Tragedie in Cyprus: EU-hulp nodig - Main contents
Hans van Baalen heeft de volgende steunverklaring voor Cyprus mede-ondertekend:
On July 11, 2011, the Republic of Cyprus experienced a massive catastrophe due to the explosion of highly explosive materials in 98 containers, which were seized, two years ago, from a Russian ship heading to Syria from Iran.
The Authorities of the Republic of Cyprus seized the "load" in complying with a relevant Resolution issued by the Security Council. The USA and the International Community had strong indications and proofs that the last destination of the military material of the "load" was terrorist organisations in the Middle East. The European Union officially welcomed the way that the Republic of Cyprus reacted in the context of its legal international obligations.
The size of the explosion was estimated up to a quarter of the Hiroshima bomb!
The Naval Base doesn't exist anymore and the main power station generating 50% of the total electricity coverage has been almost destroyed.
Twelve persons were killed whereas 62 people were badly injured.
The main problem that Cyprus faces now is the electricity black-outs and the lack of drinking water. The country is totally depended on desalinated water, so the shortages of the electric supply have a severe impact on the desalination process. The first estimates show damages of about 2,5 billion euros and it is obvious that Cyprus economy will be negatively affected.
We express our deep condolences for the tragedy which hit the country and we are ready to offer any necessary support to the people of Cyprus, in order to relieve them from this disaster, by asking the EU to undertake the necessary measures and act especially in two dimensions: 1. equipping the Republic of Cyprus with floating power plants, and 2. taking a decision and postpone, for a period of time, the penalties that the Republic of Cyprus pays for the emission of pollutants.