Directive 1995/45 - Specific purity criteria concerning colours for use in foodstuffs

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This directive was in effect from September 25, 1995 until January 29, 2009 and should have been implemented in national regulation on July  1, 1996 at the latest.


Key information

official title

Commission Directive 95/45/EC of 26 July 1995 laying down specific purity criteria concerning colours for use in foodstuffs
Legal instrument Directive
Number legal act Directive 1995/45
CELEX number i 31995L0045


Key dates

Document 26-07-1995
Publication in Official Journal 22-09-1995; OJ L 226, 22.9.1995,Special edition in Hungarian: Chapter 13 Volume 015,Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 13 Volume 016,Special edition in Slovenian: Chapter 13 Volume 015,Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 13 Volume 016,Special edition in Slovak: Chapter 13 Volume 015,Special edition in Maltese: Chapter 13 Volume 015,Special edition in Lithuanian: Chapter 13 Volume 015,Special edition in Latvian: Chapter 13 Volume 015,Special edition in Estonian: Chapter 13 Volume 015,Special edition in Polish: Chapter 13 Volume 015,Special edition in Czech: Chapter 13 Volume 015,Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 13 Volume 029
Effect 25-09-1995; Entry into force Date pub. + 3 See Art 3
End of validity 29-01-2009; Repealed by 32008L0128
Transposition 01-07-1996; At the latest See Art 2


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




Commission Directive 95/45/EC of 26 July 1995 laying down specific purity criteria concerning colours for use in foodstuffs

Official Journal L 226 , 22/09/1995 P. 0001 - 0045


of 26 July 1995

laying down specific purity criteria concerning colours for use in foodstuffs

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Directive 89/107/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning food additives authorized for use in foodstuffs intended for human consumption (1), as last amended by Directive 94/34/EC (2), and in particular Article 3 (3) (a) thereof,

After consulting the Scientific Committee for Food,

Whereas it is necessary to establish purity criteria for all colours mentioned in European Parliament and Council Directive 94/36/EC of 30 June 1994 on colours for use in foodstuffs (3);

Whereas it is necessary to revise the purity criteria for colours mentioned in the Council Directive of 23 October 1962 on the approximation of the rules of the Member States concerning the colouring matters authorized for use in foodstuffs intended for human consumption (4), as last amended by Directive 85/7/EEC (5);

Whereas it is necessary to take into account the specifications and analytical techniques for colours as set out in the Codex Alimentarius and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA);

Whereas food additives, prepared by production methods or starting materials significantly different from those included in the evaluation of the Scientific Committee for Food, or different from those mentioned in this Directive, shall be submitted for evaluation by the Scientific Committee for Food for the purposes of a full evaluation with emphasis on the purity criteria;

Whereas the measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Foodstuffs,


Article 1

The purity criteria referred to in Article 3 (3) (a) of Directive 89/107/EEC for colours mentioned in Directive 94/36/EC are set out in the Annex hereto.

Article 8 and Annex III to the Directive of 23 October 1962 are hereby deleted.

Article 2

  • 1. 
    Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive not later than 1 July 1996. They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof.

When Member States adopt these provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of their official publication. The procedure for such reference shall be adopted by Member States.

  • 2. 
    Products put on the market or labelled before 1 July 1996 which do not comply with this Directive may, however, be marketed until stocks are exhausted.

Article 3

This Directive shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

Article 4

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 26 July 1995.

For the Commission


Member of the Commission

  • (1) 
    OJ No L 40, 11. 2. 1989, p. 27.
  • (2) 
    OJ No L 237, 10. 9. 1994, p. 1.
  • (3) 
    OJ No L 237, 10. 9. 1994, p. 13.
  • (4) 
    OJ No 115, 11. 11. 1962, p. 2645/62.
  • (5) 
    OJ No L 2, 3. 1. 1985, p. 22.


  • A. 
    General specifications for aluminium lakes of colours


  • B. 



This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.



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