Hans van Baalen tekent voor één zetel Europees Parlement: Brussel

Source: J.C. (Hans) van Baalen i, published on Saturday, July 16 2011.

Hans van Baalen heeft de brief inzake één zetel voor het Europees Parlement, zijnde Brussel, aan de nieuwe Franse minister voor Europese Zaken mede-ondertekend.

Dear colleagues,

I am delighted that the informal cross-party Brussels-Strasbourg Seat Study Group (see our website) set up last October has achieved its first objective: to break the code of silence which has for so long surrounded our controversial working arrangements. Also, an Absolute Majority of MEPs want a Single Seat - and in Brussels. Our report A Tale of Two Cities was published in February and revealed that the additional cost of Strasbourg is €180 million and 19,000 tonnes of CO2 each year.

As we close for the summer, we would like to share with all colleagues the current state-of-play on this important issue:

  • 1. 
    Thank you to the more than 100 MEPs who responded to our invitation on Tuesday to openly co-sign a letter to the new French minister for Europe, M. Jean Leonetti, asking him to publish his government's complaint in the European Court of Justice against the European Parliament for its decision on March 9 to reduce the time we spend in Strasbourg in 2012 and 2013. ¨Please find the letter and list of signatories in annex.
  • 2. 
    As you may already know, pro bono legal advice is being provided to the Study Group by the international law firm Sidley Austin LLP. On July 4, the deadline for the EP's submission to the ECJ, in closed proceedings, the first discussion in the EP Bureau on the Seat question took place upon my request, with a report from the head of the EP's Legal Service on the French cases. Attached is an appraisal of the legal situation.
  • 3. 
    On Tuesday 12 July we organised a Public Hearing in the EP on Alternatives to Strasbourg and what next for Brussels which was attended by 75 MEPs, staff, assistants, media and representatives of interested governments.
  • 4. 
    On May 10, the EP voted for "one workplace in a single location" on the Itala Report on the EP's 2009 Discharge.
  • 5. 
    But the most important milestone is the Absolute Majority of MEPs (373-285) who, in recorded votes, support the paragraph pointing to "the significant savings that could be made if the European Parliament were to have a Single Seat" in June's Garriga report on the Multiannual Financial Framework. The same majority voted in a secret ballot to amend the 2012/2013 Calendar.
  • 6. 
    A summary of recent media coverage is available on the media page of the website, and we will be happy to publish any articles you may wish to submit.

Please enjoy a restful summer break.


Edward McMillan-Scott

Chairman, Brussels-Strasbourg Seat Study Group

Alexander Alvaro

Chairman, OneSeat