Annexes to COM(2023)659 - Countering potential threats posed by drones - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2023)659 - Countering potential threats posed by drones. |
document | COM(2023)659 |
date | October 18, 2023 |
22 The EU critical communication system will provide a secure, broadband-based infrastructure to ensure cross-border interoperability of communication systems used by law enforcement and emergency responders in the Schengen area.
23 Previously, until end 2020, security research and innovation were financed under Horizon 2020 and the 7th framework programme.
25 ALFA is also the basis for the ISF-project Courageous and its testing activities.
26 The Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) brings together security research stakeholders, ranging from policy makers, end-users, academia and industry to civil security:
27 In the Horizon Europe programme committee configuration ‘Civil Security for Society’.
28 Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) is an approach to the public procurement of research and development (R&D) services that was outlined in the PCP Communication (C(2007) 799 final) of 14.12.2007. It is an important tool to stimulate innovation, as it enables the public sector to steer the development of new solutions towards its needs.
29 Commission Staff Working Document ‘Enhancing security through research and innovation’, SWD (2021) 422 final of 15.12.2021.
30 SWD (2022) 362 of 10.11.2022. As described in the progress report on the implementation of the action plan on synergies between civil defence and space industries under Action 9.
31 C(2023) 2296 Commission Implementing Decision of 29.3.2023 on the financing of the Europe Defence Fund established by Regulation (EU) No 2021/697 of the European Parliament and the Council and the adoption of the work programme for 2023 - Part II.
32 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664 on a regulatory framework for the U-space. The term ‘U-space’ has been adopted to describe the management of unmanned aircraft traffic to ensure the safe interaction with other entities using the same space in urban areas and any other location.
33 Examples include projects funded under the BMVI specific actions on: (i) innovation for sea/shore, and/or land borders; and (ii) Frontex. Some projects funded under the specific action on innovation for sea/shore, and/or land borders focus on piloting innovative surveillance technologies. There is also a specific action for purchasing and making available equipment for deployment by European border authorities to detect and locate drones that cross borders in connection with illegal or criminal activities. This specific action will enable Member States to procure two counter drone systems. As an EU added value, upon a request made by Frontex as part of the annual bilateral negotiations, the technical equipment purchased under the specific actions must be put at the disposal of Frontex for a period of up to 4 months per year, for use in its joint operations.