Publication: Inside stories of Brussels

The Centre for Parliamentary History, with financial support of the Montesquieu Institute, launched a series of systematic interviews of a dozen Dutch (former) members of the European Parliament.

These interviews resulted in the Dutch publication of the book "Brusselse Verhalen: Europarlementariërs over de werking en dagelijkse praktijk van het Europees Parlement, 1979-2011"

Until now attention for the personal experiences of members of the European Parliament who, often against the current, have been working to achieve the realisation of the institute of the European Parliament, has been very low. The interview project of the Centre for Parliamentary History tried to fill this gap.

Over the period of 1979-2011 (former) members from different sessions of the European Parliament and from different political parties were interviewed.

Aim of the project is to gain more insight into the workings and daily practice of the European Parliament and to shed light on the similarities and differences that exist with the Dutch parliamentary system. This research project is being performed by Prof. C.C. van Baalen, Dr. H. Reiding and Drs L.J. van Damme.