Ria Oomen-Ruijten welcomes outcome of referendum

Source: M.G.H.C. (Ria) Oomen-Ruijten i, published on Sunday, September 12 2010, 3:09.

Ria Oomen-Ruijten, rapporteur of the European Parliament, welcomed the outcome of the referendum. "The clear result underlines the support of Turkish citizens for a more democratic Turkey with more rights for its citizens. In particular the provisions on the ombudsman, the limitation on the jurisdiction of military courts, the right to strike and the right to collective bargaining for civil servants are important steps forward. Therefore, I would congratulate the Turkish citizens."

"At the same time I want to stress that further efforts are needed. Current initiatives for Alevis and citizens of Kurdish origin should be translated in concrete reforms. I really hope that government and opposition will constructively work together on further reforms.

The high turnout shows the commitment of Turkish citizens to reform in their country. Ria Oomen-Ruijten is convinced that this result is a first step to further reform and modernisation of the country.