Directive 1989/556 - Animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in and importation from third countries of embryos of domestic animals of the bovine species - Main contents
Intra-EU trade in and imports of bovine embryos
Directive 89/556/EEC — animal health conditions governing intra-EU trade in and importation from non-EU countries of cattle embryos
-It lays down animal health conditions for trade in embryos of domestic cattle between EU countries and their import from non-EU countries.
-By this means, it aims to reduce the risk of spreading animal diseases.
-Embryos for intra-EU trade must meet conditions concerning conception, collection, production, processing, storage and certification. They must be accompanied during transport by a health certificate certifying that they comply with this directive.
-The directive envisages a system for approving the embryo collection and production teams in the EU countries and in non-EU countries. Each team is registered by the competent authority of the country concerned and receives a veterinary registration number.
-The list of embryo collection and production teams is regularly updated by each EU country, then sent to the other EU countries and the public.
-Imports of embryos from non-EU countries are restricted to those:
-from countries listed in accordance with a procedure provided for in Article 18 of the directive with regard to certain criteria, such as
-the health of the livestock;
-information on contagious diseases;
-preventing and combating animal diseases;
-the structure of veterinary services;
-the guarantees provided;
-collected or produced by approved and listed embryo collection and production teams by competent authorities.
-The directive provides for safeguard and control measures in the country of collection and the destination country.
Regulation (EU) 2016/429 repeals and replaces Directive 89/556/EEC with effect from 21 April 2021.
It has applied since 29 September 1989. EU countries had to incorporate it into national law by 1 January 1991.
For more information, see:
-‘Bovine’ on the European Commission’s food safety website
Council Directive 89/556/EEC of 25 September 1989 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in and importation from third countries of embryos of domestic animals of the bovine species (OJ L 302, 19.10.1989, pp. 1–11)
Successive amendments to Directive 89/556/EEC have been incorporated in the original text. This consolidated version is of documentary value only.
Commission Decision 2006/168/EC of 4 January 2006 establishing the animal health and veterinary certification requirements for imports into the Community of bovine embryos and repealing Decision 2005/217/EC (OJ L 57, 28.2.2006, pp. 19–34)
See consolidated version of Decision 2006/168/EC.
Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health (‘Animal Health Law’) (OJ L 84, 31.3.2016, pp. 1–208)
last update 04.05.2020
This summary has been adopted from EUR-Lex.
Council Directive 89/556/EEC of 25 September 1989 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in and importation from third countries of embryos of domestic animals of the bovine species