Directive 2008/73 - Simplification of procedures of listing and publishing information in the veterinary and zootechnical fields

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This directive was in effect from September  3, 2008 until December 31, 2009 and should have been implemented in national regulation on January  1, 2010 at the latest.


Key information

official title

Council Directive 2008/73/EC of 15 July 2008 simplifying procedures of listing and publishing information in the veterinary and zootechnical fields and amending Directives 64/432/EEC, 77/504/EEC, 88/407/EEC, 88/661/EEC, 89/361/EEC, 89/556/EEC, 90/426/EEC, 90/427/EEC, 90/428/EEC, 90/429/EEC, 90/539/EEC, 91/68/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 92/35/EEC, 92/65/EEC, 92/66/EEC, 92/119/EEC, 94/28/EC, 2000/75/EC, Decision 2000/258/EC and Directives 2001/89/EC, 2002/60/EC and 2005/94/EC
Legal instrument Directive
Number legal act Directive 2008/73
Original proposal COM(2008)120 EN
CELEX number i 32008L0073


Key dates

Document 15-07-2008
Publication in Official Journal 14-08-2008; OJ L 219, 14.8.2008,Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 03 Volume 058
Effect 03-09-2008; Entry into force Date pub. + 20 See Art 25
01-01-2010; Partial application See Art 25 + 32009D0436
End of validity 31-12-2009; Partial end of validity Art. 11 Implicitly repealed by 32009L0158
01-01-2010; Partial end of validity Art. 2 Implicitly repealed by 32009L0157
11-08-2010; Partial end of validity Art. 7 Implicitly repealed by 32009L0156
31-10-2018; Partial end of validity Art. 18 Implicitly repealed by 32016R1012
31-10-2018; Partial end of validity Art. 4 Implicitly repealed by 32016R1012
31-10-2018; Partial end of validity Art. 5 Implicitly repealed by 32016R1012
31-10-2018; Partial end of validity Art. 8 Implicitly repealed by 32016R1012
13-12-2019; Partial end of validity Art. 13 Implicitly repealed by 32017R0625
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 1 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 10 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 12 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 14 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 15 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 16 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 17 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 19 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 20 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 21 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 22 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 23 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 3 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
20-04-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 6 Implicitly repealed by 32016R0429
Transposition 01-01-2010; At the latest See Art 24.1


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 219/40



of 15 July 2008

simplifying procedures of listing and publishing information in the veterinary and zootechnical fields and amending Directives 64/432/EEC, 77/504/EEC, 88/407/EEC, 88/661/EEC, 89/361/EEC, 89/556/EEC, 90/426/EEC, 90/427/EEC, 90/428/EEC, 90/429/EEC, 90/539/EEC, 91/68/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 92/35/EEC, 92/65/EEC, 92/66/EEC, 92/119/EEC, 94/28/EC, 2000/75/EC, Decision 2000/258/EC and Directives 2001/89/EC, 2002/60/EC and 2005/94/EC

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 37 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Having regard to the Opinion of the European Parliament,

Having regard to the Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee,




Community legislation in the veterinary field provides that assembly centres for bovine, porcine, caprine and ovine animals, equine marshalling centres, dealers of those animals, poultry establishments, semen collection or storage centres and embryo collection or production teams and certain bodies, institutes and centres (‘animal health establishments’) are to comply with certain conditions and must be officially approved by Member States for intra-Community trade in certain live animals and their products, and in particular animal genetic materials, such as semen, ova and embryos.



Community legislation provides for different procedures with regard to the registration, listing, updating, transmission and publication of those animal health establishments. However, differences in the procedures make the listing and the updating complicated and the practical use of those lists for the competent control services and the concerned operators very difficult.



Therefore those procedures should be harmonised and provide for more systematic, coherent and uniform rules with regard to the five key elements of such procedures, namely registration, listing, updating, transmission and publication of the lists.



In addition, since it is for the Member States to control the conditions that must be fulfilled by the different animal health establishments in order to be listed, the responsibility for the drawing up of the lists should lie with the Member States and not the Commission.



Member States should therefore draw up and keep up-to-date lists of the animal health establishments concerned and make them available to the other Member States and to the public. In order to harmonise the model forms of those lists and the way to achieve simple access to up-to-date lists for the Community, common criteria need to be established under a comitology procedure.



In the interests of clarity and consistency of Community rules, this new procedure should also apply in the zootechnical field, in particular to breeding associations approved for maintaining or establishing herd books in Member States and to information to be provided by Member States regarding equine competitions in accordance with Council Directive 90/428/EEC of 26 June 1990 on trade in equidae intended for competitions and laying down the conditions for participation therein (1).



Similarly to the rules applied to intra-Community trade, imports of semen, ova and embryos are regulated in such a way that the animal health establishments of origin in third countries are to fulfil certain conditions in order to minimise animal health risks. Accordingly, imports into the Community of such genetic materials should only be authorised from semen collection or storage centres and embryo collection or production teams officially approved for export to the Community by the competent...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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