Directive 1995/62 - Application of open network provision (ONP) to voice telephony - Main contents
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official title
Directive 95/62/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1995 on the application of open network provision (ONP) to voice telephonyLegal instrument | Directive |
Number legal act | Directive 1995/62 |
Original proposal | COM(1994)689 |
CELEX number i | 31995L0062 |
Document | 13-12-1995 |
Publication in Official Journal | 30-12-1995; OJ L 321 p. 6-24 |
Effect | 19-01-1996; Entry into force Date pub. + 20 See Art 34 |
End of validity | 30-06-1998; Repealed and replaced by 398L0010 |
Transposition | 13-12-1996; At the latest See Art 33 |
Directive 95/62/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 1995 on the application of open network provision (ONP) to voice telephony
Official Journal L 321 , 30/12/1995 P. 0006 - 0024
of 13 December 1995
on the application of open network provision (ONP) to voice telephony
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 100a thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),
Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (2),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 189b of the Treaty (3),
(1)Whereas Council Directive 90/387/EEC of 28 June 1990 on the establishment of the internal market for telecommunications services through the implementation of open network provision (4) provides inter alia for the adoption of a specific Directive establishing open network provision conditions for the voice telephony service;
(2)Whereas in accordance with Directive 90/387/EEC, open network provision (ONP) applies to public telecommunications networks and, where applicable, public telecommunications services; whereas therefore the application of ONP to the voice telephony service must also include the application of ONP to the network over which the voice telephony service is provided;
(3)Whereas ONP conditions for access to and use of the fixed public telephone networks and services must apply to all the network technologies currently in use in Member States, including analogue telephone networks, digital networks and the integrated services digital network (ISDN);
(4)Whereas this Directive does not apply to mobile telephony services; whereas it does apply to the use of fixed public telephone networks by operators of public mobile telephony services, in particular with respect to the interconnection of mobile telephone networks with the fixed public telephone network in a single Member State, in order to achieve comprehensive Community-wide services; whereas this Directive does not apply to direct interconnection between operators of public mobile telephony services;
(5)Whereas this Directive does not apply to services or facilities provided at network termination points located outside the Community;
(6)Whereas Commission Directive 90/388/EEC of 28 June 1990 on competition in the markets for telecommunications services (5) requires Member States to abolish exclusive rights for the supply of telecommunications services other than voice telephony; whereas Directive 90/388/EEC does not apply to telex, mobile radiotelephony and paging services;
(7)Whereas some Member States have abolished exclusive rights for the provision of voice telephony and the public telecommunications network; whereas those Member States should ensure that all users can subscribe to harmonized telephony services in accordance with this Directive; whereas the provisions of this Directive should not hinder entry to markets for voice telephony or the provision of the public telecommunications network;
(8)Whereas the voice telephony service has become important for social and economic reasons, and everyone in the Community should have the right to subscribe to this service; whereas in application of the principle of non-discrimination, voice telephony service must be offered and provided on request without discrimination to all users; whereas the principle of non-discrimination applies to, inter alia, availability of technical access, tariffs, quality of service, delivery period, fair distribution of capacity in the event of scarcity, repair time, availability of network information and customers' information, subject to relevant legislation...
This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.
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