2005/602/EC: Decision No 1/2005 of the EU-Morocco Association Council of 4 August 2005 derogating from Protocol 4, concerning the definition of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation, to the association agreement with Morocco

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Current status

This other was in effect from August  4, 2005 until January  1, 2007.


Key information

official title

2005/602/EC: Decision No 1/2005 of the EU-Morocco Association Council of 4 August 2005 derogating from Protocol 4, concerning the definition of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation, to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part
Legal instrument Other
CELEX number i 22005D0602


Key dates

Document 04-08-2005
Publication in Official Journal 09-08-2005; OJ L 168M , 21.6.2006,OJ L 206 p. 8-10
Signature 04-08-2005; Brussels
Effect 04-08-2005; Entry into force Date of document See Art 7
01-01-2006; Application See OJ C 76/2006 P. 1
End of validity 01-01-2007; At the latest See Art. 8


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 206/8



of 4 August 2005

derogating from Protocol 4, concerning the definition of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation, to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part



Having regard to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part (1), signed at Brussels on 26 February 1996, hereinafter the ‘EU-Morocco Agreement’, and in particular Article 39 of Protocol 4 of the Agreement, concerning the definition of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation, thereof,




The Joint Declaration on Article 39 of Protocol 4 to the EU-Morocco Agreement states that the Community is prepared to examine any request from Morocco for derogations from the rules of origin after signature of the Agreement.



On 19 April 2005, Morocco submitted a request for a derogation from the rules of origin for garments. On 7 June 2005, Morocco completed its request by sending the list of products and relevant quantities, for a total amount of 10 890 tons of garments falling under chapters 61 and 62 of the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System.



Pending the entry into force of the Morocco-Turkey Free Trade Agreement signed on 7 April 2004 and pending the amendment of the EU-Morocco Protocol on rules of origin, the derogation would allow the manufacture in Morocco of originating garments from fabrics originating in Turkey for export to the Community.



This derogation applies also to fabrics originating in Turkey and exported to Morocco from the Community.



This derogation will anticipate the effects of a higher degree of cumulation as compared to the one provided for in the current origin protocol, thus contributing to the development of the Moroccan economy, in particular of its textile sector.



Accordingly, this derogation should be granted on the condition that the free trade agreement between Morocco and Turkey, including its protocol on rules of origin, has entered into force.



The derogation should be granted until the entry into force of the new protocol on rules of origin among the three Parties concerned, namely Morocco, Turkey and the Community but, in any event, for no longer than a period of one year,


Article 1

By way of derogation from Annex II to Protocol 4 to the EU-Morocco Agreement, the garments listed in the Annex to this Decision and obtained in Morocco from fabric originating in Turkey shall be considered as originating in Morocco.

Article 2

The derogation provided for in Article 1 may only be applied provided that preferential rules of origin identical to the rules of origin contained in Protocol 4 to the EU-Morocco Agreement are in force between Turkey and Morocco in order to determine the originating status of the fabrics sourced in Turkey.

Article 3

For the purpose of this Decision and by way of derogation from Article 18(4) and (5) of Protocol 4 to the EU-Morocco Agreement, the customs authorities of a Member State of the Community may issue EUR.1 movement certificates for fabric originating in Turkey to be exported to Morocco.

Article 4

The quantities referred to in the Annex shall be managed by the Commission, which shall take all administrative action it deems advisable for their efficient management. Articles 308a, 308b and 308c of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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