Decision 2005/854 - Decision 854/2005/EC establishing a multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies

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Current status

This decision has been published on June 11, 2005 and entered into force on the same day.


Key information

official title

Decision No 854/2005/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005 establishing a multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies
Legal instrument Decision
Number legal act Decision 2005/854
Original proposal COM(2004)91 EN
CELEX number i 32005D0854


Key dates

Document 11-05-2005
Publication in Official Journal 11-06-2005; OJ L 149, 11.6.2005,Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 13 Volume 049,Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 13 Volume 049
Effect 11-06-2005; Entry into force Date pub. See Art 7
End of validity 31-12-9999


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 149/1



of 11 May 2005

establishing a multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 153(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (1),

After consulting the Committee of the Regions,

Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (2),




Internet penetration and the use of new technologies such as mobile phones are still growing considerably in the Community. Alongside this, dangers, especially for children, and abuse of those technologies continue to exist, and new dangers and abuses are emerging. In order to encourage the exploitation of the opportunities offered by the Internet and new online technologies, measures are also needed to promote their safer use and protect the end-user from unwanted content.



The eEurope 2005 Action Plan, developing the Lisbon strategy, aims to stimulate secure services, applications and content based on a widely available broadband infrastructure. Among its objectives, are a secure information infrastructure, the development, analysis and dissemination of best practices, benchmarking and a coordination mechanism for e-policies.



The legislative framework being established at Community level to deal with the challenges of digital content in the Information Society now includes rules relating to online services, notably those on unsolicited commercial e-mail in the Directive on privacy and electronic communications (3) and on important aspects of the liability of intermediary service providers in the Directive on electronic commerce (4), and recommendations for Member States, the industry and parties concerned and the Commission, together with the indicative guidelines on the protection of minors, in Recommendation 98/560/EC (5).



There will be a continued need for action both in the area of content which is potentially harmful to children or unwanted by the end-user and in the area of illegal content, in particular child pornography and racist material.



Reaching international agreement on legally binding basic rules is desirable but will not be easily achieved. Even if such agreement is reached, it will not be enough in itself to ensure that the rules are implemented or that those at risk are protected.



The Safer Internet Action Plan (1999 to 2004) adopted by Decision No 276/1999/EC (6) has provided Community financing, which has successfully encouraged a variety of initiatives and has given European added value. Further funding will help new initiatives to build on the work already accomplished.



Practical measures are still needed to encourage reporting of illegal content to those in a position to deal with it, to encourage assessment of the performance of filter technologies and the benchmarking of those technologies, to spread best practice for codes of conduct embodying generally agreed canons of behaviour, and to inform and educate parents and children on the best way to benefit from the potential of new online technologies in a safe way.



Action at Member State level involving a wide range of actors from national, regional and local government, network operators, parents, teachers and school administrators is essential. The Community can stimulate best practice in Member States by carrying out an orientation role both within the European...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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