Statement of the LI President on the ongoing popular revolt in Egypt

Source: J.C. (Hans) van Baalen i, published on Friday, January 28 2011.

“Egypt should learn from Tunisia's mistakes”

Following a violent crackdown on protesters throughout Egypt, which has seen over 800 individuals arrested and at least 6 dead, LI President Hans van Baalen MEP has called on the government to immediately release political prisoners and enter into negotiations with opposition parties to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

“Last night I received news that one of the regional headquarters of our member party [Democratic Front Party] was surrounded by police. Those inside the building were told that they could only emerge if they signed a statement forsaking political affiliation and partisan politics, despite the fact the DFP is a constitutionally recognised political party. Reports also indicate the son of LI party leader Ayman Nour [El-Ghad] has been detained. After organising fraudulent elections, the Egyptian authorities are now turning against their own people. Not only is Egypt not a functioning democracy, but now the Egyptian population and the international community are witnessing flagrant and brutal violations of civil and human rights by a regime that allegedly espouses democracy. Egypt should learn from Tunisia's mistakes. LI stands in solidarity with our Egyptian members and all those who oppose the despotic actions of President Mubarak of Egypt”, said the LI President.

The LI President further stated that an immediate dialogue must commence within Egypt to establish genuine democracy and to ensure that basic rights of individual liberty and freedom of expression are respected:

“The international liberal family stood in solidarity with our Egyptian members at the 56th Congress of LI in 2009. We continue to do so. I will call the leaders, parliamentarians, government officials and members of Liberal International to apply pressure where they can to ensure that this situation is rectified in a manner that ensures a sustainable democratic process that respects the rights of all Egyptians.”