LI Statement on the new transition government in Tunisia

Source: J.C. (Hans) van Baalen i, published on Monday, January 17 2011.

“A selective inclusion of political forces is not a government of unity”

LI President Hans van Baalen MEP has reacted to the announcement of the new cabinet by the acting Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi and his decision to crate a transition government involving some of the opposition elements in Tunisia.

“The transitional government announced by Prime Minister Ghannouchi, under the banner of a national unity government, excluded the Liberals and the various parliamentary parties, except the movement ETTAJDID (the former Communist Party of Tunisia), the general secretaries of two socialist parties, Mustafa Ben Jaafar of the Forum for Labour and Liberties (Member of the Socialist International) and Ahmed Najib Chebbi of PDP (socialist leaning), as well as the majority of the RCD (the party of the ousted President Ben Ali). It also includes independent figures demonstrating clear socialist orientation. Such government can never be a government of national reconciliation. The Social Liberal Party (PSL) considers the new government as announcement of a new dictatorship on the back of the liberals and the democrats” said in a statement Mondher Thabet, the leader of the Social Liberal Party (PSL).

“The highly anticipated announcement of the acting Prime Minsiter Ghannouchi presented an unexpected surprise. The decision to exclude the Social Liberal Party of Tunisia (PSL), a parliamentary party and a full member of Liberal International, remains unanswered. It raises concerns about the real intention of the new transition authorities of Tunisia. A selective inclusion of political forces is not a government of unity. Exclusion of entire political blocks represented in the Parliament and political mainstreams from the new authorities is a wrong start of a process of building a national consensus over the necessary transition to a true and genuine democracy. Partial answers to the crisis have been attempted by the previous regime and they failed. What the Tunisian citizens deserve is reconciliation based on inclusive dialogue where all segments of the society and all political mainstreams will be represented” says LI President Hans van Baalen MEP.