Decision 1980/237 - 80/237/Euratom: Council Decision of 18 February 1980 on the setting up of an 'ad hoc' Advisory Committee on the Reprocessing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This decision has been published on February 26, 1980 and entered into force on February 18, 1980.


Key information

official title

80/237/Euratom: Council Decision of 18 February 1980 on the setting up of an 'ad hoc' Advisory Committee on the Reprocessing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels
Legal instrument Decision
Number legal act Decision 1980/237
Original proposal COM(1977)331 EN
CELEX number i 31980D0237


Key dates

Document 18-02-1980
Publication in Official Journal 26-02-1980; Special edition in Spanish: Chapter 12 Volume 003,Special edition in Finnish: Chapter 15 Volume 002,Special edition in Portuguese: Chapter 12 Volume 003,OJ L 52, 26.2.1980,Special edition in Greek: Chapter 12 Volume 002,Special edition in Swedish: Chapter 15 Volume 002
Effect 18-02-1980; Entry into force Date of document
End of validity 31-12-9999


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




80/237/Euratom: Council Decision of 18 February 1980 on the setting up of an 'ad hoc' Advisory Committee on the Reprocessing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels

Official Journal L 052 , 26/02/1980 P. 0009 - 0010

Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 2 P. 0224

Greek special edition: Chapter 12 Volume 2 P. 0034

Swedish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 2 P. 0224

Spanish special edition: Chapter 12 Volume 3 P. 0204

Portuguese special edition Chapter 12 Volume 3 P. 0204

COUNCIL DECISION of 18 February 1980 on the setting up of an "ad hoc" Advisory Committee on the Reprocessing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels (80/237/Euratom)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community,

Having regard to the draft Decision submitted by the Commission,

Whereas the Commission has submitted to the Council a communication, "Points for a Community strategy on the reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuels",


Sole Article

An ad hoc Advisory Committee on the Reprocessing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels is hereby set up, with terms of reference as set out in the Annex hereto.

The Committee shall be composed of experts from public bodies and from undertakings concerned with the various aspects of reprocessing referred to in the Commission communication, three experts being appointed by the Government of each Member State and three representatives by the Commission. The Committee shall elect its own chairman. Secretariat services shall be provided by the General Secretariat of the Council. The Committee may, by common consent, call upon the services of experts from non-member States and from undertakings in non-member States in an advisory capacity.

Done at Brussels, 18 February 1980.

For the Council

The President

  • G. 

ANNEX Terms of reference of the "ad hoc" advisory Committee on the Reprocessing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels

  • A. 
    The tasks of the Committee shall be: 1. to analyze the reprocessing situation in the Community as regards the trend both of requirements and of available capacity, and to prepare a comprehensive report ; due account is to be taken in this analysis of work already carried out;
  • 2. 
    to collect information on the interim storage capacity which will be required pending medium-term reprocessing of fuel elements and to note the problems raised in this connection;
  • 3. 
    to examine whether and how to promote the development of the industrial capacity required in the Community and to facilitate the coordination of measures between the partners concerned, having due regard for legal provisions and industrial arrangements already obtaining;
  • 4. 
    to consider, with regard to industrial processing capacity, the desirability and feasibility of utilizing all relevant provisions of the Euratom Treaty, particularly with a view to facilitating convergence of the interests of promoters and users.
  • B. 
    Not later than one year after the date on which it is set up, and taking into account inter alia the results of the INFCE as seen by the Member States, the Committee will forward to the Commission a report, which the Commission will pass on to the Council accompanied, if appropriate, by suitable proposals.


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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