Source: Europa Nu.
The Eurogroup is an informal body where the ministers of the euro area1 member states discuss matters relating to their shared responsibilities related to the euro.
Its main task is to ensure close coordination of economic policies among the euro area member states. It also aims to promote conditions for stronger economic growth. The Eurogroup is also responsible for preparing the Euro Summit meetings and for their follow-up.
The Eurogroup usually meets once a month, on the eve of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council2 meeting. The commissioner for economic and financial affairs, taxation and customs and the president of the European Central Bank also participate in the Eurogroup meetings.
- 1.De eurozone bestaat uit de 20 EU-lidstaten die de euro hebben ingevoerd als wettig betaalmiddel. Deze lidstaten voeren gezamenlijk het eurobeleid. De landen waar de euro wel als betaalmiddel geaccepteerd wordt maar die geen lid zijn van de EU behoren niet tot de eurozone.
- 2.The Council configuration on Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) is composed of the Ministers (or State Secretaries) of Economic Affairs of the Member States of the EU. Member states that have the euro as their currency form a sub-group known as the Eurogroup.