Justice, Freedom and Security DG

Source: Europa Nu.

Dit directoraat-generaal i ondersteunde de Commissie bij het maken van voorstellen voor EU-wetgeving. Ook zag het toe op de implementatie van de wetgeving, nadat deze was aangenomen door de Raad van Ministers. Taak van het DG was ervoor te zorgen dat de hele Europese Unie een gebied is van vrijheid, veiligheid en rechtvaardigheid, zonder binnengrenzen.

Per 1 juli 2010 is dit DG gesplitst in een DG Justitie i en een DG Binnenlandse Zaken i.

Aandachtsgebieden van dit DG waren onder meer:

  • vrij verkeer van personen
  • visabeleid, Schengengebied, asiel en immigratie
  • samenwerking tussen de lidstaten bij civiele en strafrechtszaken
  • bestrijding van de misdaad (o.a. drugs- en zware criminaliteit) en terrorisme
  • mensenrechten, bestrijding van racisme en vreemdelingenhaat
  • samenwerking met andere landen en organisaties
  • justitiële aspecten van de uitbreiding van de EU


Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 73 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
16.06.2010  Application of Directive 2004/83/EC on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who ...
Report com(2010)314
31.05.2010  Accompanying document to the proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT and COUNCIL REGULATION implementing Article 10 of the UN’ Firearms Protocol and establishing export ...
31.05.2010  Accompanying document to the Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation implementing Article 10 of the UN’ Firearms Protocol and establishing export ...
Working paper sec(2010)663
06.05.2010  Action Plan on Unaccompanied Minors (2010 - 2014) SEC(2010)534.
Communication com(2010)213
06.05.2010  First Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum (2009).
Report com(2010)214


Legislation currently being implemented

There are 37 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
15.06.2010  Conclusion of the Agreement with the USA on the processing and transfer of Financial Messaging Data from the EU to the US for purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking ...
Decision com(2010)316
15.06.2010  Signature of the Agreement with the USA on the processing and transfer of Financial Messaging Data from the EU to the US for purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking ...
Decision com(2010)317
31.05.2010  Implementation of Article 10 of the UN’ Firearms Protocol and establishing export authorisation, import and transit measures for firearms, their parts and components and ...
Regulation com(2010)273
05.05.2010  Signing of the Agreement with Georgia on the facilitation of the issuance of visas.
Decision com(2010)197
05.05.2010  Signature of the Agreement with Georgia on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation.
Decision com(2010)199


Legislation in force

There are at least 3 laws or other legal instruments in force that have been previously proposed by undefined.
Date Title
16.04.2008  Migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II).
Decision com(2008)196
16.04.2008  Migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II).
Regulation com(2008)197
24.04.2007  Amendment of Annex I to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania.
Decision com(2007)204