Directive 2003/71 - Prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This directive was in effect from December 31, 2003 until July 20, 2019 and should have been implemented in national regulation on July  1, 2005 at the latest.


Key information

official title

Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading and amending Directive 2001/34/EC
Legal instrument Directive
Number legal act Directive 2003/71
Original proposal COM(2001)280 EN
CELEX number i 32003L0071


Key dates

Document 04-11-2003
Publication in Official Journal 31-12-2003; Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 06 Volume 007,Special edition in Estonian: Chapter 06 Volume 006,Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 06 Volume 003,Special edition in Latvian: Chapter 06 Volume 006,Special edition in Hungarian: Chapter 06 Volume 006,Special edition in Slovenian: Chapter 06 Volume 006,Special edition in Polish: Chapter 06 Volume 006,Special edition in Slovak: Chapter 06 Volume 006,Special edition in Lithuanian: Chapter 06 Volume 006,Special edition in Maltese: Chapter 06 Volume 006,Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 06 Volume 007,OJ L 345, 31.12.2003,Special edition in Czech: Chapter 06 Volume 006
Effect 31-12-2003; Entry into force Date pub. See Art 32
End of validity 20-07-2019; Repealed by 32017R1129
Transposition 01-07-2005; At the latest See Art 29


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading and amending Directive 2001/34/EC (Text with EEA relevance)

Official Journal L 345 , 31/12/2003 P. 0064 - 0089

Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council

of 4 November 2003

on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading and amending Directive 2001/34/EC

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Articles 44 and 95 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(2),

Having regard to the opinion of the European Central Bank(3),

Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty(4),


  • (1) 
    Council Directives 80/390/EEC of 17 March 1980 coordinating the requirements for the drawing up, scrutiny and distribution of the listing particulars to be published for the admission of securities to official stock exchange listing(5) and 89/298/EEC of 17 April 1989 coordinating the requirements for the drawing up, scrutiny and distribution of the prospectus to be published when transferable securities are offered to the public(6) were adopted several years ago introducing a partial and complex mutual recognition mechanism which is unable to achieve the objective of the single passport provided for by this Directive. Those directives should be upgraded, updated and grouped together into a single text.
  • (2) 
    Meanwhile, Directive 80/390/EEC was integrated into Directive 2001/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 May 2001 on the admission of securities to official stock exchange listing and on information to be published on those securities(7), which codifies several directives in the field of listed securities.
  • (3) 
    For reasons of consistency, however, it is appropriate to regroup the provisions of Directive 2001/34/EC which stem from Directive 80/390/EEC together with Directive 89/298/EEC and to amend Directive 2001/34/EC accordingly.
  • (4) 
    This Directive constitutes an instrument essential to the achievement of the internal market as set out in timetable form in the Commission communications "Risk capital action plan" and "Implementing the framework for financial market: Action Plan" facilitating the widest possible access to investment capital on a Community-wide basis, including for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups, by granting a single passport to the issuer.
  • (5) 
    On 17 July 2000, the Council set up the Committee of Wise Men on the regulation of European securities markets. In its initial report of 9 November 2000 the Committee stresses the lack of an agreed definition of public offer of securities, with the result that the same operation is regarded as a private placement in some Member States and not in others; the current system discourages firms from raising capital on a Community-wide basis and therefore from having real access to a large, liquid and integrated financial market.
  • (6) 
    In its final report of 15 February 2001 the Committee of Wise Men proposed the introduction of new legislative techniques based on a four-level approach, namely framework principles, implementing measures, cooperation and enforcement. Level 1, the directive, should confine itself to broad, general "framework" principles, while Level 2 should contain technical implementing measures to be adopted by the Commission with the assistance of a committee.
  • (7) 
    The Stockholm European Council of 23 and 24 March 2001 endorsed the final report of the Committee...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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