Discussion sessions on The State of the Parliamentary Democracy

plenaire zaal vanaf bovenkant

The Montesquieu Institute and newspaper Trouw organised three discussion sessions. These discussions were a follow-up of the so-called 'Parliamentary self-reflection' examined by the Dutch Parliament. Scientists, members of the Dutch parliament, press and other interested parties debated on the state of the parliament and parliamentary democracy in the Netherlands.

The discussions were all moderated by Hans Goslinga i, political columnist of newspaper Trouw.


Politics without policy, policy without politics

The first discussions session focused on the topic 'Politics without policy, policy without politics'. Speakers were Jan-Willem Holtslag i, member of the Scientific Council for Government Policy, and Roos Vermeij i, a member of the Parliament for the Dutch Labour Party. The discussion took place on March 8, 2012.

Vermeij, Drs. R.A.


Gains the Parliament by a more investigative role?

The second session was about 'an investigating role of Parliament' and was introduced by Luc Verhey i of Maastricht University. Second debater was Stef Blok i, member of the Dutch Parliament for the Liberal Party and current Minister for Housing. The discussion was held on April 12, 2010.

Prof.mr. L.F.M. Verhey
Bron: Narcis

Stef Blok


A good member of Parliament

The third session focused on 'the good member of Parliament'. Speakers were Piet-Hein Donner i, former minister for Social Affairs and Employment, and Joop van den Berg i. The discussion took place on May 17, 2010

Donner, Mr. J.P.H

Joop van den Berg