Decision 2006/778 - 2006/778/EC: Commission Decision of 14 November 2006 concerning minimum requirements for the collection of information during the inspections of production sites on which certain animals are kept for farming purposes (notified under document number C(2006) 5384)

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This decision was in effect from January  1, 2008 until December 13, 2019 and should have been implemented in national regulation on November 15, 2006 at the latest.


Key information

official title

2006/778/EC: Commission Decision of 14 November 2006 concerning minimum requirements for the collection of information during the inspections of production sites on which certain animals are kept for farming purposes (notified under document number C(2006) 5384)
Legal instrument Decision
Number legal act Decision 2006/778
CELEX number i 32006D0778


Key dates

Document 14-11-2006
Publication in Official Journal 15-11-2006; OJ L 142M , 5.6.2007,Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 03 Volume 077,Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 03 Volume 077,OJ L 314, 15.11.2006,Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 03 Volume 033
Effect 15-11-2006; Takes effect Date notif.
01-01-2008; Application See Art 10
End of validity 13-12-2019; Repealed and replaced by 32019R0723
Notification 15-11-2006


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 314/39



of 14 November 2006

concerning minimum requirements for the collection of information during the inspections of production sites on which certain animals are kept for farming purposes

(notified under document number C(2006) 5384)

(Text with EEA relevance)



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Council Directive 91/629/EEC of 19 November 1991 laying down minimum standards for the protection of calves (1), and in particular Article 7(2) thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 91/630/EEC of 19 November 1991 laying down minimum standards for the protection of pigs (2), and in particular Article 7(2) thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 98/58/EC of 20 July 1998 concerning the protection of animals kept for farming purposes (3), and in particular Article 6(3) thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 1999/74/EC of 19 July 1999 laying down minimum standards for the protection of laying hens (4), and in particular Article 8(3) thereof,




Directive 91/629/EEC lays down minimum standards for the protection of calves confined for rearing and fattening. It provides that Member States are to ensure that inspections are carried out under the responsibility of the competent authority to check compliance with that Directive.



Directive 91/630/EEC lays down minimum standards for the protection of pigs confined for rearing and fattening. It provides that Member States are to ensure that inspections are carried out under the responsibility of the competent authority to check compliance with that Directive.



Directive 98/58/EC lays down minimum standards for the protection of animals bred or kept for farming purposes. It provides that Member States are to ensure that inspections to check compliance with that Directive are carried out by the competent authority and that Member States are to submit reports to the Commission concerning those inspections.



Commission Decision 2000/50/EC of 17 December 1999 concerning minimum requirements for the inspection of holdings on which animals are kept for farming purposes (5) provides that the reports which the Member States are to submit to the Commission pursuant to Directive 98/58/EC are to cover calves, pigs and laying hens. It also specified the information which the Member States are requested to submit for each species and category of animals.



Inspections of animals kept for farming purposes carried out in the Member States should not only cover requirements laid down in specific acts such as those concerning calves, pigs or laying hens but also general welfare requirements as laid down in Directive 98/58/EC. The reporting obligations of the Member States to the Commission should therefore include both general and specific requirements under the Community legislation.



Inspections of animals kept for farming purposes carried out in the Member States should also cover all other farmed species that are within the scope of Directive 98/58/EC. The reporting obligations of the Member States to the Commission should therefore be extended accordingly.



Directive 1999/74/EC lays down minimum standards for the protection of laying hens. It provides that Member States are to ensure that inspections to check compliance with that Directive are carried out by the competent authority.



Experience gained under Directives 91/629/EEC, 91/630/EEC, 98/58/EC and 1999/74/EC indicate discrepancies between Member States in planning, performing, recording and reporting inspections carried out under those Directives by the competent...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.



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