Directive 1989/369 - Prevention of air pollution from new municipal waste incineration plants
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official title
Council Directive 89/369/EEC of 8 June 1989 on the prevention of air pollution from new municipal waste incineration plantsLegal instrument | Directive |
Number legal act | Directive 1989/369 |
Original proposal | COM(1988)71 |
CELEX number1 | 31989L0369 |
Document | 08-06-1989 |
Publication in Official Journal | 14-06-1989; OJ L 163, 14.6.1989,Special edition in Swedish: Chapter 15 Volume 009,Special edition in Estonian: Chapter 15 Volume 001,Special edition in Slovenian: Chapter 15 Volume 001,Special edition in Czech: Chapter 15 Volume 001,Special edition in Hungarian: Chapter 15 Volume 001,Special edition in Finnish: Chapter 15 Volume 009,Special edition in Lithuanian: Chapter 15 Volume 001,Special edition in Latvian: Chapter 15 Volume 001,Special edition in Maltese: Chapter 15 Volume 001,Special edition in Polish: Chapter 15 Volume 001,Special edition in Slovak: Chapter 15 Volume 001 |
Effect | 16-06-1989; Entry into force Date notif. |
End of validity | 27-12-2000; Repealed by 32000L0076 |
Transposition | 30-11-1990; See Art 12 |
Notification | 16-06-1989 |
Council Directive 89/369/EEC of 8 June 1989 on the prevention of air pollution from new municipal waste incineration plants
Official Journal L 163 , 14/06/1989 P. 0032 - 0036
Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 9 P. 0061
Swedish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 9 P. 0061
of 8 June 1989
on the prevention of air pollution from new municipal waste incineration plants
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 130s thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),
Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (2),
Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (3),
Whereas the 1973 (4), 1977 (5), 1983 (6) and 1987 (7) European Community action programmes on the environment stress the importance of the prevention and reduction of air pollution;
Whereas the Council resolution of 19 October 1987 (8) on the action programme on the environnement for 1987 to 1992 states that it is important for Community action to concentrate, inter alia, on implementation of appropriate standards in order to ensure a high level of public health and environmental protection;
Whereas Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July 1975 on waste (9) provides that waste must be disposed of without endangering human health and without harming the environment; whereas, to this end, the same Directive stipulates that any installation or undertaking treating waste must obtain a permit from the competent authority relating, inter alia, to the precautions to be taken;
Whereas Council Directive 84/360/EEC of 28 June 1984 on the combating of air pollution from industrial plants (10) provides that prior authorization shall be required to operate new industrial installations and in particular waste incineration plants; whereas this authorization may be issued only when all appropriate preventive measures against air pollution have been taken, including the application of the best available technology not entailing excessive costs;
Whereas the abovementioned Directive 84/360/EEC stipulates that the Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission, shall, if necessary, fix emission limit values based on the best available technology not entailing excessive costs and suitable measurement techniques and methods;
Whereas incineration of municipal waste gives rise to emissons of substances which can cause air pollution and thereby harm public health and the environment; whereas in some cases this pollution may have transboundary features;
Whereas the techniques for reducing emissions of certain pollutants from municipal waste incineration plants are well established; whereas they can be applied reasonably economically in new incineration plants; whereas they provide a means of attaining concentrations of pollutants in the combustion gases not exceeding certain limit values;
Whereas Community limit values for dioxins and furans should be fixed as soon as possible;
Whereas all the Member States have laws, regulations and administrative provisions concerning the combating of air pollution from stationary plants; whereas several Member States have specific provisions on municipal waste-incineration plants;
Whereas the Community, by fixing emission limit values and other pollution-prevention requirements, helps increase the effectiveness of the action taken by the Member States to combat air pollution from municipal waste-incineration plants;
Whereas, in order to ensure an effective protection of the environment, requirements and conditions should be laid down for authorization for any new municipal waste-incineration plant; whereas these requirements must include an obligation to observe emission limit values for certain pollutants and appropriate combustion conditions, taking account of the technical...
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