Dr. V. (Viviane) Reding
Viviane Reding (1951) is a member of the European Parliament as an independent member, and is aligned with the European People's Party. She is elected on behalf of Luxembourg. From 1999 to 2014, Reding was Member of the European Commission. During the Barroso II Commission, she was Vice-President and Commissioner of Justice and Citizens' Rights. In the Barroso I Commission (2004-2010) Reding served as Commissioner for Information Society and Media. From 1999 to 2004, Reding was appointed Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth, Media and Sport. Reding served as the leader of Luxembourg's EPP delegation in the European Parliament from 1989 to 1999 and she was a Member of the group's Bureau. She started her career as a member of the Luxembourg Parliament (1979-1989).
Name and surname
Viviane Reding
Date of birth
27 April 1951 (Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxemburg))
Titles and honours
Viviane Reding received a dozen honourary doctorates and orders of merit.
Political afflimation
CSV (Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei) (Christian Democrat)
European political group
European People's Party
Human sciences, Sorbonne, Paris (doctorate)
-journalist and commentator 'Luxemburger Wort' from 1978 until 1999 (president Luxembourg Union of Journalists from 1986 until 1998)
-member House of Representatives from 1979 to 1989
-member council of Esch-sur-Alzette from 1981 to 1999
-member of European Parliament from 26th of July 1989 until 16th of September 1999
-member of European Commission, in charge of Education, Culture, Youth, Media and Sport, from 17th of September 1999 until 22nd of November 2004 (Podi Commission)
-member of European Commission, in charge of Information Society and Media, from 22nd of November 2004 until 10th of February 2010 (Barrosso I Commission)
-member and Vice-President of European Commission, in charge of Justice and Citizen's Rights, from 10th of February until 1st of July 2014 (Barroso II Commission, between 19th of April 2014 and 25th of May 2014 electoral furlough)
-member of European Parliament from 1st of July 2014
Political Party Posts
-president Christian-social women, from 1988 until 1993
-vice-president of CSV, from 1995 until 1999
-head of the Luxembourg delegation EPP in the European Parliament
-board member EPP in the European Parliament