Decision 2007/222 - 2007/222/EC: Commission Decision of 4 April 2007 declaring operational the Regional Advisory Council for the south-western waters under the common fisheries policy


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 95/52



of 4 April 2007

declaring operational the Regional Advisory Council for the south-western waters under the common fisheries policy



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Decision 2004/585/EC of 19 July 2004 establishing Regional Advisory Councils under the common fisheries policy (1), and in particular Article 3(3) thereof,

Having regard to the recommendation transmitted by France on 9 February 2007 on behalf of Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Portugal,




Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the common fisheries policy (2) and Decision 2004/585/EC provide the framework for the establishment and operation of Regional Advisory Councils.



Article 2 of Decision 2004/585/EC establishes a Regional Advisory Council to cover the south-western waters in International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) areas VIII, IX and X (waters around Azores) and CECAF divisions 34.1.1, 34.1.2. and 34.2.0 (waters around Madeira and the Canary Islands) (3).



In accordance with Article 3(1) of Decision 2004/585/EC, representatives of the fisheries sector and other interests groups submitted a request concerning the operation of that Regional Advisory Council to Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Portugal.



As required by Article 3(2) of Decision 2004/585/EC, the Member States concerned determined whether the application concerning the Regional Advisory Council for the south-western waters was in conformity with the provisions laid down in that Decision. On 9 February 2007, the Member States concerned transmitted a recommendation on that Regional Advisory Council to the Commission.



The Commission has evaluated the application by the interested parties and the recommendation in the light of Decision 2004/585/EC and the aims and principles of the common fisheries policy, and considers that the Regional Advisory Council for the south-western waters is ready to become operational,


Sole Article

The Regional Advisory Council for the south-western waters, established by Article 2(1)(e) of Decision 2004/585/EC, shall be operational as from 9 April 2007.

Done at Brussels, 4 April 2007.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission



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