 2012 to be transmitted on a voluntary basis. Transmission is compulsory from reference year 2012 onwards.

The following subsectors of sector S.11 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.11DO Domestically controlled non-financial corporations; S.11001 Public non-financial corporations; S.110011 of which: Public non-financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.11002 National private non-financial corporations; S.110021 of which: National private non-financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.11003 Foreign-controlled non-financial corporations.

The following subsectors of sector S.12 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.12DO Domestically controlled financial corporations; S.12001 Public financial corporations; S.120011 of which: Public financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.12002 National private financial corporations; S.120021 of which: National private financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.12003 Foreign-controlled financial corporations; S.12K (S.121 + S.122 + S.123) Monetary financial institutions (MFI); S.12P (S.124 + S.125 + S.126 + S.127) Other financial institutions (Financial corporations other than MFIs, insurance corporations and pension funds); S.12Q (S.128 + S.129) Insurance corporations and pension funds.

CodeTransactions and balancing itemsSectors
IProduction account/External account of goods and services
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
(P.11 + P.12 + P.131)Market output, output for own final use and payments for non-market outputx
P.11Market outputxxxxxx2012x2012
P.12Output for own final usexxxxxx2012x2012
P.13Non-market outputxxxx2012
P.7Imports of goods and servicesx
P.71Imports of goodsx
P.72Imports of servicesx
P.72FImports of FISIMo
(D.21 – D.31)Taxes less subsidies on productsxx
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
P.2Intermediate consumptionxxxxxx2012x2012
P.6Exports of goods and servicesx
P.61Exports of goodsx
P.62Exports of servicesx
P.62FExports of FISIMo
B.1gValue added, gross / gross domestic productxxxxxx2012x2012x
B.11External balance of goods and servicesx
P.51cConsumption of fixed capitalxxxxxx2012x2012
B.1nValue added, net / net domestic productxxxxxx2012x2012x
II.1.1Generation of income account
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.1gValue added, gross / gross domestic productxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.31Subsidies on productsxx
D.39Other subsidies on productionxxxxxx2012x2012
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
D.1Compensation of employeesxxxxxx2012x2012
D.11Wages and salariesxxxxxx2012x2012
D.12Employers’ social contributionsxxxxxx2012x2012
D.2Taxes on production and importsxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.21Taxes on productsxx
D.29Other taxes on productionxxxxxx2012x2012
(B.2g + B.3g)Operating surplus, gross, plus mixed income, grossxxxxxx2012x2012
B.2gOperating surplus, grossxxx2012
B.3gMixed income, grossxxx2012
II.1.2Allocation of primary income account
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
(B.2g + B.3g)Operating surplus, gross, plus mixed income, grossxxxxxx2012x2012
B.2gOperating surplus, grossxxx2012
B.3gMixed income, grossxxx2012
D.1Compensation of employeesxxx2012x
D.11Wages and salariesxxx2012x
D.12Employers’ social contributionsxxx2012x
D.2Taxes on production and importsxxx
D.21Taxes on productsxxx
D.211Value added type taxes (VAT)xxx
D.212Taxes and duties on imports excluding VATxxx
D.214Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxesxxx
D.29Other taxes on productionxxx
D.4Property incomexxxxxx2012x2012x
D.41Interest (5)xxxxxx2012x2012x
D.42Distributed income of corporationsxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.422Withdrawals from the income of quasi-corporationsoooooooo
D.43Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment (FDI)xxxxxx2012x2012x
D.43S2IReinvested earnings on intra euro area FDI (only for euro area Member States) (6)x2012x2012
D.43S2XReinvested earnings on extra euro area FDI (only for euro area Member States) (6)x2012x2012
D.43S21Reinvested earnings on intra-EU FDI (6)x2012x2012
D.43S22Reinvested earnings on extra-EU FDI (6)x2012x2012
D.44Other investment incomexxxxxx2012x2012x
D.441Investment income attributable to insurance policy holdersx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
D.442Investment income payable on pension entitlementsx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
D.443Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholdersx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
B.4gEntrepreneurial income, grossoxxoooo
D.41gTotal interest before FISIM allocation (5)xxxxxx2012x2012x
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
D.1Compensation of employeesx
D.11Wages and salariesx
D.12Employers’ social contributionsx
D.31Subsidies on productsxxx
D.39Other subsidies on productionxxx
D.4Property incomexxxxxx2012x2012x
D.41Interest (5)xxxxxx2012x2012x
D.42Distributed income of corporationsxxxxx
D.422Withdrawals from the income of quasi-corporationsoooo
D.43Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment (FDI)xxxxx2012x2012x
D.43S2IReinvested earnings on intra euro area FDI (only for euro area Member States) (6)x2012x2012
D.43S2XReinvested earnings on extra euro area FDI (only for euro area Member States) (6)x2012x2012
D.43S21Reinvested earnings on intra-EU FDI (6)x2012x2012
D.43S22Reinvested earnings on extra-EU FDI (6)x2012x2012
D.44Other investment incomexxxxxx2012x2012x
D.441Investment income attributable to insurance policy holdersx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
D.442Investment income payable on pension entitlementsx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
D.443Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholdersx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
B.5gBalance of primary incomes, gross / national income, grossxxxxxx2012x2012
D.41gTotal interest before FISIM allocation (5)xxxxxx2012x2012x
II.2Secondary distribution of income account
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.5gBalance of primary incomes, gross / national income, grossxxxxxx2012x2012
D.5Current taxes on income, wealth,
D.51Taxes on incomexxx
D.59Other current taxesxxx
D.6Social contributions and benefitsxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.61Net social contributionsxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.611Employers’ actual social contributionsx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
D.612Employers’ imputed social contributionsx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
D.613Households’ actual social contributionsx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
D.614Households’ social contribution supplementsx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
D.61SCSocial insurance scheme service chargesx2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012x2012
D.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kindxxx2012x
D.63Social transfers in kindxxx2012
D.631Social transfers in kind – non-market productionooo
D.632Social transfers in kind – purchased market productionooo
D.7Other current transfersxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.71Net non-life insurance premiumsxxxx
D.72Non-life insurance claimsxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.74Current international cooperationxxx
D.74AOf which: payable to/receivable by institutions and bodies of the European Unionx
D.75Miscellaneous current transfers (5)xxxxxx2012x2012x
D.76VAT- and GNI-based EU own resourcesx
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
D.5Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.xxxxxx2012x2012x
D.51Taxes on incomexxxxxx2012x
D.59Other current taxesxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.6Social contributions and benefitsxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.61Net social contributionsxxx2012x
D.611Employers’ actual social contributionsx2012x2012x2012x2012
D.612Employers’ imputed social contributionsx2012x2012x2012x2012
D.613Households’ actual social contributionsx2012x2012x2012x2012
D.614Households’ social contribution supplementsx2012x2012x2012x2012
D.61SCSocial insurance scheme service chargesx2012x2012x2012x2012
D.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kindxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.63Social transfers in kindxxxx2012
D.631Social transfers in kind – non-market productionoxoo
D.632Social transfers in kind – purchased market productionoxoo
D.7Other current transfersxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.71Net non-life insurance premiumsxxxxxx2012x2012x
D.72Non-life insurance claimsxxxx
D.74Current international cooperationxxx
D.74AOf which: payable to/receivable by institutions and bodies of the European Unionxx
D.75Miscellaneous current transfers (5)xxxxxx2012x2012x
D.76VAT- and GNI-based EU own resourcesxx
B.7gAdjusted disposable income, grossxxxx2012x2012
B.6gDisposable income, grossxxxxxx2012x2012
II.4.1Use of disposable income account
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.6gDisposable income, grossxxxxxx2012x2012
D.8Adjustment for the change in pension entitlementsxxx2012x
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
P.3Final consumption expenditurexxxx2012x2012
P.31Individual consumption expenditurexxxx2012x2012
P.32Collective consumption expenditurexx
D.8Adjustment for the change in pension entitlementsxxxxxx2012x2012x
B.8gSaving, grossxxxxxx2012x2012
B.12Current external balancex
III.1.1Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers account
Changes in liabilities and net worthS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.8gSaving, grossxxxxxx2012x2012
B.12Current external balancex
D.9rCapital transfers, receivablexxxxxx2012x2012x
D.91rCapital taxes, receivablexxx
D.92rInvestment grants, receivable (5)xxxxxx2012x2012x
D.99rOther capital transfers, receivable (5)xxxxxx2012x2012x
Changes in assetsS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
D.9pCapital transfers, payablexxxxxx2012x2012x
D.91pCapital taxes, payablexxxxx2012x2012x
D.92pInvestment grants, payable (5)xxx
D.99pOther capital transfers, payable (5)xxxxxx2012x2012x
P.51cConsumption of fixed capitalxxxxxx2012x2012
B.10.1Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfersxxxxxx2012x2012x
III.1.2Acquisitions of non-financial assets account
Changes in liabilities and net worthS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.10.1Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfersxxxxxx2012x2012x
Changes in assetsS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
P.5gGross capital formationxxxxxx2012x2012
P.51gGross fixed capital formationxxxxxx2012x2012
P.51g_AN.112Other buildings and structuresooooooo
P.51g_AN.1121Buildings other than dwellingsooooooo
P.51g_AN.1122Other structuresooooooo
P.51cConsumption of fixed capitalxxxxxx2012x2012
P.52Changes in inventoriesxxxxxx2012x2012
P.53Acquisitions less disposals of valuablesxxxxxx2012x2012
NPAcquisitions less disposals of non-produced assetsxxxxxx2012x2012x
B.9Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-)xxxxxx2012x2012x
DB.9Discrepancy with net lending/net borrowing of financial accountsxxxxxx2012x2012x
Additional informationS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
EMPEmployment (in number of persons and number of hours worked)oooxooo
OTETotal general government expenditurex
OTRTotal general government revenuex
Data in chain-linked volumesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
P.51gGross fixed capital formationooooooo
P.51g_AN.112Other buildings and structuresooooooo
P.51g_AN.1121Buildings other than dwellingsooooooo
P.51g_AN.1122Other structuresooooooo
x2012voluntary for reference years before 2012; compulsory for reference years from 2012 onwards
non-relevant cells

Table 801

Non-financial accounts by sector – quarterly

Data shall be reported from 1999Q1 onwards. The deadline for table 801 is 85 days after the reference period. If a Member State transmits a complete set of data at t+85 days, data do not need to be transmitted at t+3 months.

Data for sectors S.11, S.12, S.14 + S.15, S.14, S.15 and S.1N are voluntary for countries whose GDP at current prices represents less than 1 % of the corresponding Union total. The 1 % threshold is calculated as a moving average based on the three latest available years.

Data for the following subsectors of sector S.11 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.11DO Domestically controlled non-financial corporations; S.11001 Public non-financial corporations; S.110011 of which: Public non-financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.11002 National private non-financial corporations; S.110021 of which: National private non-financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.11003 Foreign-controlled non-financial corporations.

Data for the following subsectors of sector S.12 are to be provided on a voluntary basis: S.12DO Domestically controlled financial corporations; S.12001 Public financial corporations; S.120011 of which: Public financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.12002 National private financial corporations; S.120021 of which: National private financial corporations, which are part of domestic multinationals; S.12003 Foreign-controlled financial corporations; S.12K (S.121 + S.122 + S.123) Monetary financial institutions (MFI); S.12P (S.124 + S.125 + S.126 + S.127) Other financial institutions (Financial corporations other than MFIs, insurance corporations and pension funds); S.12Q (S.128 + S.129) Insurance corporations and pension funds.

CodeTransactions and balancing itemsSectors
IProduction account / External account of goods and services
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
(P.11 + P.12 + P.131)Market output, output for own final use and payments for non-market outputx
P.7Imports of goods and servicesx
P.71Imports of goodsx
P.72Imports of servicesx
P.72FImports of FISIMo
D.21 – D.31Taxes less subsidies on productsxxb
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
P.2Intermediate consumptionooooooo
P.6Exports of goods and servicesx
P.61Exports of goodsx
P.62Exports of servicesx
P.62FExports of FISIMo
B.1gValue added, gross / gross domestic productxxbxbxxbooxb
B.11External balance of goods and servicesx
P.51cConsumption of fixed capitalxxbxbxxboo
B.1nValue added, net / net domestic productxxbxbxxboo
II.1.1Generation of income account
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.1gValue added, gross / gross domestic productxxbxbxxbooxb
D.31Subsidies on productsxxb
D.39Other subsidies on productionxxbxbxxboo
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
D.1Compensation of employeesxxbxbxxboo
D.2Taxes on production and importsxxbxbxxbooxb
D.21Taxes on productsxxb
D.29Other taxes on productionxxbxbxxboo
B.2g + B.3gOperating surplus, gross, plus mixed income, grossxxbxbxxbooxb
B.2gOperating surplus, grossooo
B.3gMixed income, grossxxbo
II.1.2Allocation of primary income account
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.2g + B.3gOperating surplus, gross, plus mixed income, grossxxbxbxxbooxb
B.2gOperating surplus, grossoo
B.3gMixed income, grossxxbo
D.1Compensation of employeesxxbox
D.2Taxes on production and importsxxx
D.21Taxes on productsxxx
D.211Value added type taxes (VAT)x
D.29Other taxes on productionxxx
D.4Property incomexbxbxbxxboox
D.41Interest (7)xbxbxbxxboox
(D.42 + D.43 + D.44 + D.45)Other property income, not elsewhere specifiedxbxbxbxxboox
D.42Distributed income of corporationsxbxbxbxxboox
D.43Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment (FDI)xbxbxbxxboox
D.43S2IReinvested earnings on intra euro area FDI (only for euro area Member States) (8)oo
D.43S2XReinvested earnings on extra euro area FDI (only for euro area Member States) (8)oo
D.43S21Reinvested earnings on intra-EU FDI (8)oo
D.43S22Reinvested earnings on extra-EU FDI (8)oo
D.44Other investment incomexbxbxbxxboox
B.4gEntrepreneurial income, grossoxbxboooo
D.41gTotal interest before FISIM allocation (7)xbxbxbxxboox
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
D.1Compensation of employeesx
D.31Subsidies on productsxxxbx
D.39Other subsidies on productionxxx
D.4Property incomexbxbxbxxboox
D.41Interest (7)xbxbxbxxboox
(D.42 + D.43 + D.44 + D.45)Other property income, not elsewhere specifiedxbxbxbxxboox
D.42Distributed income of corporationsxbxbxbxx
D.43Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment (FDI)xbxbxbx
D.43S2IReinvested earnings on intra euro area FDI (only for euro area Member States) (8)oo
D.43S2XReinvested earnings on extra euro area FDI (only for euro area Member States) (8)oo
D.43S21Reinvested earnings on intra-EU FDI (8)oo
D.43S22Reinvested earnings on extra-EU FDI (8)oo
D.44Other investment incomexbxbxbxx
B.5gBalance of primary incomes, gross / national income, grossxxbxbxxboo
D.41gTotal interest before FISIM allocation (7)xbxbxbxxboox
II.2Secondary distribution of income account
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.5gBalance of primary incomes, gross / national income, grossxxbxbxxboo
D.5Current taxes on income, wealth,
D.6Social contributions and benefitsxbxbxbxxboox
D.61Net social contributionsxbxbxbxxboox
D.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kindxbxbox
D.63Social transfers in kindxbxbo
D.631Social transfers in kind – non-market productionoo
D.632Social transfers in kind – purchased market productionoo
D.7Other current transfersxbxbxbxxboox
D.71Net non-life insurance premiumsxbxbxx
D.72Non-life insurance claimsxbxbxbxxboox
(D.74 + D.75 + D.76)Other current transfers, not elsewhere specifiedxbxbxbxxboox
D.74Current international cooperationooo
D.74AOf which: payable to/receivable by institutions and bodies of the European Unionx
D.75Miscellaneous current transfers (7)oooooooo
D.76VAT- and GNI-based EU own resourceso
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
D.5Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.xbxbxbxxboox
D.6Social contributions and benefitsxbxbxbxxboox
D.61Net social contributionsxbxbox
D.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kindxbxbxbxxboox
D.63Social transfers in kindxbxxbo
D.631Social transfers in kind – non-market productionxxoo
D.632Social transfers in kind – purchased market productionxxoo
D.7Other current transfersxbxbxbxxboox
D.71Net non-life insurance premiumsxbxbxbxxboox
D.72Non-life insurance claimsxbxbxx
(D.74 + D.75 + D.76)Other current transfers, not elsewhere specifiedxbxbxbxxboox
D.74Current international cooperationooo
D.74AOf which: payable to/receivable by institutions and bodies of the European Unionxx
D.75Miscellaneous current transfers (7)oooooooo
D.76VAT- and GNI-based EU own resourcesoo
B.7gAdjusted disposable income, grossxxboo
B.6gDisposable income, grossxxbxbxxboo
II.4.1Use of disposable income account
ResourcesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.6gDisposable income, grossxxbxbxxboo
D.8Adjustment for the change in pension entitlementsxxbox
UsesS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
P.3Final consumption expenditurexxxboo
P.31Individual consumption expenditurexxxboo
P.32Collective consumption expenditurexx
D.8Adjustment for the change in pension entitlementsxxbxbxxboox
B.8gSaving, grossxxbxbxxboo
B.12Current external balancex
III.1.1Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers account
Changes in liabilities and net worthS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.8gSaving, grossxxbxbxxboo
B.12Current external balancex
D.9rCapital transfers, receivablexbxbxbxxboox
D.91rCapital taxes, receivablexxx
D.92r + D.99rInvestment grants and other capital transfers (7)xbxbxbxxboox
D.92rInvestment grants, receivable (7)oooooooo
D.99rOther capital transfers, receivable (7)oooooooo
Changes in assetsS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
D.9pCapital transfers, payablexbxbxbxxboox
D.91pCapital taxes, payablexbxbxbxboox
D.92p + D.99pInvestment grants and other capital transfers (7)xbxbxbxxboox
D.92pInvestment grants, payable (7)ooo
D.99pOther capital transfers, payable (7)oooooooo
P.51cConsumption of fixed capitalxxbxbxxboo
B.101Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfersxxbxbxxboox
III.1.2Acquisitions of non-financial assets account
Changes in liabilities and net worthS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
B.101Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfersxxbxbxxboox
Changes in assetsS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
P.5gGross capital formationxxbxbxxboo
P.51gGross fixed capital formationxxbxbxxboo
P.51cConsumption of fixed capitalxxbxbxxboo
P.52 + P.53Changes in inventories and net acquisition of valuablesxxbxbxxboo
NPAcquisitions less disposals of non-produced assetsxxbxbxxboox
B.9Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-)xxbxbxxboox
DB.9Discrepancy with net lending/net borrowing of financial accountsoooooooo
Additional informationS.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.14S.15S.1NS.2
EMPEmployment (in number of persons and number of hours worked)oooooooo
OTETotal general government expenditurex
OTRTotal general government revenuex
xbmandatory, but voluntary for countries whose GDP at current prices represents less than 1 % of the corresponding Union total. The 1 % threshold is calculated as a moving average based on the three latest available years.
non-relevant cells

Table 801SA

Non-financial accounts by sector – seasonally and calendar adjusted data – quarterly

Data shall be reported from 1999Q1 onwards. The deadline is 85 days and 3 working days after the reference period. Whenever table 801 is retransmitted, table 801SA shall be retransmitted as well 3 working days after any of the variables in table 801SA has been revised in non-adjusted terms.

Data for sectors S.11, S.12, S.14 + S.15, S.14, S.15 and S.1N are voluntary for countries whose GDP at current prices represents less than 1 % of the corresponding Union total. The 1 % threshold is calculated as a moving average based on the three latest available years.

Seasonal adjustment shall include calendar adjustments, where relevant.

S.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.1NS.2S.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.1NS.2
P.3Final consumption expenditurex
P.31Individual consumption expenditurexb
P.5gGross capital formationoo
P.51gGross fixed capital formationxbxxb
P.52 + P.53Changes in inventories and net acquisition of valuableso
P.6Exports of goods and servicesx
P.61Exports of goodso
P.62Exports of serviceso
P.7Imports of goods and servicesx
P.71Imports of goodso
P.72Imports of serviceso
D.1Compensation of employeesxbxb
D.2Taxes on production and importso
D.29Other taxes on productiono
D.39Other subsidies on productiono
D.4Property incomeoxboxb
(D.42 + D.43 + D.44 + D.45)Other property income, not elsewhere specifiedoo
D.1 + D.2 + D.3 + D.4xx
D.5Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.oxb
D.61Net social contributionsoxbo
D.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kindooxb
D.63Social transfers in kindoo
D.7Other current transfersoxboxb
D.5 + D.6 + D.7xx
D.8Adjustment for the change in pension entitlementsoxbxxbx
D.9Capital transfersooxoox
NPAcquisitions less disposals of non-produced assetsoo
OTETotal general government expenditurex
OTRTotal general government revenuex

Balancing items
S.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.1NS.2
B.1gValue added, gross / gross domestic productxxb
B.2g + B.3gOperating surplus, gross, plus mixed income, grossxxbxb
B.3gMixed income, grosso
B.4gEntrepreneurial income, grosso
B.5gBalance of primary incomes, gross/national income, grossxo
B.6gDisposable income, grossxoxb
B.8gSaving, grossxoxb
B.9Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-)xoxo

Data in chain-linked volumes, after seasonal adjustment
S.1S.11S.12S.13S.14 + S.15S.1NS.2
B.1gValue added, gross / gross domestic producto
P.31Individual consumption expenditureo
P.51gGross fixed capital formationoo
xbmandatory, but voluntary for countries whose GDP at current prices represents less than 1 % of the corresponding Union total. The 1 % threshold is calculated as a moving average based on the three latest available years.
non-relevant cells

Table 9

Detailed tax and social contribution revenue, including the list of taxes and social contributions according to national classification – annual

Data shall be reported at current prices in millions of national currency (with reporting precision at least 1 million of national currency) for the sector general government (S.13) and its subsectors (central government S.1311, state government S.1312, local government S.1313, social security funds S.1314), institutions and bodies of the European Union (S.212) as well as general government plus institutions and bodies of the European Union (S.13 + S.212) at t+9 months after the reference period from reference year 1995 onwards.

In addition, the full detail of the national classification of taxes and social contributions (the ‘National Tax List’), with corresponding amounts under each related ESA code shall be provided together with table 9. The National Tax List is requested on a compulsory basis for general government plus institutions and bodies of the European Union (S.13 + S.212).

Data shall be consistent with table 2 of this Annex.

Any non-compulsory data is indicated in the notes below. Otherwise, data is compulsory from reference year 1995 onwards.

D.2Taxes on production and imports
D.21Taxes on products
D.211Value added type taxes (VAT)
D.212Taxes and duties on imports excluding VAT
D.2121Import duties
D.2122Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import duties
D.2122aLevies on imported agricultural products
D.2122bMonetary compensatory amounts on imports
D.2122cExcise duties
D.2122dGeneral sales taxes
D.2122eTaxes on specific services
D.2122fProfits of import monopolies
D.214Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes
D.214aExcise duties and consumption taxes
D.214bStamp taxes
D.214cTaxes on financial and capital transactions
D.214dCar registration taxes
D.214eTaxes on entertainment
D.214fTaxes on lotteries, gambling and betting
D.214gTaxes on insurance premiums
D.214hOther taxes on specific services
D.214iGeneral sales or turnover taxes
D.214jProfits of fiscal monopolies
D.214kExport duties and monetary compensatory amounts collected on exports
D.214lOther taxes on products n.e.c.
D.29Other taxes on production
D.29aTaxes on land, buildings or other structures
D.29bTaxes on the use of fixed assets
D.29cTotal wage bill and payroll taxes
D.29dTaxes on international transactions
D.29eBusiness and professional licences
D.29fTaxes on pollution
D.29gUnder-compensation of VAT (flat rate system)
D.29hOther taxes on production n.e.c.
D.5Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
D.51Taxes on income
D.51a + D.51c1Taxes on individual or household income including holding gains
D.51aTaxes on individual or household income excluding holding gainsvoluntary
D.51c1Taxes on individual or household holding gainsvoluntary
D.51b + D.51c2Taxes on the income or profits of corporations including holding gains
D.51bTaxes on the income or profits of corporations excluding holding gainsvoluntary
D.51c2Taxes on holding gains of corporationsvoluntary
D.51c3Other taxes on holding gainsvoluntary
D.51cTaxes on holding gains
D.51dTaxes on winnings from lottery or gambling
D.51eOther taxes on income n.e.c.
D.59Other current taxes
D.59aCurrent taxes on capital
D.59bPoll taxes
D.59cExpenditure taxes
D.59dPayments by households for licences
D.59eTaxes on international transactions
D.59fOther current taxes n.e.c.
D.91Capital taxes
D.91aTaxes on capital transfers
D.91bCapital levies
D.91cOther capital taxes n.e.c.
ODATotal tax revenue
D.61Net social contributions
D.611Employers’ actual social contributions
D.611CCompulsory employers’ actual social contributions
D.611VVoluntary employers’ actual social contributions
D.61SCSocial insurance scheme service chargesvoluntary up to reference year 2011; to be transmitted with a positive sign despite being a negative resource
D.6111Employers actual pension contributions’voluntary
D.6112Employers actual non-pension contributions’voluntary
D.6121Employers’ imputed pension contributionsvoluntary
D.6122Employers’ imputed non-pension contributionsvoluntary
D.6131Households’ actual pension contributionsvoluntary
D.6132Households’ actual non-pension contributionsvoluntary
D.6141Households’ pension contributions supplementsvoluntary
D.6142Households’ non-pension contributions supplementsvoluntary
D.612Employers’ imputed social contributions
D.613Households’ actual social contributions
D.613cCompulsory households’ actual social contributions
D.613ceCompulsory employees’ actual social contributions
D.613csCompulsory actual social contributions by the self-employedvoluntary
D.613cnCompulsory actual social contributions by the non-employedvoluntary
D.613vVoluntary households’ actual social contributions
D.614Households’ social contributions supplementsvoluntary up to reference year 2011
D.995Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectors representing taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedD.995 and breakdowns are to be reported with a positive sign, even though D.995 enters with a negative sign in D.99r, capital transfer revenue.
D.995aTaxes on products assessed but unlikely to be collectedsee D.995
D.995bOther taxes on production assessed but unlikely to be collectedsee D.995
D.995cTaxes on income assessed but unlikely to be collectedsee D.995
D.995dOther current taxes assessed but unlikely to be collectedsee D.995
D.995eEmployers’ actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedsee D.995
D.995fHouseholds’ actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedsee D.995
D.995feEmployees’ actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedsee D.995
D.995fsActual social contributions by self-employed persons assessed but unlikely to be collectedvoluntary; see D.995
D.995fnActual social contributions by non-employed persons assessed but unlikely to be collectedvoluntary; see D.995
D.995gCapital taxes assessed but unlikely to be collectedsee D.995
ODBTotal revenue from taxes and social contributions after deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collected
ODCTotal revenue from taxes and net social contributions (including imputed social contributions) after deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collected
ODDTotal revenue from taxes and compulsory social contributions after deduction of amounts assessed but unlikely to be collected

Table 10

Main aggregates by region, NUTS levels 2 and 3 – annual

Data shall be reported from 2000 onwards, except for gross value added in previous year’s prices which shall be reported from 2001.

Member States composed of only one NUTS level 3 territorial unit as defined in the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics in Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 shall not be obliged to provide this table. Member States composed of only one NUTS level 2 territorial unit shall not be obliged to provide the variables of this table for regional level NUTS level 2.

The transmission of data that have not been revised is voluntary.

CodeVariableNACE breakdownRegional levelDeadline
TOTALA*6 (9)A*10N.a.
B.1gGross value added at basic prices (current prices)xooNUTS 212 months
xxxNUTS 224 months
xxoNUTS 324 months
B.1gGross value added at basic prices (previous year’s prices)xooNUTS 224 months
ETOEmployment in thousands of personsxooNUTS 212 months
xxxNUTS 224 months
xxoNUTS 324 months
EEMEmployees in thousands of personsoooNUTS 212 months
xxxNUTS 224 months
xxoNUTS 324 months
SELFSelf-employed in thousands of personsoooNUTS 212 months
xxxNUTS 224 months
xxoNUTS 324 months
ETOEmployment in thousands of hours workedxxoNUTS 224 months
EEMEmployees in thousands of hours workedxxoNUTS 224 months
SELFSelf-employed in thousands of hours workedxxoNUTS 224 months
POPPopulation in thousands of personsxNUTS 212 months
xNUTS 324 months
D.1Compensation of employeesxxxNUTS 224 months
P.51gGross fixed capital formation (current prices)xxxNUTS 224 months
B.1*gGross domestic product at market prices (current prices)oNUTS 212 months
oNUTS 324 months

Table 11

General government expenditure by function (COFOG) – annual

Data shall be reported at current prices in millions of national currency (with reporting precision at least 1 million of national currency) at t+11 months.

Data shall be reported on a compulsory basis (subject to exceptions specified under notes below):

by COFOG divisions and total COFOG for general government (S.13) and general government subsectors (central government S.1311, state government S.1312, local government S.1313 and social security funds S.1314) from reference year 1995 onwards;

by COFOG groups for general government (S.13) from reference year 2001 onwards.

Additional detail (by COFOG group, by subsectors, by ESA transaction and reference periods) as specified below can be reported on a voluntary basis.

Subsector data shall be reported as consolidated in items property income (D.4), other current transfers (D.7) and capital transfers (D.9) (and their sub-items; partly consolidated in total expenditure TE) within each subsector but not between subsectors. Sector S.13 data equals the sum of subsector data, except for items D.4, D.7 and D.9 (and their sub-items and TE) which shall be consolidated between subsectors (with voluntary counterpart information from the expenditure side).

Data reported shall be consistent with data reported in table 2 of this Annex, with the exception of any vintage differences.

CodeList of transactions by COFOG total, divisions and groups for the general government and its subsectorsNotes
P.5 + NPGross capital formation + acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
P.5Gross capital formation
P.51gGross fixed capital formationvoluntary for subsectors
NPAcquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
D.1Compensation of employees
D.3SubsidiesTo be reported with a positive sign
D.4Property income
D.4p_S.1311of which, to subsector central government (S.1311)voluntary
D.4p_S.1312of which, to subsector state government (S.1312)voluntary
D.4p_S.1313of which, to subsector local government (S.1313)voluntary
D.4p_S.1314of which, to subsector social security funds (S.1314)voluntary
D.62 + D.632Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, and social transfers in kind – purchased market production
D.62Social benefits other than social transfers in kindvoluntary up to reference year 2011
D.632Social transfers in kind – purchased market productionvoluntary up to reference year 2011
P.2 + D.29 + D.5 + D.8Intermediate consumption + other taxes on production + current taxes on income, wealth, etc. + adjustment for the change in pension entitlementsvoluntary
P.2Intermediate consumption
D.29 + D.5 + D.8Other taxes on production + current taxes on income, wealth, etc. + adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
D.7Other current transfers
D.7p_S.1311of which, to subsector central government (S.1311)voluntary
D.7p_S.1312of which, to subsector state government (S.1312)voluntary
D.7p_S.1313of which, to subsector local government (S.1313)voluntary
D.7p_S.1314of which, to subsector social security funds (S.1314)voluntary
D.9Capital transfersNo amounts for D.995 are to be included under D.9p. D.995 is to be deducted from D.99r.
D.9p_S.1311of which, to subsector central government (S.1311)voluntary
D.9p_S.1312of which, to subsector state government (S.1312)voluntary
D.9p_S.1313of which, to subsector local government (S.1313)voluntary
D.9p_S.1314of which, to subsector social security funds (S.1314)voluntary
D.92Investment grantsvoluntary for subsectors
TETotal expenditure
P.3Final consumption expenditure
P.31Individual consumption expenditurevoluntary for COFOG divisions and groups; the P.3 allocation to COFOG groups implies the split into P.31 and P.32.
P.32Collective consumption expenditurevoluntary for COFOG divisions and groups; the P.3 allocation to COFOG groups implies the split into P.31 and P.32.

Table 13

Households (S.14) accounts by region (NUTS 2)

Data at current prices to be reported from 2000 onwards at t+24 months after the reference period.

For the period 2000-2011, S.14 + S.15 can be reported instead of S.14.

Member States composed of only one NUTS level 2 territorial unit as defined in the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics in Regulation (EC) No 1059/2003 shall not be obliged to provide this table.

The transmission of data that have not been revised is voluntary.

B.2n + B.3nOperating surplus, net, plus mixed income, netx
D.1Compensation of employeesx
D.4Property incomexx
B.5nBalance of primary income, netx
D.5Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.x
D.61Net social contributionsxo
D.62Social benefits other than social benefits in kindox
D.7Other current transfersxx
B.6nDisposable income, netx
D.63Social transfers in kindo
B.7nAdjusted disposable income, neto
P.3Household final consumption expenditure (national concept)o
P.51cConsumption of fixed capitalo
non-relevant cells

Table 15

Supply table at basic prices, including transformation into purchasers’ prices

Data shall be reported at current prices (from 2010 onwards) and previous year’s prices (from 2015 onwards) for NACE (n=64, voluntarily n=88) and CPA (m=64, voluntarily m=88) at t+36 months after the reference period.

The transmission of data that have not been revised is voluntary.

Industries (NACE)Σ (1)Imports (10) (cif)Total supply at basic pricesTrade and transport marginsTaxes less subsidies on productsTotal supply at purchasers’ prices
1 … n
Products (CPA)1…m(1)Output by product and by industry at basic prices
a)Intra-EU (11) (cif)

a.1)Intra euro area (11) (cif)

a.2)Extra euro area (11) (cif)

b)Extra-EU (11) (cif)

Σ (1)Total output by industry
Adjustment items:

Cif/fob adjustments on imports

Direct purchase abroad by residents
(1) + (2)
Total of which

Market output

Output for own final use

Non-market output

Table 16

Use table at purchasers’ prices (*1) – annual

Data shall be reported at current prices (from 2010 onwards) and previous year’s prices (from 2015 onwards) for NACE (n=64, voluntarily n=88) and CPA (m=64, voluntarily m=88) at t+36 months after the reference period. Five additional tables (*1) shall be provided on a five-yearly basis.

The transmission of data that have not been revised is voluntary.

Industries (NACE)Σ (1)Final usesΣ (3)Σ (1)

+ Σ (3)
1…na) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)
Products (CPA)

(1)Intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices by product and by industryFinal uses at purchasers’ prices (12):

Final consumption expenditure:

a)By households


c)By general government


Gross capital formation:

e)Gross fixed capital formation

f)Changes in inventories (13)

g)Changes in valuables (13)

h)Changes in inventories and valuables


Exports fob (14):

j)Intra-EU (14)

j1)- Intra euro area (14)

j2)- Extra euro area (14)

k)Extra-EU (14)


m)(voluntary data)

Re-export of goods (15)

Export of second-hand goods (15)

Merchanting (15)

Goods sent abroad before processing (outward processing, i.e. reporting country is the principal) (15)

Goods sent abroad after processing (inward processing, i.e. reporting country processes) (15)

Processing fees (15)
Σ (1)(2)Total intermediate consumption by industryTotal final uses by typeTotal use
Adjustment items:

Cif/fob adjustments on exports

Direct purchases abroad by residents

Purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents
(3)Only exports

Only final consumption expenditure of households

Only final consumption expenditure of households and exports
Only exports

Only final consumption expenditure of households

Only final consumption expenditure of households and exports
Σ (2) + Σ (3)(4)
Compensation of employees (13)

Wages and salaries (13)

Other taxes less subsidies on production (13)

Consumption of fixed capital (13)

Operating surplus, net (13)

Operating surplus, gross (13)

Mixed income, gross (13)  (15)
Gross value added at basic prices(6)
Total output at basic prices(7)
Supplementary voluntary data

Gross fixed capital formation (15)

Gross fixed capital stock (15)

Employment (hours worked and persons employed - in thousands) (15)

Table 17

Symmetric input-output table at basic prices (*2) (product by product (*3)) – five-yearly

Data from 2010 onwards shall be reported at current prices (n=64, voluntarily n=88) on a five-yearly basis (years ending by 0 and 5) at t+36 months after the reference period.

Data at previous year’s prices are voluntary.

The transmission of data that have not been revised is voluntary.

ProductsΣ (1)Final usesΣ (3)Σ (1) + Σ (3) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)

(1)Intermediate consumption at basic prices (product by product)Final uses at basic prices (16):

Final consumption expenditure:

a)By households


c)By general government


Gross capital formation:

e)Gross fixed capital formation

f)Changes in inventories (17)

g)Changes in valuables (17)

h)Changes in inventories and valuables


Exports (18):

j)Intra-EU (18)

j1)- Intra euro area (18)

j2)- Extra euro area (18)

k)Extra-EU (18)

Σ (1)(2)Total intermediate consumption at basic prices by productFinal use by type at basic pricesTotal use at basic prices
Use of imported products (*4)Total intermediate consumption of imported products by product, cifFinal use of imported products, cifTotal imports
Taxes less subsidies on products(3)Taxes less subsidies on products by productTaxes less subsidies on products by type of final useTotal taxes less subsidies on products
Σ (1) + (3)(4)Total intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices by productTotal final uses by type at purchasers’ pricesTotal use at purchasers’ prices
Compensation of employees (19)

Wages and salaries (19)

Other taxes less subsidies on production (19)

Consumption of fixed capital (19)

Operating surplus, net (19)

Operating surplus, gross (19)

Mixed income, gross (17)  (19)
Gross value added at basic prices(6)
Total output at basic prices(7)
Imports intra EU (18) cif

Intra euro area (18)

Extra euro area (18)

Imports extra EU (18) cif
Σ (8)(9)Imports cif by product
Total supply at basic prices(10)Supply at basic prices by product

Table 20

Fixed assets by economic activity and by asset (stocks) – annual

Data on fixed assets shall be reported at t+24 months after the reference period gross and net (g/n), in current replacement costs (CURC) from 2000, in previous year’s replacement costs (PYRC) from 2001; the transmission of chain-linked volumes (CLV) is optional (o).

CodeAssetsUnits: CURC, PYRC, CLV (o)
NACE Rev. 2 Breakdown up to
AN.11Fixed assetsg/ng/no
AN.112Other buildings and structuresg/ng/no
AN.1121Buildings other than dwellingsooo
AN.1122Other structuresooo
AN.1123Land improvementsooo
AN.113 + AN.114Machinery and equipment + weapon systemsg/ng/no
AN.1131Transport equipmentg/ng/no
AN.1132ICT equipmentg/noo
AN.11321Computer hardwareg/noo
AN.11322Telecommunications equipmentg/noo
AN.1139 + AN.114Other machinery and equipment + weapon systemsg/noo
AN.115Cultivated biological resourcesg/ng/no
AN.117Intellectual property productsg/ng/no
AN.1171Research and developmentooo
AN.1172Mineral exploration and evaluationooo
AN.1173Computer software and databasesg/noo
AN.11731Computer softwareooo
AN.1174Entertainment, literary or artistic originalsooo
AN.1179Other intellectual property productsooo

Table 22

Gross fixed capital formation by economic activity and by asset (transactions) – annual

Data shall be reported at t+9 months after the reference period for NACE breakdowns up to A*10 and at t+24 months up to A*21 as specified below; the transmission of data for other assets and A*38/64/88 breakdowns are optional (o). Data shall be reported at current prices (CUP), in previous year’s prices (PYP) and chain-linked volumes (CLV); the starting year for reporting CUP or CLV is 1995 or 2000 as specified below; for PYP it shall be one year later (1996 or 2001).

CodeBreakdowns by asset:t+9t+24Unit:

P.51gGross fixed capital formation:

for breakdowns and years specified below
AN.11Fixed assetsA*10A*211995/6
AN.112Other buildings and structuresA*10A*211995/6
AN.1121Buildings other than dwellingsooo
AN.1122Other structuresooo
AN.1123Land improvementsooo
AN.113 + AN.114Machinery and equipment + weapon systemsA*10A*211995/6
AN.1131Transport equipmentA*10A*211995/6
AN.1132ICT equipmentA*10A*212000/1
AN.11321Computer hardwareoTotal2000/1
AN.11322Telecommunications equipmentoTotal2000/1
AN.1139 + AN.114Other machinery and equipment + weapon systemsoTotal2000/1
AN.115Cultivated biological resourcesA*10A*211995/6
AN.117Intellectual property productsA*10A*211995/6
AN.1171Research and developmentoTotal2000/1
AN.1172Mineral exploration and evaluationooo
AN.1173Computer software and databasesoTotal2000/1
AN.11731Computer softwareooo
AN.1174Entertainment, literary or artistic originalsooo
AN.1179Other intellectual property productsooo
P.52Changes in inventories by economic activityA*10o1995/6
P.53Acquisitions less disposals of valuablesTotalo1995/6
P.5gGross capital formationTotalo1995/6
P.51cConsumption of fixed capital by economic activity and asset typeooo

Table 25

Non-financial accounts of general government – quarterly

Data shall be reported at current prices in millions of national currency (with reporting precision at least 1 million of national currency) from reference quarter 2002Q1 onwards at t+3 months after the reference period.

Subject to exceptions described below, non-seasonally adjusted data for the general government sector (S.13) are to be reported on a compulsory basis.

Data for the subsectors of general government can be reported on a voluntary basis:

S.1311 central government

S.1312 state government

S.1313 local government

S.1314 social security funds.

Data for institutions and bodies of the European Union (S.212) can be transmitted on a voluntary basis for taxes on production and imports (D.2r), taxes on products (D.21r) and other taxes on production (D.29r).

Seasonally and calendar adjusted data can be reported on a voluntary basis, with the exception of the following items at S.13 level: total revenue (TR), total expenditure (TE) and net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (B.9). The latter are to be reported on a compulsory basis with a deadline of t+107 days after the reference period. Member States shall provide metadata on seasonal adjustment comprising a short description of the general characteristics of the seasonal adjustment method, i.e. direct or indirect approach, seasonal adjustment method and associated software, presence of calendar effects, benchmarking to annual data as well as the specific models used. The Commission (Eurostat) shall provide technical help on seasonal adjustment in accordance with Member States’ requirements.

Subsector data shall be reported as consolidated in items property income (D.4), other current transfers (D.7) and capital transfers (D.9) (and their sub-items; partly consolidated in total expenditure and total revenue - TE and TR) within each subsector but not between subsectors. Sector S.13 data equals the sum of subsector data, except for items D.4, D.7 and D.9 (and their sub-items and aggregations) which shall be consolidated between subsectors.

Data shall be based on direct information available from basic sources, such as for example public accounts or administrative sources, representing, for taxes on production and imports (D.2r), current taxes on income and wealth, etc. (D.5r), capital taxes (D.91r), actual social contributions (D.611 and D.613 combined) as well as social benefits (D.62p), at least 90 % of the amount of the category. Direct information shall be completed by coverage adjustments, if needed, and by conceptual adjustments in order to bring quarterly data in line with ESA 2010 concepts.

The quarterly data and the corresponding annual data reported in table 2 of this Annex and data reported under Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 shall be consistent with the exception of vintage differences at non-coinciding transmission deadlines.

Member States shall provide the Commission (Eurostat) with a description of the sources and methods used to compile the data at the same time as they start to transmit quarterly data according to the timetable provided for in this Regulation. Any revision of the initial description of the sources and methods used to compile the quarterly data shall be provided to the Commission (Eurostat) when the revised data are communicated.

Data transmissions shall be accompanied by a reporting on major events and major revisions.

P.11 + P.12 + P.131Market output, output for own final use and payments for non-market output
P.2Intermediate consumption
B.1gValue added, grossvoluntary
P.51cConsumption of fixed capital
D.1pCompensation of employees, expenditure
D.29pOther taxes on production, expenditure
D.39rOther subsidies on production, revenueto be reported with a positive sign
D.2rTaxes on production and imports, revenuecan be reported on a voluntary basis for sector S.212
D.21rTaxes on products, revenuesee D.2r
D.211rValue added type taxes (VAT), revenue
D.29rOther taxes on production, revenuesee D.2r
D.4rProperty income, revenue
D.41rInterest, revenue
D.42r + D.43r + D.44r + D.45rOther property income, revenue
D.3pSubsidies, expenditureto be reported with a positive sign
D.31pSubsidies on products, expenditureto be reported with a positive sign
D.39pOther subsidies on production, expenditureto be reported with a positive sign
D.4pProperty income, expenditure
D.41pInterest, expenditure
D.42p + D.43p + D.44p + D.45pOther property income, expenditure
D.5rCurrent taxes on income, wealth etc., revenue
D.51rTaxes on income, revenuevoluntary
D.59rOther current taxes, revenuevoluntary
D.61rNet social contributions, revenue
D.611rEmployers’ actual social contributions
D.613rHouseholds’ actual social contributions
D.7rOther current transfers, revenue
D.5pCurrent taxes on income, wealth etc., expenditure
D.62pSocial benefits
D.632pSocial transfers in kind – purchased market production, expenditure
D.62p + D.632pSocial benefits other than social transfers in kind, and social transfers in kind – purchased market production, expenditure
D.7pOther current transfers, expenditure
P.3Final consumption expenditure
P.31Individual consumption expenditure
P.32Collective consumption expenditure
D.8Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
B.8gSaving, gross
D.9rCapital transfers, revenue
D.91rCapital taxes, revenue
D.92r + D.99rInvestment grants and other capital transfers, revenue
D.9pCapital transfers, expenditure
D.92pInvestment grants, expenditure
P.5Gross capital formation
P.51gGross fixed capital formation
P.52 + P.53Changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables
NPAcquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
P.5 + NPGross capital formation and acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets
B.9Net lending (+) / net borrowing (–)seasonally and calendar adjusted data compulsory for S.13 at t+107 days after the reference quarter
TETotal expendituresee B.9
TRTotal revenuesee B.9
D.995Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectors representing taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectedvoluntary; D.995 is to be deducted from D.99r. No amounts for D.995 are to be included under D.9p. D.995 is to be reported with a positive sign.

Table 26

Balance sheets for non-financial assets – annual

Data shall be reported at t+24 months after the reference period at current prices (CUP) starting from 1995, 2000 or 2012 as specified; additional breakdowns are optional (o).

CodeList of variablesS.1S.11, S.12, S.13, S.14 + S.15

Split of S.14 and S.15 optional (o)
Unit: CUP
AN.1Produced non-financial assetsoo
AN.11 + AN.12Fixed assets + inventories20122012
AN.11Fixed assets20002012
AN.112Other buildings and structures20002012
AN.1121Buildings other than dwellings20122012
AN.1122Other structures20122012
AN.1123Land improvementsoo
AN.113 + AN.114Machinery and equipment + weapon systems20002012
AN.1131Transport equipmentoo
AN.1132ICT equipmentoo
AN.11321Computer hardwareoo
AN.11322Telecommunications equipmentoo
AN.1139 + AN.114Other machinery and equipment + weapon systemsoo
AN.115Cultivated biological resources20002012
AN.117Intellectual property products20002012
AN.1171Research and developmentoo
AN.1172Mineral exploration and evaluationoo
AN.1173Computer software and databasesoo
AN.11731Computer softwareoo
AN.1174Entertainment, literary or artistic originalsoo
AN.1179Other intellectual property productsoo
AN.2Non-produced non-financial assetsoo
AN.21Natural resourcesoo
AN.211Lando(S.14 + S.15): 1995
S.11, S.12, S.13: o
AN.212Mineral and energy reservesoo
AN.213 + AN.214Non-cultivated biological resources and water resourcesoo
AN.215Other natural resourcesoo
AN.22Contracts, leases and licencesoo
AN.23Purchases less sales of goodwill and marketing assetsoo

Table 27

Financial accounts and balance sheets of general government – quarterly

Data shall be reported in millions of national currency (with reporting precision at least 1 million of national currency) from reference quarter 1999Q1 onwards for the general government sector and its subsectors.

The reporting deadline for provisional data is t+85 days after the reference quarter. Member States shall retransmit finalised data, including any data updates or other revisions at t+3 months. If data transmitted at t+85 days is flagged ‘not published’ at national level, the data shall not be published at European level.

Data is to be reported on a compulsory basis for:

S.13 general government

consolidated within and between subsector (S.13C) and

non-consolidated (S.13N)

S.1311 central government – consolidated within the subsector

S.1312 state government – consolidated within the subsector

S.1313 local government – consolidated within the subsector

S.1314 social security funds – consolidated within the subsector.

Transactions and balance sheet items are to be reported on a compulsory basis (subject to exceptions specified in notes below). Other changes in volume (K.3 catastrophic losses + K.4 uncompensated seizures + K.5 other changes in volume n.e.c. + K.6 changes in classification) and nominal holdings gains and losses (K.7) can be reported by instrument on a voluntary basis.

Some counterpart sector information is compulsory – as specified in notes below – while other counterpart sector information can be transmitted on a voluntary basis for the following counterpart sectors:

S.11 non-financial corporations

S.12 financial corporations

S.128 + S.129 insurance corporations and pension funds

S.14 + S.15 households and non-profit institutions serving households

total economy other than S.13

S.2 rest of the world.

With a view to achieving high-quality statistics, quarterly data for financial transactions and for financial assets and liabilities shall be based as far as possible on information directly available within general government. However, quarterly data on unquoted shares (AF.512) and other equity (AF.519) held by general government units, may be estimated by interpolating and extrapolating information on the respective annual data. The quarterly data and the corresponding annual data reported under Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 shall be consistent at coinciding transmission deadlines.

Data transmissions shall be accompanied by a reporting on major events and major revisions.

Code/instrumentTransactions / balance sheet items / other change in volume / nominal holding gains and losses – for assets and liabilities – for general government and its subsectorsNotes
B.9f / BF.90Net financial transactions / net financial worth
(A)FFinancial transactions / total assets or liabilities (balance)
(A)F.1Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDRs)
(A)F.2Currency and deposits
(A)F.22Transferable depositsvoluntary
(A)F.29Other depositsvoluntary
(A)F.3Debt securitiescounterpart sector information compulsory for S.1311 and S.1314 assets vis-à-vis: S.11, S.12, S.128 + S.129 and S.2
(A)F.31Short-term securitiessee (A)F.3
(A)F.32Long-term securitiessee (A)F.3
(A)F.4Loanscounterpart sector information compulsory for S.1311 and S.1314 assets vis-à-vis S.11, S.128 + S.129 and S.14 + S.15; S.1311 and S.1314 liabilities vis-à-vis S.128 + S.129
(A)F.41Short-term loanssee (A)F.4
(A)F.42Long-term loanssee (A)F.4
(A)F.5Equity and investment fund shares or unitscounterpart sector information compulsory for S.1311 and S.1314 assets vis-à-vis S.11, S.12, S.128 + S.129 and S.2
(A)F.511Listed sharesvoluntary
(A)F.512Unlisted sharesvoluntary
(A)F.519Other equityvoluntary
(A)F.52Investment fund shares or units
(A)F.521Money market fund shares or unitsvoluntary
(A)F.522Non-money market fund shares or unitsvoluntary
(A)F.6Insurance, pensions and standardised guarantees
(A)F.61Non-life insurance technical reserves
(A)F.62Life insurance and annuity entitlementsvoluntary
(A)F.63 + (A)F.64 + (A)F.65Pensions entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefits
(A)F.63Pension entitlementsvoluntary
(A)F.64Claims of pension funds on pension managersvoluntary
(A)F.65Entitlements to non-pension benefitsvoluntary
(A)F.66Provisions for call under standardised guarantees
(A)F.7Financial derivatives and employee stock options
(A)F.8Other accounts receivable / payable
(A)F.81Trade credits and advancesvoluntary
(A)F.89Other accounts receivable, excluding trade credits and advancesvoluntary

Table 28

General government gross debt (Maastricht debt) – quarterly

Data shall be reported at current prices in millions of national currency (with reporting precision at least 1 million of national currency) from 2000Q1 onwards at t+3 months after the reference period for the general government sector and its subsectors.

General government sector (S.13) and subsector breakdown (central government S.1311, state government S.1312, local government S.1313 and social security funds S.1314) are to be reported on a compulsory basis, subject to exceptions below.

Sector and subsector breakdowns, which may be reported on a voluntary basis:

S.13111 budgetary central government

S.13112 extra-budgetary central government

S.11001 public non-financial corporations

S.12001 public financial corporations

S.13 + S.11001 + S.12001 public sector.

Subsector data are to be consolidated within each subsector but not between subsectors. General government is to be reported as consolidated within and between subsectors.

General government gross debt is to be reported as the level at face value outstanding at the end of the quarter corresponding to the definition in Regulation (EC) No 479/2009.

Data reported shall be consistent with data reported under Regulation (EC) No 479/2009, with the exception of any vintage differences at non-coinciding transmission deadlines.

GDTotal = gross debt
GD XDCGross debt denominated in domestic currencyvoluntary
GD X1Gross debt denominated in foreign currencyvoluntary
GD S.1Gross debt held by domestic creditors (S.1)voluntary
GD S.2Gross debt held by external creditors (S.2)voluntary
GD TSGross debt with short-term remaining maturityvoluntary
GD LLGross debt with long-term remaining maturityvoluntary
AF.2Currency and deposits
AF.22 + AF.29Deposits
AF.3Debt securities
AF.31Short-term debt securities
AF.32Long-term debt securities
AF.41Short-term loans
AF.42Long-term loans

Table 28A

General government gross debt (Maastricht debt) – structure, annual

Data shall be reported at current prices in millions of national currency (with reporting precision at least 1 million of national currency, exceptions detailed below) for the general government sector and its subsectors. Compulsory data shall be transmitted by t+100 days and t+283 days after the reference period. Voluntary data shall be transmitted by t+132 days and t+283 days after the reference period.

General government sector (S.13) and subsector breakdown (central government S.1311, state government S.1312, local government S.1313 and social security funds S.1314) are to be reported on a voluntary basis, subject to exceptions below.

Compulsory data shall be reported for the previous four reference years. Voluntary and compulsory data may be reported from 1995 onwards.

Counterpart (sub)sector breakdowns:

S.11 non-financial corporations

S.12 financial corporations

S.121 central bank – only for selected items indicated below

S.122 + S.123 deposit-taking corporations except the central bank and money market funds

S.124 + S.125 + S.126 + S.127 + S.128 + S.129 other financial corporations

S.1311 central government

S.1312 state government

S.1313 local government

S.1314 social security funds

S.14 + S.15 households and NPISHs

S.11 + S.14 + S.15 non-financial corporations, households and NPISHs

S.2 rest of the world

S.1 + S.2 total.

Maturity breakdown (original and remaining maturity):


< 1 (incl.) year

1-5 (incl.) years

5-10 (incl.) years

10-30 (excl.) years

> 30 (incl.) years

> 1 year.

Currency denomination breakdown:

national currency

all foreign currencies


US dollar

Japanese yen

Swiss franc

British pound sterling

other foreign currencies.

Subsector data are to be consolidated within each subsector but not between subsectors. General government is to be reported as consolidated within and between subsectors.

General government gross debt (balance sheet data) is to be reported as the level at face value outstanding at the end of the quarter corresponding to the definition in Regulation (EC) No 479/2009. General government transactions in Maastricht debt liabilities shall be reported at market value.

Data reported shall be consistent with data reported under Regulation (EC) No 479/2009.

CodeLiabilities of general government and subsectors by original maturity and counterpart sectorNotes
GDTotal = gross debtcompulsory for total original maturity:

S.1311 vis-à-vis S.1312, S.1313, S.1314;

S.1312 vis-à-vis S.1311, S.1313, S.1314;

S.1313 vis-à-vis S.1311, S.1312, S.1314;

S.1314 vis-à-vis S.1311, S.1312, S.1313;

S.13 vis-à-vis S.1, S.2, S.121, S.122 + S.123, S.12P, S.11 + S.14 + S.15,

compulsory for:

S.13 vis-à-vis S.1 + S.2 for maturities <1 (incl.) year and > 1 year, total.
AF.2Currency and deposits
AF.22Transferrable deposits
AF.29Other deposits
AF.3Debt securities
AF.4Loanscompulsory for total original maturity:

S.13 vis-à-vis S.121.
Liabilities of general government at variable interest
GDTotal = gross debt, of which: at variable interestcompulsory for:

S.13 for maturity >1 year,

no additional voluntary transmission foreseen
Liabilities of central and general government by remaining maturity
GDTotal = gross debtcompulsory for:

S.13 for maturities <1 (incl.) year and 1-5 years (incl.)
GDTotal = gross debt, of which: at variable interestcompulsory for:

S.13 for maturities 1-5 years (incl.) and >1 year
Memo: average remaining maturity of debtcompulsory for S.13,

in years and months
Liabilities of central and general government by currency of denomination
GDTotal = gross debtafter swaps;

compulsory for:

S.13 for debt denominated in

national currency,


foreign currency;

(voluntary) memo item (not for publication unless explicitly agreed): stock of debt in foreign currency swapped in national currency.
Contingent liabilities of central and general government
Guaranteesindicative counterpart sector breakdown:

S.1 + S.2, S.11, S.12, S.14 + S.15, S.2
Memo items
Apparent cost of debtfor S.13 and S.1311, percentage
AF.32Long-term debt securities, of which: zero-coupon bondscompulsory for S.13,

no additional voluntary transmission foreseen
General government transactions in Maastricht debt liabilities at market value
F.2 + F.3 + F.4Deposits + debt securities + loanscompulsory for S.13 for debt denominated in

national currency,


foreign currency;

compulsory for S.13 for maturity >1 year;

no additional voluntary transmission foreseen
F.4Loanscompulsory for S.13 vis-à-vis S.121,

no additional voluntary transmission foreseen

Table 29

Accrued-to-date pension entitlements in social insurance (20) – three-yearly

Data shall be reported from reference year 2015 onwards at t+24 months after the reference period every three years.

The transmission of data that have not been revised is voluntary.

RelationsCodeRow NoRecordingCore national accountsNot in the core national accountsTotal pension schemesCounter-parts: Pension entitlements of non-resident households (24)
Pension managerNon-general governmentGeneral government
Defined contribution schemesDefined benefit schemes and other (21) non-defined contribution schemesTotalDefined contribution schemesDefined benefit schemes for general government employees (22)
Classified in financial corporationsClassified in general government (23)Classified in general governmentSocial security pension schemes
Column numberABCDEFGHIJ
Opening balance sheet
XAF63LS1Pension entitlements
Changes in pension entitlements due to transactions
Σ 2.1 to 2.4 – 2.5XD61p2Increase in pension entitlements due to social contributions
XD61112.1Employers’ actual social contributions
XD61212.2Employers’ imputed social contributions
XD61312.3Households’ actual social contributions
XD61412.4Households’ social contribution supplements (25)
XD61SC2.5Less: Pension scheme service charges
XD6193Other (actuarial) change of pension entitlements in social security pension schemes
XD62p4Reduction in pension entitlements due to payment of pension benefits
2 + 3 – 4XD85Changes in pension entitlements due to social contributions and pension benefits
XD816Transfers of pension entitlements between schemes
XD827Change in entitlements due to negotiated changes in scheme structure
Changes in pension entitlements due to other flows
XK78Changes in entitlements due to revaluations (26)
XK59Changes in entitlements due to other changes in volume (26)
Closing balance sheet
1 + Σ 5 to 9XAF63LE10Pension entitlements

Not applicable
Data which is not in the core accounts


(1) For a detailed description of the precise requirements, please refer to the specific tables. Deadlines in brackets only apply in particular cases.

(2) (3) refers to transmission at t+3 months. If a Member State transmits a complete set of data at t+2 months, data do not need to be transmitted at t+3 months.

(3) (3) refers to transmission at t+3 months. If a Member State transmits a complete set of data at t+85 days, data do not need to be transmitted at t+3 months.

(4) Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009 of 25 May 2009 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community (OJ L 145, 10.6.2009, p. 1).

(1) Only for ‘transactions in financial instruments’ but not meaningful for ‘changes in volume’, ‘revaluation of financial instruments’ and counterpart sector information.

(2) Counterpart sector information not relevant for this item.

(5) Consolidated between subsectors of general government (S.13).

(6) The breakdown is to represent the actual composition at the end of the latest reference period (‘fixed composition’).

(7) Consolidated between subsectors of general government (S.13)

(8) The breakdown is to represent the actual composition at the end of the latest reference period (‘fixed composition’).

(9) A*6 corresponds to the following aggregated positions of NACE Rev. 2 breakdown A*10: – (G, H, I and J) instead of (G, H and I) and (J); – (K, L, M and N) instead of (K), (L) and (M and N) – (O, P, Q, R, S, T and U) instead of (O, P and Q) and (R, S, T and U).

(10) The concept to apply to the data by products in supply and use tables and input-output tables is the domestic concept. Adjustments to the national concept (direct purchases abroad by residents) are included as row totals in part (2) of the table. Imports cif by products do not include direct purchases abroad by residents.

(11) Imports are to be broken down into:

a)S.21 Member States and institutions and bodies of the European Union, a1) S.2I Member States of the euro area, the European Central Bank and other institutions and bodies of the euro area, a2) S.21 – S.2I Member States not in the euro area and institutions and bodies of the European Union (except the European Central Bank and other institutions and bodies of the euro area), and b) S.22 Non-member countries and international organisations non-resident in the EU, taking into account that:

they are to represent the actual composition at the end of each reference period (‘evolving composition’);

Member States of the euro area have to provide all breakdowns as mentioned under a), a1), a2) and b); Member States not in the euro area are to provide the breakdowns as mentioned under a) and b), but the provision of the breakdowns mentioned under a1) and a2) is voluntary.

(*1)  The five additional tables mentioned below are required on a five-yearly basis (for reference years ending with 0 or 5). Transmission of these five additional tables is compulsory at current prices and voluntary at previous year’s prices.

The five tables are:

use table at basic prices (made of row-blocks (1) – (7))

use table for domestic output at basic prices (made of row-blocks (1) and (2))

use table for imports at basic prices (made of row-blocks (1) and (2))

table of trade and transport margins (made of row-blocks (1) and (2))

table of taxes less subsidies on products (made of row-blocks (1) and (2)).

(12) The concept to apply to the data by products in supply and use tables and input-output tables is the domestic concept. Adjustments to the national concept (direct purchases abroad by residents and purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents) are included as row totals in part (3) of the table. Final consumption expenditure by households by products does not include direct purchases abroad by residents. Final consumption expenditure by households by products includes purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents. Exports fob by products do not include purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents.

(13) Only at current prices.

(14) Exports are to be broken down into:

j)S.21 Member States and institutions and bodies of the European Union, j1) S.2I Member States of the euro area, the European Central Bank and other institutions and bodies of the euro area, j2) S.21 – S.2I Member States not in the euro area and institutions and bodies of the European Union (except the European Central Bank and other institutions and bodies of the euro area), and k) S.22 Non-member countries and international organisations non-resident in the EU, taking into account that:

they are to represent the actual composition at the end of each reference period (‘evolving composition’);

Member States of the euro area have to provide all breakdowns as mentioned under j), j1), j2) and k); Member States not in the euro area are to provide the breakdowns as mentioned under j) and k), but the provision of the breakdowns mentioned under j1) and j2) is voluntary.

(15) On a voluntary basis.

(*2)  Transmission of the two additional tables mentioned below is compulsory at current prices:

symmetric input-output table for domestic output at basic prices (made of row-block (1), row-block (2), row ‘use of imported products’, row-blocks (3) and (4))

symmetric input-output table for imports at basic prices (made of row-blocks (1) and (2)).

(*3)  Industry by industry provided that industry by industry is a good approximation of product by product.

(*4)  Only for the subtable for domestic output.

(16) The concept to apply to the data by products in supply and use tables and input-output tables is the domestic concept. Adjustments to the national concept (direct purchases abroad by residents and purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents) are included as row totals. Final consumption expenditure by households by products does not include direct purchases abroad by residents. Final consumption expenditure by households by products includes purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents. Exports fob by products do not include purchases on the domestic territory by non-residents.

(17) On a voluntary basis.

(18) Imports and exports are to be broken down into:

j)S.21 Member States and institutions and bodies of the European Union, j1) S.2I Member States of the euro area, the European Central Bank and other institutions and bodies of the euro area, j2) S.21 – S.2I Member States not in the euro area and institutions and bodies of the European Union (except the European Central Bank and other institutions and bodies of the euro area), and k) S.22 Non-member countries and international organisations non-resident in the EU, taking into account that:

they are to represent the actual composition at the end of each reference period (‘evolving composition’);

Member States of the euro area have to provide all breakdowns as mentioned under j), j1), j2) and k); Member States not in the euro area are to provide the breakdowns as mentioned under j) and k), but the provision of the breakdowns mentioned under j1) and j2) is voluntary.

(19) Data are to be provided at current prices.

(20) The data for columns G and H are to comprise three datasets based on the actuarial calculations carried out for those pension schemes. The datasets are to reflect the outcomes of a sensitivity analysis with respect to the most important parameters of the calculations, as agreed by statisticians on the one hand, and experts in ageing populations working under the auspices of the Economic Policy Committee, on the other. The parameters to be used shall be clarified in accordance with Article 2(3) of this Regulation.

(21) Such other non-defined contribution schemes, often described as hybrid schemes, have both a defined benefit and a defined contribution element.

(22) Schemes organised by general government for its current and former employees.

(23) These are non-autonomous defined benefit schemes the pension entitlements of which are recorded in the core national accounts.

(24) Counterpart data for non-resident households will only be shown separately when pension relationships with the rest of the world are significant.

(25) These supplements represent the return on members’ claims on pension schemes, both through investment income on defined contribution schemes’ assets and for defined benefit schemes through the unwinding of the discount rate applied.

(26) A more detailed split of these positions has to be provided for columns G and H based on the model calculations carried out for these schemes.


List of legal acts which are repealed

Regulation (EC) No 359/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2002 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 as concerns the use of ESA 95 in the determination of Member States’ payments to the VAT-based own resource (OJ L 58, 28.2.2002, p. 1)

Regulation (EC) No 1221/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 June 2002 on quarterly non-financial accounts for general government (OJ L 179, 9.7.2002, p. 1)

Regulation (EC) No 1267/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2003 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to the time limit for transmission of the main aggregates of national accounts, to the derogations concerning the transmission of the main aggregates of national accounts and to the transmission of employment data in hours worked (OJ L 180, 18.7.2003, p. 1)

Regulation (EC) No 501/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2004 on quarterly financial accounts for general government (OJ L 81, 19.3.2004, p. 1)

Regulation (EC) No 1161/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2005 on the compilation of quarterly non-financial accounts by institutional sector (OJ L 191, 22.7.2005, p. 22)

Regulation (EC) No 1392/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 November 2007 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to the transmission of national accounts data (OJ L 324, 10.12.2007, p. 1)

Regulation (EC) No 400/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community as regards the implementing powers conferred on the Commission (OJ L 126, 21.5.2009, p. 11)

Council Regulation (EC) No 1222/2004 of 28 June 2004 concerning the compilation and transmission of data on the quarterly government debt (OJ L 233, 2.7.2004, p. 1)

Commission Regulation (EC) No 264/2000 of 3 February 2000 on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 with respect to short-term public finance statistics (OJ L 29, 4.2.2000, p. 4)

Commission Decision 98/715/EC of 30 November 1998 clarifying Annex A to Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community as concerns the principles for measuring prices and volumes (OJ L 340, 16.12.1998, p. 33)

Commission Decision 2002/990/EC of 17 December 2002 further clarifying Annex A to Council Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 as concerns the principles for measuring prices and volumes in national accounts (OJ L 347, 20.12.2002, p. 42)